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DKoK players - how do you run your troops?


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As the titel says: which kind of troops do you have in your Death Korps of Krieg army?


I have no trouble with picking and selecting all the other elements in my army - I try to go with the Assault list - but I cant "crack the nut" with the troops.


Do I run Grenadiers, in Storm Chimeras? Expensive, but hard hitting.


Do I run with several Infantry Platoon? More feet for your buck, but trouble getting to forward objectives.


Do I run a Mix of both: and in which kind of mix?


Do I run Engineers, from the Siege list?

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I've always stuck with the infantry platoons and going for forlorn hope. The whole reason I was drawn to the army was the world war theme though so I'm a sucker for massed infantry.

How do you get to backfield objectives? Troops on foot dont get very far, in my experience

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