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Scout rule question

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this is an easy one ... I think. i did a search before posting this and all I found was thread about redeployment vs movement. It is related to Scout USR, but does not answer my question.




How far does  a rhino move if it has scout ability? combat speed or cruising speed?




thanks for reply dam13n. :)

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It redeploys up to 12" from its initial position.


It is not a move as such, it's a redeployment.  So it will still count as immobile until it actually moves in a movement phase.



"If the unit is Infantry, Artillery, a Walker or a Monstrous Creature, each model can redeploy anywhere entirely within 6" of it's current position.  If it is any other model type, each model can instead redeploy anywhere entirely within 12" of its current position." BRB page 41, Scout USR.


A Vehicle (the Rhino) is in the "any other model type" category.

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Dam13n said it all, it's not a move, it is a redeployment of 12". It also means that you can place it in difficult terrain without having to roll for an immobilise check ;)


It also means that it can fire all of its weapons if immobile at full Bs, or move at combat or cruising speed in your turn. It also means that the content of your Rhino can disembark 6" from an access point if the transport has moved up to cruising speed.

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