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Camera for mini photography

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Hi all,

First of all sorry if this is the wrong section for this question (feel free to move it if it is mods).

I dont have a camera decent enough for any pics at the moment and its getting to be a real pain to borrow one everytime I wanna take a photo as it means I cant post WIP's as often as I'd like.

So my question is, Does anyone know of a fairly priced camera that will do the job for me? I dont wanna spend a fortune as I would literally only be using it for posting pics in WIP threads and would rather put all my wonderful money towards resin crack :)

Any advice/hints and tips would be great as I am pretty clueless in this area, As anyone who saw the pics in my newly started WIP will have noticed :P I know I will prob need something with a Macro function but thats about it


Thanks in advance guys (and girls)


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I can recommend the Sony dsc t-70, it's a fairly cheap ($100) point and shoot with good macro ability, and small enough you can get it right on the table top or other tight spaces, for most of my quick shots though I just use my iPad air's camera (not bad, but not great, and also it just looks funny when I take pictures with it)


Honestly though, I've found lighting to be far more important for pictures, doesn't matter how many megapixels you have if it's all hidden in shadow.

Thanks for the replies fellas.

Have tried using my phone camera but its only a galaxy y so the quality isnt that great. Maybe I'm just being fussy though.

Budget is variable really but would rather not spend much as it wont be used for anything other than minis. That said though there is no point getting something so cheap its crappy. 

I'll have to check out some of the ones you guys have mentioned and weigh it up in my mind a bit more.

Thanks for the feedback

Here's one for a REALLY tight budget, scroll all the way to the end,






That is awesome. Probably actually too good for mini photography. :)


Pretty much any brand name camera will have a macro function, manual white balance (or at least a few settings for it) and a timer function. And thats all you need.

Don't fill the whole frame (the picture you see on screen) with your mini, leave some dead space around it, and crop it later with Gimp or Photoshop or even MS Paint.

Get a free photography backdrop from any site that has them (or make your own from a tutorial if you have Photoshop or something) DO NOT pay for one, a Google search will get you plenty free things. ;)

Get some good lights, you can get some mini photography lights from China on ebay for £7 ($10 US approximately, I don't know where you are based) and consider a mini light tent, they are cheap enough too, but there are a lot of DIY tutorials out there, if you'd rather make your own.


All in all you could get a decent setup for less than £70 (approx $100) all thanks to Google and ebay. :)


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