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what's your leaders story


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Well, my overall leader is a Word Bearer called Grand Heresiarch Lykaeos. He's somewhere between a demagogue, a religious leader, a philosopher an allround humanitarian visionary and a space necromancer. He's also everything you could hope for in a boss; he's charismatic, open, honest, genuinely interested in his men's wellbeing and has a great and positive vision for his warband (and all of humanity). The only thing is, he's not so good about missed deadlines and he tends to cast your soul screaming into the warp if you let him down more than a few times.


He sees Chaos and the worship of it as the ultimate enlightenment and destiny of mankind (in a "the truth will set you free" kind of way) and he'll do anything to bring it about. Which means that he's operating with what most people might see as a bit of a double standard; razing whole worlds and sacrificing their populations, reanimating the dead, summoning daemons and generally committing every atrocity under the sun is just steps on the way to the greater, noble, goal. And he's cool with that.


As it stands, he's just about to join his forces to the Warmaster, possibly even intending to take the black and leave his Word Bearer allegiances behind. This is partly because he's not too enamoured with Lorgar's passive ways and partly because of all the prophetic visions regarding the 13th black crusade. He wants to be there when the corpse Emperor is cast down and the new age of humanity's glorious enlightenment begins (as a true son of Lorgar, he's a bit too quick to deify and idealize and so he doesn't quite realize that the great Warmaster and him might not see eye to eye on everything).


Then I've got a bunch of other characters too; a fallen who's been inducted into the Black Legion (and who acts as the Warmasters ambassador to the Heresiarch's warband), an Iron Warriors Warsmith who's not quite as "big C" chaos as the Heresiarch and a Night Lords Captain, who's probably going to end his days messily, since he won't conform to the warband's new direction (also, I can't force myself to paint all those lightning bolts).

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My warband is actually an alliance between 2 separate warbands and thus has 2 rival leaders.


My first Lord is a Son of Horus and was part of the Justaerin terminator elite. He fled to the eye along with the rest of his legion and joined the Black Legion when Abbaddon returned to the Sons, mainly due to Abbaddon being his captain and former master. However, only a few centuries have passed from his point of view and he sees those marines that fully submit to chaos as foolish. Thus his appearance has changed little since the Siege of Terra and he still wears his Justaerin Cataphractii armour. However he has proven to be a charismatic leader with the ambition of joining Abbaddon's inner circle. Little does he know that the ornate mace he wields, that was once the signature weapon from a slain rival champion, is actually a daemon weapon and he is falling to the ways of Slaanesh every moment he remains in the eye.


There is also a rival leader in my warband that is seeking to take control. He is a Death Guard that joined the Black Legion and has fully submitted to the power of nurgle. He took a large contingent of Death Guard with him when joined the BL and so wields considerable influence over the entire warband. He sees his Slaaneshi rival as naive and plans to either turn him to nurgle or kill him in order to gain control of the entire warband. He wields an enormous power scythe and still has a Gravewarden terminator retinue after thousands of years in the Eye.

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I'm not aloud to tell his story here with it being a family show.


Basic highlights.

He was Emperor's Children and fought at the Imperial Palace. Well, not so much at as he got distracted.

Managed to flee with a ship, crew, and some other EC and headed for the Eye. Taking in some sights and picking up a few..erm...hitch hickers on the way and have a party or two.


Was very much involved in raids and capturing, erm, new guests for more parties. Not so much with the EC as such but as a ship on their own.


Legion colours were ignored by most as all were encouraged to express themselves in any and every way. Much to the...surprise of guests.


He's developed a like for the feel, smell, look, and reaction to...er...peeling shall we call it. And often does it to himself.



I'll leave it at that as self censorship is kinda tricky.

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Commander Occam commands Force Omicron, a warband that began life as a special operations cell for the XX Legion during the Great Crusade.  Occam's strategic vision can really be summed up as "chaos;" that's a deliberate lower case.  Occam and his men have fallen to worship of a minor Chaos power named Ophion, who is a vaguely Malal-ish deity with a Tzeentchian theme.  The true nature of Chaos, Occam claims, is chaos, and thus true servants of Chaos should seek to upset order wherever it can be found.


As a result, Occam leads Force Omicron against targets seemingly without any grand strategic aims.  One day, he's setting up cults on an Imperial hive world, the next he's raiding planets in the Eye for supplies.  Imperial, Chaos, Xenos, it doesn't matter; he's made common cause with other Chaos Marines leaders as often as he has with radical Inquisitors.  His philosophy in warfare can best be described (and indeed, was based on) the following quote from Heath Ledger's Joker from The Dark Knight:


"Introduce a little anarchy, upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos.  I'm an agent of chaos.  And you know the thing about chaos?  It's fair."


From the outside, it looks like he's just being destructive for the sake of destruction, but in reality there's a method behind the madness. . . even if very few can actually see it.

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My Warband's fluff is still as yet incomplete (I'm wavering between their allegiance being Tzeentchian and undivided). Anyway:


The Bahltimyr Reavers (formerly the Ravens of Bahltimyr) were a Chapter raised in the Twenty-first "Cursed" Founding. Their Geneseed was "stabilised" or so it was thought, weeding out the damage wrought by Corus Corax millennia ago. When told of this, their parent Chapter the Raven Guard were horrified and denounced them, having no wish to have anything to do with them at all. This rejection, along with the general distrust and suspicion garnered by their Founding made them bitter, preferring to fight alone, even on fields of battle shared by other loyal Imperial forces. On one campaign, they were reinforced by a Company of Marines of the Steel Wings Chapter. Formal communications were sparse, the Ravens slighted by the assertion by the Steel Wings Iron Lord (Captain) that they would take the lead whilst the rest of the Chapter was on route. Despite being a small Chapter with heavy casualties, the Ravens ignored their "allies" and decided to assault the main stronghold held by an unknown Chaos force, their subsequent casualties the trigger to unleashing a greater Daemon of Khorne. Seeing that the fight had become untenable, the Steel Wings executed orbital bombardment in the very area the Ravens were fighting, setting of tectonic activity that swallowed the Ravens whole, the signal to retreat dismissed. It was assumed that the Ravens perished, their willful, uncooperative nature reported as the catalyst for their own fate.


Unknown to the Steel Wings, a reduced force of Marines had survived, trapped deep below the surface. Many Marines suffered horrific wounds, their very bodies mutating out of control due to their exposure to Chaos. Their very geneseed now undone, those who had succumbed became known as the Changed, monstrous creatures with an unslakable desire for the flesh of the living. The Chapter Master Rai Lurweiss beseeched the God-Emperor to save them. He was given no answer, at least not from the Master of Mankind...

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Well, seeing as I play Black Legion I answer only to the Warmaster.....

....but the leader of my portion of the Legion is a daemon prince of Khorne called The Red Bane. An unsavory character who ingests the skulls of champions he defeats in the name of his patron. Ascended from Goriel Bane; a former Sons of Horus Reaver. I am currently writing some fluff on him but the general gist of him is he was well thought of by Abaddon as Goriel Bane with him aiming to get into the inner circle, but the usual tale of chaos tragedy befalls him and he eventually gets possessed by his own daemon weapon; trading places with said daemon so he becomes the weapon as the warpbeast takes his body.

The warband is mostly Khornate as a result, although being Black Legion there will be elements from other Gods. The Red Bane cares not from whence the blood flows....

EDIT - My phones corrective spelling won't beat me

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'm not aloud to tell his story here with it being a family show.


Basic highlights.

He was Emperor's Children and fought at the Imperial Palace. Well, not so much at as he got distracted.

Managed to flee with a ship, crew, and some other EC and headed for the Eye. Taking in some sights and picking up a few..erm...hitch hickers on the way and have a party or two.


Was very much involved in raids and capturing, erm, new guests for more parties. Not so much with the EC as such but as a ship on their own.


Legion colours were ignored by most as all were encouraged to express themselves in any and every way. Much to the...surprise of guests.


He's developed a like for the feel, smell, look, and reaction to...er...peeling shall we call it. And often does it to himself.



I'll leave it at that as self censorship is kinda tricky.

Parties eh? With those red disposable cups, punch and a pop punk band like in a teen movie?
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Subject: Aspis, known also as Aspis Vipera, Aspidex, Serpentarius, Alpharius,


Leader of the traitor warband <CLASSIFIED>, suspected to be part of the Alpha Legion. 


Data in Inquisitorial Archive <CLASSIFIED>:


- suspected a link to Adeptus Astartes Aspis, Sergeant of the 73rd Harrowing, Splinter Theta Rho, Cell 29 <CLASSIFIED>, suspected to operate as forward scout elements of the XXth Legiones Astartes, Headhunter Configuration


- 721.M32 - Suspected to be operative in the Ultramar Sector (Ref. Massacres of Tula)

- 187.M34 - Subject captured by the Imperial Navy after the Corinth Voidwar. Rescued after a boarding action by unknown traitor elements.

- 321.M34 - See Izoroshi Dynasty Wars - (Ref. Battle of Bunker 11 - unknown traitor astartes operations and support to the Cult of the Blue Snake)

- See references 432- Omega Sigma Delta (Slaying at Katlan), Ref. Assassination of Cardinal Molan, Ref. Duzaru Feuds...

- 999.M41 - Assault on the Mechanicus observation station "Machina Asiru", subsector Cadia...


The subject is suspected to be a deep void operative of the infamous <CLASSIFIED> warband, operating in subsector Cadia. He is suspected of promoting illicit chaos cults across the sector, of the kidnapping of key imperial personnel and of supporting the efforts of the Archenemy. It is noted that the subject is at the head of a small but very disciplined formation of trator astartes and has been seen operating alongside the elements of the Thousand Sons (see Ref. 544 - Battle of Hurlan). The compromise of the Fury Eyes frigate squadron of the Imperial Navy, Fleet Obscurus is accredited to this warlord. 


The Inquisition is still investigating the assault on the Black Ship <CLASSIFIED> where a host of gamma class psykers was subtracted from the Imperium. The incident on Watch Station Erinyes is being investigated. The death of seven Deathwatch astartes elements and the rescue of the imprisoned Archon Uzyx of the Flayed Heart Kabal is attributed to the warband <CLASSIFIED> which implies either a cooperation between the xenos and the traitors, or an action to force a ransom.  

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There are 3 main figures in my warband, namely the Gilded Lord, who leads the warband itself, then there's the Heartless, a renegade Lamenter who has turned to Nurgle, and then finally there's the Singer in Stygian Depths, He Who Dances to the Music of the Spheres, a pair of figures who are ex-Alpha Legion


The Gilded Lord:


Little is known now of who the Gilded Lord originally was, as his past was burned away the moment he sealed his pact with Slaanesh to take control of the warband. All that is known is that he was the leader of an Iron Warriors garrison force, forgotten in the tumult and confusion of the Heresy. Instead, the garrison became increasingly tyrannical, with the Gilded Lord setting himself up as a tyrant and god to the native population, demanding tribute and blood in equal measure. What was once an organised demi-Company of the Iron Warriors soon devolved into a cult of personality, following the Gilded Lord.

The Gilded Lord himself is a telepath of terrifying power, his powers gifted to him by Slaanesh Itself, which he uses to rip the memories from those he kills, desparate to find any new experiences amongst them.


The Singer in Stygian Depths:


Once a member of the Alpha Legion, the Singer is now apparently terrified of those he once called brothers, or to be more specific, their Primarch Alpharius. When pressed on the subject, he will only state that he was present at Eskrador, and he saw the result of the duel between Alpharius and Guilliman, that "the greatest trick the Hydra played was convincing the galaxy he was dead", before muttering over and over that "he watches all, and he sees." Skilled in Divination, the Singer has achieved ascendance, although in typical Tzeentchian fashion, in a way different that would be expected. Instead of becoming a Daemon Prince, the Singer has split into two bodies. The Singer himself, retained the logical, methodical aspects of his personality, while the spontaneity and emotion was split into another figure, which will only cackle when asked for a name.


The Heartless:


Once the First Captain of the Lamenters, the Heartless was killed in the final stand of the Lamenters during the Badab War. As he lay dying, the Captains faith in the Emperor was broken. He'd done everything the Emperor had ever asked of him, even martyred himself in His service, and his only reward was to be cast aside, killed by a Minotaur Terminator, branded a heretic for defending his Emperor-given rights of an Astartes. His pain found a patron within the Warp, and Nurgle brought him back to life, no longer a defender of humanity, but the Heartless, a Lord of Chaos who desired nothing more than to tear down the Imperium which had cast him aside, and to watch as it rots.

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Lord Andurial the Wartorn, leader of the Putrefactors Death Guard splinter Warband

Also known as Andurial Bileblood, Warlord Andurial leads a warband known as the Putrefactors.  He commands a force of over five hundred marines, with thousands of support personnel in traitor guardsmen, cultists, and crew.  He originally served with the Death Guard under the 2nd Great Company as a Sergeant, Andurial is noted as one of the few Terran marines not sent to die on Isstvan III.  The culmination of the death of his brothers and the defeat of the Traitors at Earth are often attributed with his desertion of his Legion to lead a splinter warband.  Many of the marines are not as diseased and bloated despite their allegiance to Father Nurgle.  This attributes many Deathguard who simply didn't go all the way into the Plague Cults, while still appreciating what Nurgle's blessing has turned for them in battle.  Andurial is known as bileblood for the black oily tears that run across his helmet and face, his appearance is strangely whole for a follower of the rotting god.  His only explanation is two marks, both of which were given by two in the garden, one before and one after. 

Lord Andurial was with his Legion that faithful day when Nurgle claimed them.  Since then, Andurial has spent the long millenia fighting a war for his survival, against other traitors and to a hostile galaxy as a mercenary.  Ironically, his Terran heritage and short length as a Dusk Raider has kept a small sense of his honor in sparing those who surrender without drawing arms, or marines who turn to the true cause.  His current stronghold is on a newly claimed world of the Imperium, within arms reach of the Eye.  The planet had capitulated without aggression with the overthrowing of the ruling families.  This world fuels his raider force with munitions, and proves a valuable port to host his ships.  It is currently garrisoned and defended by the Putrefactors, the planets air now rife with soot and smog, with a green haze now permeating the day time. 


Andurial is noted as declaring martial law over the world to keep the population from destroying itself and the vital foundries needed to supply his forces of vehicles and munitions.  Much like his patron, the Wartorn has shown protection to the planet and its people in a similar way to the Blood Gorgons.  This is most likely descended from the Dusk Raiders sense of honoring treatise and those who fight honorably, although his massive leniency has changed to include mutants and xenos after his fall.  This has raised many claims of weakness in him, many met with swift retribution and a consistent record of proving he is capable murderer.  He resides in a tower in the old governor palace, now turned Fortress, while his Warband is garrisoned by the shipyards and the government district. 

Particular list of notable events involved with, not limited to:

  • Asteroid Drop over the Cardinal World of Jegunder II
  • Unleashing the Corpus Desolus contagion upon Crymeria IV and V Agriworlds, scouring both worlds of life and starving several nearby systems. 
  • Mercenary deployment with Sons of Nemeroth on the Imperial/Orks/Chaos free for all vie for the Forge World Graia.  Led a breakout after Nemeroth's defeat, slaying many Orks, Imperial Guard, and Space Marines through one of the last Warp Portals into safety.
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My lord High Inquisitor, what follows is an incomplete record of the actions of the VIII Legion warband known as the 'Circle of Inclemency' as well as their warleader, the demonic creature once known as Talonmaster Sah Vossago. The following are records of traitor actions as extracted from a captive, executed 987.M41.


c.M31: The Night Lords stronghold of Tsagualsa is besieged by the newly reborn Ultramarines Chapter as well as their myriad successors. In the confusion of the attack, the Traitor Legion is forever splintered, disparate warbands scattering in all directions. An estimated third to quarter of the Night Lords 8th Company under the leadership of a Nostraman born warleader known as Sah Vossago are among the first to flee, claiming the Night Lords strike cruiser Messenger of Fate and disappearing into the warp.


c.850.M33: The Tyren Secundus Massacre The burgeoning hive world of Tyren Secundus is attacked by a small force of darkly armored renegade Space Marines. The planet's unclear astropathic hails are answered by the 4th Company of the Dark Angels, who descend into the hive to hunt down the Chaos Astartes, eventually bringing to battle several squads of Night Lords. The Night Lords immediately flee from the enraged Sons of the Lion, however the apparent rout becomes a trap as the pursuing Dark Angels are counter-charged by a gaggle of World Eaters somehow bribed or coerced into the Night Lords' service. As the battle reaches its climax, the Night Lords disappear into the smoke, attacking now unprotected civilian centers before disappearing entirely.


c.350.M37: The Night Reaving The Night Lords sorcerer Heyon The Doomed uses proscribed warp-magiks to contact the Commorite Kabal of the Jade Knife. Obsessed with finding a way to prevent his own prophesied demise, Heyon strikes a pact with the Dark Eldar to assault an Imperial shrine world, claiming slaves for both factions as well as a mystical tarot deck that the sorcerer believes can re-weave the very threads of fate that it predicts. The Night Lords vessel Messenger of Fate appears in high orbit above the world, just as the skies are mysteriously darkened by unknowable the xenos technology wielded by the Dark Eldar. Shielded from reprisal by inky darkness that obscures both sight and any attempts at augury, the strike cruiser quickly begins bombarding the planet's air defense network, using pre-planned coordinates provided by Night Lords infiltrators.


As the batteries are taken down, the darkened skies fill with VIII Legion Thunderhawks and Dark Eldar skimmer-craft, disgorging throngs of bloodthirsty sadists into the ranks of Stormtroopers, Sororitas, and Imperial priests. The alliance is short lived however, as both the Night Lords and the Jade Knife attempt to betray one another almost simultaneously for a greater share of the spoils, culminating in the destruction of the mystical tarot at the hands of the Archon of the Jade Knife, an act the alien considers a "mirthful jest". Ultimately neither side is able to establish advantage, and both withdraw, leaving the once beautiful Imperial world a madman's abattoir.


c.500.M40: Dark Apotheosis The 3rd Company of the Angels Porphyr Chapter responds to increasing Chaos cult activity on the hive world of Charbyd's Reach, a wellspring of bodies for the Imperial Guard, and surrounded by a vast asteroid field rich in adamantium. Deploying via drop pod from the strike cruiser Truthseeker into the very heart of the primary hive, the Space Marines find themselves faced with a massive throng of mutants and heretics that have all but overrun Imperial rule and now number in the tens of thousands. As the battle rages within the hive, one of the larger asteroids appears to light up on the Truthseeker's augurs, and before the vessel has even broken geosynchronous high orbit with the planet, it was already detecting a spread of boarding torpedoes and assault boats fired toward its aft.


Unable to maneuver into an advantageous firing position by the gravity of the planet and the suddenness of the attack, the Truthseeker was quickly boarded by Night Lords warleader Sah Vossago and a coterie of his most murderous chosen. Its halls all but empty of Space Marine protectors, the strike cruiser was quickly taken, its walls slick with the gore of chapter serfs and menials. Their grisly work complete, Vossago sent his retainers back to their assault boats to return to the Messenger, while he settled his dark armored form into the gilded command throne of the Imperial vessel. He was changed now, his form wispy and tenebrous, and as he guided the prow of the strike cruiser down into the atmosphere toward the massive spire of the hive, his eyes glowed with dark purpose. In those final moments, as the Truthseeker plunged into the hive and its plasma reactor finally detonated, that Sah Vossago annihilated an entire company of the Adeptus Astartes and in doing so sealed his pact with the Infernal Powers. When next he was seen he was an altogether different creatures. A great winged beast of ash colored flesh and clad in plate of midnight riven by cracks of flame, his hands grasping demonic talons, and his visage no longer even a mockery of a man.

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My warband leader is Vezis Shan "the Shredder".

42nd company was lead by Daemon Prince of Slaanesh (previous codex), who cared about nothing, except gaining more gifts from the Dark Gods. Sorcerer Skelos and raptor champion Salhas tricked their leader into attacking Space Wolves company and left him isolated, where he was defeated by Wolf Lord and three squads of Wolf Guard.

Salhas was ready to become a leader of 42nd company, as was agreed before this battle, but then by the order of terminator champion Vezis Shan Nigh Lords retreated from combat, leaving Salhas and his raptors behind.

Shan is Nostraman, he uses twin lighting claws most of the time, but he also possesses a few powerful daemonic weapons which he reluctantly uses only in the darkest hours.

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Mine is a Battle Sister turned pirate with the needed augmented stuff to be more than a regular spezmarine, she was there when those Greyknights did the whole Khorne Worship thing with her sisterhood and now she has joined a pirate band taking every oppurtunity to attack and plunder the Imperium.


She is now know as Skarre.

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My warband leader is Vezis Shan "the Shredder".



Is his arch-nemesis a radical inquisitor who has been mutated by the powers of the Chaos gods?... And are all of his plans foiled by this inquisitor's 4 carapace wearing warrior acolytes?

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My warband leader is Vezis Shan "the Shredder".

Is his arch-nemesis a radical inquisitor who has been mutated by the powers of the Chaos?... And are all of his plans foiled by this inquisitor's 4 carapace wearing warrior acolytes?

Almost, his nemesis is a mutated wolf biggrin.png

I'm currently trying to make Shredder's helmet for my Lord, using green stuff, but I couldn't make any decent looking one yet :D

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I'm almost inclined to re-write and flesh out mine, but honestly a little embellishment doesn't kill it.  Besides, not every day someone writes about a goddamn Asteroid knocking out a planet.

I would like to one day get a bunch of IW players together and write about a joint attack between Warbands.

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I'm almost inclined to re-write and flesh out mine, but honestly a little embellishment doesn't kill it.  Besides, not every day someone writes about a goddamn Asteroid knocking out a planet.


I would like to one day get a bunch of IW players together and write about a joint attack between Warbands.


this sounds like the start of a new thread/campaign idea, one that'd be pretty awesome to be fair. 


on topic: i'll be posting my leader's story up in the next couple of days. good stuff though guys, love the fluff that Chaos inspires. 

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Coriolis was the master of the noble blood angels successors known as the Crimson Wings. He fought as a noble son of Sanguinius and railed against the curse known as the Black Rage.


However, after his men were exposed to an unknown radiation source while dispatching the remnants of a necron forge world, the Black Rage took on an insidious airborne form, quickly infecting the whole chapter.


After the deaths of over seven hundred marines, the chapter was declared irredeemable by Inquisitor Laura Deevers, and was forced to go on the run.


Coriolis eventually struck a bargain with Grandfather Nurgle: they would spread death and destruction in his name if the grandfather would grant them immunity to their plague.


To Nurgle, this sounded well, and he blessed the Crimson Wjngs with the full bounty of his blessings. An embittered and enraged Coriolis swore vengeance against both the imperium and the inquisition.


Intelligence reports have suggested that Coriolis has recently acquired the services of a detachment of 'The Purge' and musters on the surface of Alpraxi IV...

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For my Night Lords, we have Marek Vanya, captain of the 100th Company, and a Survivor of Terra. He and a handful of his men survived the Great Siege, and, along with a handful of other Traitors, are now little more than raiders trying to survive. Although, the Prophet has reconvened the Legion high command...


My Word Bears are led by Master Davin Shankara, commander of the ship Downfall of Heaven. He and his Chapter were at Terra during the Siege, and are renowned "Boarding Action Kings". 98% of the Chapter were slain during the Siege. Now, tagging along with Vanya's Night Lords, he is a merciless pirate who leaves nothing but empty cargo holds in his wake.


My Alpha Legion are led by...well...Alpharius, of course. Who else would you expect? What is their story? Eh, no one knows. Hydra dominatus and all.

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Syndahl Vas leads the 111th in midnight clad


He is an opposing man who tends to speak very little, and when he does it is in the lowest of baritones. He is swept into battle atop the giant lupine beast, Menerva, a giant wolf he bent to his will and also saw a kindred spirit within. He is fond of taking local inhabitants as slaves while upon worlds with inhabitants fit to do so. They are fitted with mind control devices fashioned by the warbands Warpsmith.


End of Line

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