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Witchfire Powers and Monstrous Creatures

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As we all know, using a witchfire power counts as using an assault weapon (see the section on psykers). These powers are used in place of firing a weapon, and most (?) require a roll To Hit. Monstrous Creatures, such as Daemon Princes and Greater Daemons, can fire two weapons, and it stands to reason that they can therefore use 2 witchfire powers (or so I seem to recall) as long as they've got Warp Charge enough. Under the MC section in the rulebook, we see that when a MC fires, it has to use both weapons on the same target, no splitting of fire. Is this also true of witchfire powers? I'd assume so, seeing as these powers "count as" firing an assault weapon, but beyond that I've got little to back up this assumption, and I'd very much like something more to lay on the table if (or rather when) the question comes up.



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You aren't really assuming very much! You have it pretty much correct.  A similar question was asked just recently.  See my post here which should apply to your question.


 Also note: 



These powers are used in place of firing a weapon, and most (?) require a roll To Hit. 


All Witchfires are psychic shooting attacks and thus require a roll to hit.  They are for all intents and purposes, Assault Weapons.



it stands to reason that they can therefore use 2 witchfire powers (or so I seem to recall) as long as they've got Warp Charge enough.


Note that the 2 witchfires must be different powers.  So no Smiting twice.

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