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what's your leaders story


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I'm almost inclined to re-write and flesh out mine, but honestly a little embellishment doesn't kill it.  Besides, not every day someone writes about a goddamn Asteroid knocking out a planet.


I would like to one day get a bunch of IW players together and write about a joint attack between Warbands.


If you're referring to my fluff, it wasn't an asteroid hehe. Basically the asteroids were rich in adamantium, which is the same metal they use to make starship hulls. So the NL cruiser powered down all systems except some passive augurs and floated among the asteroids, making itself practically invisible, especially as it was largely constructed of the same metal that the asteroids were rich in. Once the loyalists deployed to the hive to fight off the massive cultist uprising (that was engineered by infiltrating Night Lords presenting themselves as "Envoys of the Gods" and helping in the surreptitious overthrow of the Imperial government) the NL cruiser sprung the trap and powered up its reactor and engines to quickly get within boarding range of the Imperial cruiser. To the Imperial though, this literally looked like an asteroid suddenly "lighting up" and becoming a ship as far as their scanners were concerned. Anyway, once the Imperial ship was captured, the NL lord (who was on the cusp of demonhood already) piloted it into the hive, sacrificing his mortal form to kill a company of loyalist Astartes and ascending to full demonhood.


Thanks for reading it though, I love sharing fluff :D

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I have two, unsure as to which is my favourite;


Barsamis doesn't like daemons. Doesn't like them, doesn't trust them, doesn't use them, doesn't treat with them, for damn sure doesn't see the point of them. Which would be fine if he was an Iron Warrior, Night Lord or someone like that, but there's a problem. He's a Wordbearer..... now a double traitor (first to Emperor, then to Lorgar) he was thrown out of his Legion with only a bare ten of his fellows with him who thinks as he does. Why he wasn't simply killed in an amusingly excruciating way is a mystery to all, not least Barsamis himself. He wanders on the very cusp of realspace and immaterium, hunted in one and unwilling to dive headlong back into the other, but occasionally he accomplishes things that actually work out.


 Kharlos Rieekan is the current captain of the 25th Grand Company, Legion World Eaters.


One of the very few companies not involved in the fracas at Skalathrax, the 25th still retain the old ways when they were more than subsumed by blood-madness. They still wear the traditional white and blue, are still tactically flexible, retain a clear command structure and are found in greater numbers as a single entity than any others. With an arsenal to match. Much of this is down to Rieekan.

 A gifted strategist, cold logic and passionless action are his watchwords, regarding anything else as dangerously unstable. More than once it has been joked that he's actually an Iron Hands infil-traitor, so close is he to their mindset, though never in his presence. He regards the rest of the Legion as deluded fools, merely exchanging one remote and contemptuous deity for another. One of the very, very few to not be implanted with the Nails - no one is quite sure how he avoided it - he is Terran by birth albeit not by inclination. His will is done and his command absolute, not least because anyone showing the least signs of falling too deeply to Khorne is given the crappiest armour and weapons, shoved to the front of the battle line and left to die.

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My Iron Warriors have a number of Characters, all of whom can act as my leader in games, depending upon which aspect of my army is being represented.


Matteus Damien, the Plaguesmith of Nurgle.


A former Warsmith who set aside his technological role after the Battle of Terra.  Now a prodigeous Chaos Lord whose cold analytical mind is favoured by Perturabo, he leads his Grand Company known simply as "The Scions" through fear and intimidation.  It was his Grand Company that took pride of place in Perturabo's unleashing of the plague in the 32nd Millennium that took the Primarch one step closer to Daemonhood.  This was in no small part due to the number of Destroyers in his company making them an ideal choice for the role.  Unfortunately, the exposure to the irradiating effects of his company's weaponry, combined with the effects of the warp began to cause widespread corruption among the company, up to and including Damien himself.  It eventually passed beyond the capabilities of his Apothecaries and Warsmiths to replace all the horrific and disfiguring mutations that became ever more commonplace.  Eventually a chance meeting with Typhus and the Terminus Est provided them with a solution, and so it was that the vast majority of the Scions became beholden to Grandfather Nurgle.  Their new alignment and the protection they were offered gave Damien and his corrupted warriors enough time to complete their conversion.  So it was that when they were next seen, there was little left of the warriors they had once been.  Now more machines than men, they stalk the battlefield immune to the virulent horrors they unleash through their deadly weaponry.


But not all of the Scions shared this fate, of the many sub-commanders, centurions and consuls a few took very different paths.


Black Cardinal Apophus / Apophus the Ascendant

The second in command of the Scions.  Once one of the few Chaplains of the Iron Warriors, Apophus was always the manipulator, the instigator, the schemer.  That this made him so unsuited to his role should have been evident, yet his cunning allowed him to manoeuvre himself into it.  Once there his expansive dialect and skills of persuasion meant that he indeed did act as an inspirer or men, whilst his insatiable curiosity made him a superb council.  That he did these things entirely for his own ends became evident as soon as the Scions first made planetfall on Istvaan V.  Separating himself and his closest acolytes from the rest of the Scions, Apophus struck like a vicious bird of prey, hunting down any psychically gifted members of the now trapped loyalists.  It was with their collected Gene Seed that his plan finally came to conclusion, in a diabolical ritual he consumed each one in turn.  As he did so, his mind opened more and more to the powers of the warp.  When the ritual was completed he was a Chaplain no longer, the Black Cardinal was born.  Now a psyker of formidable power and the right hand of Damien, he is the dark heart of the Scions.

During the Long War, Apophus eventually is raised to daemonhood, becoming Apophus the Ascendant, Daemon Prince of Tzeentch.


Moritat Kvasir, the Twisted One


Once the Centurion in command of the Scion's Destroyer squads, Kvasir was always a dark, twisted and sadistic soul.  Taking delight in the suffering his horrific weaponry caused his enemies, he became ever more obsessed with the pain he caused, and the pleasure his felt when causing it.  His exposure to the Emperor's Children during the Angel Exterminatus incident further hastened his degeneration.  Embracing Slaanesh openly, he initially found himself ever more shunned by the more rigid of his brethren.  However as the Heresy continued, he began to draw more favourable attention.  Over time he gained more and more followers, however, it wasn't until one of the Scions Warsmiths was drawn into the fold, that they became more than just a small faction of disaffected outcasts.  Experimental sonic and phosphex weaponry turned them into a force to be reckoned with.  Since the Heresy Kvasir has become one of the more openly mutated of the Scions, gifted with a sinuous, snake-like tail in place of his legs, he writhes forward with suprising speed before hitting the jets of his jump pack, launching himself into the enemy like a vicious, barbed missile.


Centurion Schevchenko, Commander of the Forlorn Hope


Schevchenko was the Scions foremost expert in taking breaches, that he has survived as long as he has is testament to these formidable skills.  Unfortunately the Heresy forever changed this once promising commander.  Schevchenko and his detachment were seconded to the World Eaters at the orders of the Warmaster.  It was intended that placing such a brilliant mind in amongst the rapidly devolving berserkers of the World Eaters would help to ensure that, when the time came to breach the walls of the Emperor's Palace, the Assault would seal the defenders fate without question.  Unknown to all but a few among the Scions, Schevchenko had always had a penchant for anger and once surrounded by individuals to whom rage was as natural as air, his proclivities only escalated.  By the time of the assault on Terra, the hum of the nails could be heard emanating from his helmet, and in battle his once keen mind was replaced by little more than a psychotic madness.

During the Long War, it is believed that Schevchenko, like Apophus, was at some point raised to Daemonhood, becoming a Daemon Prince of Khorne, although this cannot be confirmed.  There have been reported events that have described both Schevchenko and a Bloody-skinned Daemon fighting alongside one another, between them leaving little but a charnel pit of blood and death.

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Well, the first of my leaders is a Khornate Daemon Prince.


The Daemon Prince Kalybos, called the Doomhunter, is the master of the Doomseekers. Once the proud and pious Master of the Osseous Throne Chapter, XVIIth Legion Astartes, he and his warriors forsook the Pantheon when they realised that in truth their destiny had always been bound to the blood-hungry whims of the Blood God Khorne. And so it was that on the Daemon world of Verrat that Jareth Kalybos, at this point still a mere mortal in the eyes of the Powers, was chosen for greatness.


When his mortal body was sundered by the blade of a Greater Daemon of Slaanesh, Kalybos' last words were a devotion, sacrificing himself for the greater glory of the Lord of Skulls. Who can say whether Khorne truly blessed the dying warrior? Perhaps it was simply the warp energies scouring the planet's very essence that fuelled his sudden and violent ascension to Daemonhood. The Ruinous Powers are notoriously fickle with their attention.  Either way, Jareth was wracked by power, his bones breaking, growing and reforming, great crimson wings tearing from his shoulder blades like an eruption of blood-stained leather and steel, vast talons gouging through the throat of the Keeper of Secrets in joyous exultation.


Since that day he has led his brethren in a death crusade, an unending hunt for a doom mighty enough to earn the Blood God's favour.


(Currently re-writing my Index Traitoris.)


Aaaaaand the in-progress leader of my drawing-board stage Traitor Guard, the Heshik Nekhar or "Waiting Death":


As one might expect, a force such as the Heshik Nekhar requires a charismatic and unflinching leader, and they have precisely that in the form of Darotar "Judge" Ulric, a hulking, warp-swollen former arbiter responsible for ordering the massacre of over ten thousand loyal Imperial citizens during the Uprising. Ulric personally slaughtered the High Ecclesiarch of Fryjya Bastion and his attendant clergy in a vile ritual of devotion to the Lord of Skulls, a ritual which drew the attention and favour of Prince Kalybos, master of the Doomseekers.


Judge Ulric is a gleefully violent man who excels at command and close-quarters combat and prides himself on the martial expertise and murderous intent of his hand-picked soldiers. While his position rarely affords him the chance to engage the enemy in assault, when the opportunity arises he advances eagerly into the fray, gouging torsos and throats with all the joy and energy of a child opening presents on Candlemas morning. He rules the Heshik Nekhar with a very literal iron fist, his right arm having been obliterated by an Imperial Fist bolter round during a counter-insurgency action toward the end of the Uprising. The malevolent, black-iron augmetic which Kalybos gifted the mortal with after the conclusion of the campaign is a vile, rune-encrusted appendage capable of tearing through Terminator armour with ease, and twitches with barely-controlled tics and violent urges. Ulric's standard-issue Arbites shotgun, now burned and re-consecrated with the skull runes of Khorne, remains his weapon of choice while reinforcing the lines of his warriors during combat, and its distinctive roar is often used to add emphasis to his bellowed commands.  


(That's right. Shotgun, AP2 close combat attacks, leads a line of traitor guard... GUESS WHO HE COUNTS AS.)



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Between Caerolion and Toomanyprojects both being in this thread, I'm starting to feel the same as incinerator above wanting to get all the IW players together.


A whole black crusade of Nurgle-touched sons of Sanguinius. Just imagine it.


Well, me being in Australia, I may have to skip that.


And also, well, how would the Gilded Lord put it...


You think I still follow that deluded tyrant, and count ourselves amongst his pet soldiers? How very quaint. Perturabo cast us aside the moment another trinket caught his eye. Join us, brothers. Join the Host of the Graven Image, and see what you can be capable of when you loose yourself from the machinations of the Lord of Iron. Kneel before me, and I shall set you free. The Dark Prince has given us the galaxy to do with what we will, and we... We are His Angels.

Forget the bitter rivalries of your uncaring "father", swear yourself to my Icon, and let yourself become what you were always meant to be. All are welcome within the Host. Kneel but once, and I shall give you everything.

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Warsmith Bolverk of the IV Legion 49th Grand Company "Iron Hounds"


In brief, the 49th Grand Company was an autonomous task force originally created to guard the ever lengthening supply lines of the Great Crusade. During the Horus Heresy the 49th transitioned to raiding loyalist worlds and disrupting Imperial relief efforts before ultimately being recalled to support the Terran campaigns. Following the Heresy the 49th returned to their garrison planet and held their subsector until the Imperials organised a vengeance fleet from the XIII Legion
during the Scouring to root them out, chasing them into the Eye of Terror. The 49th emerged from the Eye during Abaddon's 7th Black Crusade as a very different force, wearing new colours and dedicated to a cult of personality based around their Warsmith and his peculiar interpretation of an eclectic mass of Dark Ages mythology and philosophy recovered or revealed to him during their time in the Eye. Since slipping the leash of the Warmaster the 49th has operated as
mercenaries, pirates, and adventurers whose inscrutable motivations see them aiding Imperial worlds against xenos nearly as often as they burn and loot them of materiel for themselves.


The Warsmith himself has become an eccentric figure whose moods and interests can shift suddenly and dramatically. At times he is a calm philosopher and father figure to his space marines and leads the warband with clear logic and creative genius. At other times he is enthralled by his passions or lost in visions. During these times his Isarnhauld, a ruling council of his captains, operational staff, and favored champions, runs the warband in his name. He is considered a savior and a prophet and a saint, touched by Divinity with a secret purpose, and in his moments of clarity he oversees the devotional learning of his warband through lectures and preaching. His fits of madness and rapture are watched closely for revelations and hidden profundities, though not without the proper precautions against his occasional indiscriminately murderous rampages. It is a dubious blessing, if rare, for the Warsmith to harvest the skulls of his own champions.


The Warsmith has several captains, though none are permanently attached to any of his companies. Each of these captains is a powerful champion in his own right, strong enough to lead their own warband but for their devotion to the Grand Company's cult. The Warsmith only enters ground warfare himself when a sizable contingent the Comitatus, his own Terminator elite, are required to take part in the battle. Though he may defer at times to his Isarnhauld concerning the overall operations of the warband, during battle his rule is absolute and unquestionable. He fights from the front of his
Comitatus, leading his men in a berserk fury, clad in a custom pattern of Terminator armour with an assortment of weapons to choose from depending on his pre-battle whims, often favoring a vicious power claw, wrist-mounted combi-bolter, and a vicious warhammer containing a bound and highly agitated greater daemon.


Known only as "The Old Warsmith", Bolverk's predecessor is entombed within a Contemptor Dreadnought and spends the majority of his time chained in
the Armoury. The Old Warsmith is unusually lucid, though he is also unusually angry, even for a Chaos Dreadnought. He is the only member of the 49th who has not embraced the chapter cult and taken up the new colours. In spite of this, The Old Warsmith acknowledges Bolverk as the legitimate Warsmith and sets about any task assigned to him with stubborn stoicism.

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After some serious procrastination about starting 40k again and creating 14 different warbands I settled on using one of the 4 below.


Corvus Narkaaroth, Blood Mage of the Crimson Slaughter

As a codicer in the Crimson Sabres Chapter, Narkaaroth specialised in Biomancy and formed a close bond with the Captain of the 8th Company Nthricar. When madness at last consumed him, he had the blood of both innocents and his own brothers on his hands. Freed from the strictures of the Imperium Narkaaroth developed his knowledge of Biomancy and, when the opportunity presented, learned a portion of Fabius Bile's dark methods. His sanctum soon resembled an abattoir as much as a place of study, the self proclaimed Blood Mage toiled alongside the Warp Smiths to create twisted abominations and weapons of war. Attached to one of Krannon's Lieutenants at the behest of the Chapter Master himself, Narkaaroth served the warlord Tausil the Forsaken One, before being attached to Tausil's champion Sarkoth. Ultimately, Narkaaroth betrayed Sarkoth and condemned him to interment in the sarcophagus of a Helbrute. Now the Blood Mage leads in an attempt to avenge the Imperium's betrayal, to silence the voices and carve a bloody legend for himself.   


Tavion Darkblood, leader of the Black Legion warband the Rogo Dyss

Tracing their roots back the 63rd Company of the XVI Legion, the Rogo Dyss are but one group to emerge from the fallout of the disappearance of Lord Kholvax. Led by the ambitious Tavion Darkblood, the Rogo Dyss have launched a hateful crusade against the Imperium of Man and the foul Xenos who inhabit the galaxy. Born into imprisonment, Darkblood was forcibly inducted into the XVI Legion during the height of the Heresy. Utterly corrupt from centuries of wandering the warp in exile, Darkblood works to re-forge the shattered Company and restore it to glory, carving a legend for himself and earning the favor of the Dark Pantheon in the process. To this end the warband have renewed their oaths to Warmaster Abaddon’s Black Legion and backed insidious cults throughout mankind's Empire as the final days of the Long War draw ever nearer.


Thaerin the Eater of Dreams, Exile of the III Legion

A former member of the vaunted Phoenix Guard, the Chaos Lord Thaerin ascended to command during the Heresy through a combination of political acumen, latent psychic talent and raw aggression in the gladiatorial arenas of the III Legion. Since the breaking of the Legion, Thaerin has followed the whispers of his unholy patron becoming the seemingly deathless "Eater of Dreams". On the exodite world of Lyr'shel'bavash Thaerin and his warband enacted a ritual which placed the entire population into a nightmare filled slumber from which they would never awake. Over the next 666 days Thaerin devoured the dreams of the Lyr'shel'bavash exodites, offering their souls to Slaanesh's eternal thirst. Imperial records have recorded the death of the "Eater of Dreams" on no less than 18 separate occasions however, each time Thaerin has returned renewed by the powers of the warp for the Dark Prince is loathe to loose servants which please her. 
In the closing days of the 41st Millenium, following the whispers of the warp, Thaerin has oathed his warriors to the Warmaster's 13th Crusade. Drawing on his warp enhanced powers Thaerin has begun reaching out to the weak minded through their dreams, gathering his agents together. Though the Inquisition is quick to eliminate these "Sleepers" it has become clear that something sinister is coming.
Torsha Val "the Wolf of Nostramo", current leader of the Myrth'Shul Var
Once the 74th Company of the VIII Legion Astartes the Myrth'Shul Var, which translates loosely as the Eternal Scream from Beyond the Veil, were amongst those scattered sons of Nostramo who wholly fell into the embrace of the Dark Pantheon. Fueled by the innate self destructive tendencies that define the VIII Legion, the Myrth'Shul Var have teetered on the brink of destruction for much of their existence. Addicted to surgical enhancement, combat drugs and obsessed with the infliction of fear within "lesser" beings, the Myrth'Shul Var have long since fallen into the clutches of Slaanesh, the Dark Prince of Chaos. Emerging from the most recent insurrection, Torsha Val, called the "Wolf of Nostramo" by his brothers, holds the warband in an iron grip, intent on realising his own dark ambitions and casting down the Empire he once fought to create.
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I'm almost inclined to re-write and flesh out mine, but honestly a little embellishment doesn't kill it. Besides, not every day someone writes about a goddamn Asteroid knocking out a planet.

I would like to one day get a bunch of IW players together and write about a joint attack between Warbands.

If you're referring to my fluff, it wasn't an asteroid hehe. Basically the asteroids were rich in adamantium, which is the same metal they use to make starship hulls. So the NL cruiser powered down all systems except some passive augurs and floated among the asteroids, making itself practically invisible, especially as it was largely constructed of the same metal that the asteroids were rich in. Once the loyalists deployed to the hive to fight off the massive cultist uprising (that was engineered by infiltrating Night Lords presenting themselves as "Envoys of the Gods" and helping in the surreptitious overthrow of the Imperial government) the NL cruiser sprung the trap and powered up its reactor and engines to quickly get within boarding range of the Imperial cruiser. To the Imperial though, this literally looked like an asteroid suddenly "lighting up" and becoming a ship as far as their scanners were concerned. Anyway, once the Imperial ship was captured, the NL lord (who was on the cusp of demonhood already) piloted it into the hive, sacrificing his mortal form to kill a company of loyalist Astartes and ascending to full demonhood.

Thanks for reading it though, I love sharing fluff biggrin.png

I was actually referring to mine where it was decided it would be a morale blow to the region by knocking out another symbol of the Emperor. So I used a piece not frequently talked about, dropping a planet killing asteroid.

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My Red Corsairs are led by a warlord, Giselburtus.  He prefers the title "Strike Commander" and was an Astral Claw.  His Warband is his attempts to rebuild his lost cohort, The Nightblades.  A gentleman, scholar, sorcerer, thief and rogue, when the Tyrant needs a special something taken with a softer touch than the rest of the Red Corsairs, he sends in the Nightblades.  Of course, things always seem to go sideways, and he's too happy to shoot his way out. (Huron stand in)

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Chapter Master Gabriel D'Aquila of the Void Angels (excommunicate traitoris)


Void Angels are of Imperial Fists geneseed and they have very strong brotherhood leading them. All my characters have fought together pretty much since scout training.

Void Angels fell after Gabriel's brother Uriel (brother by birth, not battle brother) was seriously injured in combat. Gabriel and the other leaders sought ways to heal him, but despite their best efforts Uriel eventually passed away. Stricken by grief, the Chapter became elusive, answering to no one in almost a decade. They mourned with passion and during this Decade of Sorrow they slowly became corrupted by Chaos. Chaos promised a way to resurrect Uriel and Gabriel was corrupted.

Even though the taint of Chaos flows within them, they do not embrace it. They are ashamed of it because Uriel, the sole believer in the Emperor as a God, had an almost unparalled hatred towards Chaos.

They try to use Chaos as a tool to resurrection, but in doing so they fall even more.


That's what I've come up. I'm thinking of finally writing an IA for the Void angels, but I haven't got much more :(

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Universal background for my C:CSM, C:D, C:Renegade IG, C:GK, C:=I= lead



Subject: Kilofix


+ Former ward of the Schola Progenium


+ Former Acolyte and Interrogator of Inquisitor Kravin


+ Promoted to rank of Inquisitor during the War of Brass - Calixis Sector 738.M41


+ Lone survivor of failed reconnaissance to the edge of the Screaming Vortex in the pursuit of the Servants of Twilight - Calixis Sector 774.M41


+ Recovery and bio-augmentation - Calixis Sector 776.M41


+ Suspected of Slaanesh possession by the Calixian Conclave, further investigation inconclusive - Calixis Sector 779.M41


+ Suspected of Nurgle possession by the Calixian Conclave, further investigation inconclusive - Calixis Sector 779.M41


+ Potential sighting at Vraks Prime - Scarus Sector 810.M41


+ Current status and activities unknown

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After careful consideration, from reading the HH codexes and looking over my Army list composition, to re-write my Lord's story (I already edited it, go take a gander) and actively change my army from IW to a DG Splinter group.

This is mainly attributed to not being able to fully flesh out the details, but also because of several view points I've taken into consideration.  This also coincides with one of my oldest DIY IT ideas that I'm bringing back into the light. 

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Lord Helslash of the Iron Warriors was recruited during the Great Crusade just before the massacre on Olympia and the outbreak of the Horus Heresy. During the Heresy and for at least two millennia afterwards he was the lieutenant to the Warsmith Agarst. An attack by Alpha Legion forces killed Agarst and much of the Iron Warriors group present. Helslash took command and routed the XX legionnaires. Following this, Helslash has gone on to forge a greater warband, calling them simply The Siege Makers. He has also entered a pact with a Dark Mechanicus Forgeworld under the rule of Arch-magos Chaapoza.

He has a select few individuals beneath him whom he keeps as lieutenants and advisors, although these are largely to keep an eye on them and put them into place if needs be. These include Rualtath, an Iron Warrior who follows the Blood God; Vithian, a fallen Librarian who took a small number of Star Scythes and their equipment with him when he fell to Chaos; Robersium, another fallen Librarian of the Crusaders of Guilliman chapter, now hunting and torturing members of specific chapters descended from Guilliman and allowing daemons to possess their bodies; Chaapoza, the Arch-magos who provides materials and supplies in exchange for artefacts, raw materials and the protection of The Siege Makers; and General Kryten, who commands The Nihilists, a band of human renegades who have grown in strength thanks to Lord Helslash's orchestration. All of these individuals serve a purpose, and are all there for Helslash's benefit. 

His most recent actions have been involved in the Segmentum Obscurus. His greatest action to date was the destruction of The Emperor's Watch chapter, having misled their forces and struck when they were most vulnerable. After sacking the Halls of Corona, their Fortress-Monastry, and stealing their gene-seed and sacking their armoury, he has now turned his attentions to the people of Mortrev, where The Emperor's Watch previously resided. What his intentions are is anyone's guess, but their have been hints from Inquisitorial reconnaissance teams that he is gearing up for a new campaign, and the death of the chapter was but the first step.  

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Inspired by Hellios:


Now this is the story all about how

My allegiance got turned, flipped upside down

And I'd like to take a minute and sit you down

And explain how I became so Warp-bound.


On Terra, I was born and raised

Fighting the Crusade is how I spent most of my days

Shooting, stabbing, killing those fools

And making them bow to that Imperial rule

When a few Marines, who were up to no good

Started making trouble in my neighbourhood

So we started a cult til my Primarch got scared

And said, 'We're going to make sure Isstvan III is dead.'


First battle, yo that was bad

Killing all our brothers was totally rad

If this is how all the traitors will live

To the Gods my allegiance I will totally give!


We were beaten off Terra and when the Eye came near

People went crazy and sliced off my ears

I grabbed my boys and we fought a bit there

And I thought great! We can make our home right here


I whistled to a Daemon and when he came near

I said we need to worship and we're kind of new here

If anything I thought he was certainly queer

But I thought forget it, no need to despair


We found a new planet about seven or eight

And I yelled to the Daemon, we'll pray to ya later

So I turned and I said to my new icon bearer

We'll do just fine, in this Eye of Terror

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