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Hey all 


new to this side of B&C. but i was curious to ask for peoples opinions on some colour schemes i had for 

my currently unnamed Regiment.


here is four schemes i have thus far:




igbeta2 (1)








igbeta2 (2)




igbeta2 (3)



If you guys have any feed back let me know! don't be afaird to be honest! i want to know what you guys think




CM Furious 



Edited by Chapter Master Furious
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I too vote for the first one. Add some darker grey slashes on the grey cloth and it would look like the old Arcadian 6th.

In fact, developing the grey into a tigerstripe-like camo would be cool...and exceedingly time consuming! :D

Welcome to the Guard! You need to think long and hard about your colour scheme, aside from being something you should do anyway you'll be painting a lot of Guardsmen in it. So aside from an appearance you want it needs to be the right level of complexity for you too. I have a camouflage scheme that is quite time consuming but that's acceptable to me as I've already painted enough models to game with for example.


I prefer the first two, plus they could easily be enhanced with a camouflage scheme if you wanted.

Number 4 for me, like the splash of colour. Number 2 does run it close though but might be a little dull to paint. You could perk 2 up by adding geometric shapes in shades running from black to light grey to the  armour plates to break the shape up.

thank you all for the feedback! I just bought some shock troops and a company command. so i got 15 models to try out my new paint scheme

I do enjoy painting a lot. so if i spend more time per model that fine by me B)


so I will end up going with number 2 scheme, i Can really imagine the light grey with the darker grey. they will suit my Black Templars ( and my tiny force of Grey Knights) very well. As well my knight Titan has grey within its colour scheme, so it ill also nice compliment that as well.


but the only thing that i feel bad for is that i LOVE painting red ( surprisingly enough i have 15 30k Blood angels painted up lol). but I'm just not feeling red as

a predominant colour on my Astra Militarum force.


and once again thank you all for your feedback! its been very helpfull. and you will for sure see some W.I.P coming up!


CM Furious     

I'd vote against No1, but I'm biased because I use that exact scheme myself. :tongue.:


But honestly: The 4th one is cool. I'd assume it's camouflage for Volcano worlds. :biggrin.:


But this raises the next question: What about the vehicles?*


*If you happen to be planning an Infantry Company, disregard this sentence.

Hey all 


so I have here some updated progress on my Regiment going with the #2 Colour scheme  


2014 04 24 20.14.59


pardon if the image is a little small. Let me know what you guys think. 



CM Furious 

Looks excellent. Really crisp painting. Hope to see a full platoon of these soon.


What colour markings or numbers are you going to add to the shoulders? I reckon a spot of red on the model would look cool. Maybe even a couple of thin red stripes on his lasgun? Your then sort of incorporating a bit of all four of your suggested colour schemes.


Anyway excellent start :smile.:

@WarriorFish thanks for the comments :) got the first platoon done, now just the Company command


@Andhil thanks for the comment :) 


@The Yak Red is definitely going to be incorporated within my colour scheme on ranks and head dress. but i like 

the idea with the lasguns 

  • 5 months later...

hey guys so im back with an update on my Regiment progress. got one ten man squad done as well as a command squad


2014 10 14 13.41.42

Group shot of ten man squad 

2014 10 14 13.41.56


2014 10 14 13.42.10


some more angles 


2014 10 14 13.43.17


2014 10 14 13.43.45


2014 10 14 13.44.22


2014 10 14 13.44.52


2014 10 14 13.45.09


some angles on my command squad 


2014 10 14 13.45.26


2014 10 14 13.45.43


and some shots of my commander 


2014 10 14 13.47.13

and a group shot 
so thanks again for following guys, hope to pump out some more units in the coming weeks
CM Furious 

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