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Help me update my tactics/list brothers!


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Hey all , a few years back i sold all my blood angels and gave up the hobby , however just recently i find myself with the time and the funds to take it up again. After painting a Blood Angels Captain for a friend i recently reacquired the red thirst i thought had long disappeared.


As i mentioned , i have no models at this current time but found my old codex with the list i used to play in it , please help me update my tactics/strategy and list for this new(ish) edition , since i haven't played since AOBR edition.


I'd like to collect a nice 1k point army focusing around assault marines , maybe a drop dread - id like to remain fluffy but maintain at least a slight competitive edge , not tournaments but strong enough to fight the odd pickup game.


Below is the list i used to run;


Libby w/Jump Pack, Shield, Blood Lance
10x ASM w/2x meltagun, PFist
10x ASM w/2x meltagun, PFist
Priest w/Jump Pack
Priest w/Jump Pack
5x VV w/PFist, 4x SS, Jump Packs


Thank you brothers!



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The RAS (regular assault squad) squads you list above are pretty popular still (though I run my sergeant with a power sword and melta bombs).  Know that Librarians now have access to other psychic powers than what is listed in our codex, so a lot of us use those powers.  Personally I like using the primaris power prescience with my Libby so he can buff scout sniper and devastator teams essentially make my long range shooters twin linked.


The current edition of the game seems to reward armies with a lot of dug in long range weaponry ... and you get chewed to pieces as you try to make your way into their ranks.  Deep striking is effective still, and the Storm Raven flyer is very popular (though I do not like it personally).


I haven't seen many Vanguard Vets deployed at my FLGS, but I've been tempted to build a squad of them.

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Vanguard vets are okay, but I think you would get more bang for your buck out of a sang guard squad or something like a Baal predator.


Or take another troops choice: they're always good an there isn't a bad one in our codex.


Is this a 1000pt list? If so, Absolutley max out your troops choices. You can only go for other bits once you hit 1250 or over in my opinion.


Keep the Libby cheap. As there is really no way for him to get eternal warrior he will die just as quickly when he costs 250 points as when he costs 90ish :)


Also consider your play style. Remember that your assault squads can get a 35 point discount on transports if they give up their jump packs.


I personally love Sang Priests, but they seem to be a marmite choice :)


Hope I've helped :)

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