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SW1's 30k ETL III.


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Gonna regret this in the morning but I've ended up squeezing in just over an hour of painting this evening:




All the metals are finished. All the reds on the models bar 2 (which I haven't started the reds on) just need 2 more layers on them. Pads on all models have been at least base coated. Most of the fur is finished as well.


Time to catch 4 hours kip before getting up for work. Hmmm ... Tomorrow night I'm not allowed to pick up a paintbrush!!!

Was a real struggle to get out of the house this morning. However I've just had almost an hour sleeping on the bus and feeling a bit rejuvenated for it.


I've got a big box of resin bits needing cleaning up in my bag so I'll hopefully get hobbying done during the day rather than try to cram it in after getting home at some point near midnight.

While in work over the weekend I've been messing around with random resin parts and some gs. Not quite sure what I've produced but I want to get it painted. It's a marine in mk3 with a pair of Serpentas leaping forward guns a blazing.


Before I can start it I have to finish painting the current lot up! Hopefully I can use this motivation to put a few hours in after work tonight. Would be good if I could get the heavy support squad finished. Just need to keep plugging away at it.


Pics will be up when I get in tonight

Didn't manage the 3 hours of painting I'd planned for last night. Put the lads to be and promptly fell asleep myself. Think the late night after work painting sessions caught up with me finally.


Very tempted by a nap this morning now I've finished the school run. Hopefully coffee will wake me up enough to get some painting done.

Here's where I'm at with the vow at the moment. All the bases have been painted up and as the models are finished they're getting stuck onto bases.







Heavy Support Squad



Combi-Melta Squad



Combi-Plas Squad



Hopefully I'll have 2 weeks or more to complete an extra vow in. There's a moritat and a graviton support squad calling out to be painted in IH's colours (well black but who cares) and if I can get the Stormlord fully cleaned up it'll be joining in as well. Don't think I'll have a chance to fix up with preds in time for this ETL. Though next time around I can see a large number of tanks and other bits needing to be painted.


9 months of prep and 3 months of painting!!!!

Whoops ... There's a few backpacks missing on the characters. The wolf backpacks seem to have gone awol. :(


Think I may have to substitute for some others.


Other this missing are some of the combi weapons. Thankfully they're still on drawing pins undercoated safe and sound.


Need to get the rest of the tidying up finished in the hobby room before I can get any more painting done. Maybe I'll find those missing backpacks?

Is it an old Maurauder's shield from the Dark Elves range that I spot?

an old school project as I like them.

I love the bases. Hope you're going for a rust effect on them.

It would constrast nicely with the grey of the armors.

It's a really old WHFB shield from the 80's.


Think the bases will remain dull metal for now. Might try some pigment weathering at some poit in the future.

@Lord Sondar - cheers was trying to get them a bit retro looking. :)




Missing packs failed to turn up so going to use the SW backpacks with wolfs skull on. Currently waiting for them to dry after being give a liberal wash with nuln oil.


On top of the backpacks I've just got the last 2 layers of grey to sort out on 4 beakies and paint up 7 combi weapons. Then it's clipping off the tabs and pinning to the bases which I've already painted!


While painting up The 18 bases required for this lot I did a further 10 in the hope that I'll get more done for the ETL. :D

All the grey is sorted finally and the backpacks have been replaced. Just need to sort out the weapons and attach to bases to be completed.


The weapons may be an issue as the kids have magically made 3 of the combi-meltas disappear. If they don't appear this morning imay have to look at replacing them. Only saving grace is that it's just 3 needing replacement as the first 2 got glued on already.


While rummaging around I built my IH's Moritat with a pair of Serpentas. Think it's the most dynamic pose on a SM I've ever done. Want to mount him on a bigger base so he can be popping around a wall. But I've already mounted my SW characters on regular sized bases (which is a big change for me as I normally do characters on bigger bases). Pics will happen later on today, when I hopefully make my 2nd vow.


In prep for that vow I've also been gluing the nobbly bits back onto gravguns. I'll be doing an IH's support squad with gravguns as long as I haven't lost the nobbly bits, if not I'll be having plas or melta. Making sure ALL the bits are there BEFORE making any more vows rather than experiencing this mad running around again. I've also freed up space on a high shelf away from small hands. ;)


I've also got the glass doors back on my display cases so there will be a dedicated dust free space for these once painted up and completed. :D


Those bases are great! nice progress on the wolves too!

Just wait till you see the ones with added pipes on them. A few have already sneak into this batch of models. ;)

Thankfully I've managed to locate 3 replacement combi-meltas. Will take a bit of work to carve off the integral supporting hand but I think they look ok for it. Just annoying I'm having to duplicate the work I'd already done.


Not sure it'll be finished tonight. But hoping to have completed before the weekly update on Thursday! :D

Urgh ... Fell asleep at 9:30pm. So I didn't get the weapons sorted. Might miss the deadline for this weeks update. :(


Looking forward to the results! Just about got my 10 breachers sorted, they're on those bases you supplied for void warfare

Looking forward too seeing them. ;)

Here's some finished models:


Wolf Lord




Rune Priest




Iron Priest





Rest of the units will be completed very soon. ;)


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