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Scythes of the emperor.... Update 13/11/18

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Thank you all for your comments and support. Just a little update









As you can see he isn't finished but coming very close.


And now a blast from the past.....popped up on my time line on Facebook from 6 years ago I tackled yellow.....from a black undercoat.....you silly silly plonker rob. Lol


But seeing what my yellow is like now, I'm very happy and proud of that progression seeing as I was doing Crimson fists for nearly 3 years and then had a few months off and started the scythes of the emperor




Hope you like the update

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Thanks gents. I take my pictures on my iPhone nothing special


So onto the Sargent


During his time in the Deathwatch, Angeloi fought many battles against the Tyranids. He was in command of a successful mission to purge the forested planet of Phirus, and saved one of his men from a Lictor during an ill-advised ritualised hunt. This was to be his last posting within the Deathwatch.

Angeloi carries a boltgun equipped with Stalker-pattern ammunition, and is a trained marksman.













So even though in his fluff it doesn't state it i wanted his battle with the lictor to be shown on the mle it self, hence the bionic arm.


Also next on the list.....



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Keep it coming!


I will don't worry brother



Is that a reference to Laurie's Last Watch short story?


It is indeed fella


How do you do such fantastic battle damage effect

Just a sponge, rhinox hide, mornfang brown and black brother and ink washes


I like the sergeant, but what really makes him pop out is that Aquila tattoo on his head. It's unusual and it just helps make the figure feel more 'real', if you follow me.

I follow you indeed fella and thank you very much


Right here's what I've been doing again lol more building lol


So....some honour guard




And now the next Guy.....started out life like this....




Then a dremel got near him....and just like their primarch....






Then the choice of heads happened....






I chose the first one....you'll see why in a min.....




I thought "too much is happening and the servo back pack is too much"












There's still loads to refine on him but now I have the base model look I can build upon that


Now this guy is based of a fan made character from an online RPG DW thing ran on Facebook, the guy allowed me to save his photos and use them and share them with you guys, so I said I wanted to make this guy for my army which he was pleased to hear, here is his concept art and the reason why he's armed like he is








Hope you like the update



Let me know what you guys think

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