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Joining the Dark Gods

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Hello Chaos! So I've decided to start a chaos army roughly fluff based on the Soul Drinkers if they had truely turned to chaos. The only thing I've bought so far is a termie lord kit to make a sorcerer to lead. I love the look of the model so I wanted to include on. I might convert a Sarpedon model using a goblin spider for the legs with marine torso. I imagine having 1 or 2 large squads of marines, but can't decide what else to include. I'd like suggestions. My ultimate goal is for this to be a painting army that I'll use in fun games with friends.
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So are Daemon Engines out?


If so...you really have to ask yourself "Why am I playing Chaos?"  if you aren't going to use what's "special" in the army besides Space Marine things (predators, tacticals, Godhammer landraiders, etc.) you have that Dark Angels question of whether the Vanilla codex would just do it Better.


We got a pretty neat codex...that's got it's relics spread across 3 (so far) supplements/codexes,


That said, if you go with 'devestators' then give them autocannons or special weapons.


A unit ('A' as in 1) of 2 obliterators is always pretty useful.  Raptors, despite being inferior to Bikes are awesome and have an awesome model.

Warp talons are best thought of as flying LC assault terminators (I do wish they counted as having LCs and Powerfists if they weren't going to have grenades)

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Sarpadon was bordering on demon prince anyway . He ws physicly strong enough and with his psychic powers he was and wings could represent him being ultra fast.


Or another option would be to use Belfegor , full thelephaty represents Sarps psychic powers realy well, tough , fast [but not too tough or too fast] and  EW [which Sarps totaly had considering what he went through in the last book].

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Welcome OnyxGuard to the pantheon of the Dark Four :D


Funnily enough I'm in a similar position to yourself, having chosen to collect Crimson Sabres 4th company renegades. Using the Chaos Marine allows so much scope for us "renegades" as we can some great adhoc size units, tailor our characters with some great weapons and have access to some awesome pieces of kit.


Firstly, the primary goal I got from your post is that you want it to be fun and a quite fluffy collection to work on. Being quite a Soul Drinkers nut myself I admire your efforts to take them to the next level, embracement of their slanted destiny! This gives you some great opportunities for modelling as well as choosing your gods of choice. Having different squads with different marks etc maybe worth having a look at?


Secondly, keep the faith! There are many who would lambast this and that unit etc etc, and in many ways they are right and wrong obviously. Go with your gut, choose units you think match the Soul Drinkers fighting styles and then go from there! I have always found that no matter what, if I've chosen the list and modelled it I get far more fun, even if it is deemed "non-competitive" blah blah. :D

I think this will resonate with you as you come across as a hobbyist who enjoys the fluffy fun side of gaming in lieu of the more competitive side of the hobby.


Thirdly, think of the colour scheme? How far have they fallen? In the series of books they are marked as "Traitoris Extremis" though they retain their full colour scheme. As fallen, will this change?


Anyway, keep us posted!



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Fallen Soul Drinkers? Grab your self some Chaos Space Marine boxes, some Possessed sprues, and go nuts biggrin.png

Hell, even mutating regular Loyalist marines would give you a unique looking force. Might be a better idea actually.... anywho, roll with what you like. Alliances can be made, enemies corrupted, everything tainted by the touch of Chaos.

Looking forward to this. Oh, and brother? Welcome.....to the winning side msn-wink.gif

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Thanks for the encouraging words everyone! I want to keep the purple aspect of them(happens to be my favorite color). Definitely want to toss in some possessed. I like the look of the models. I think today's purchase will be a box of chaos marines. I got plenty of loyalist bits, not enough chaosy ones.
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