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Do possessed remain deamonic or not?

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hi all just a quick question:

possessed chaos marines, are they permanently in a state of being half and deamonic half space marine or can they actually turn back into their normal human/space marine state?



According to Index Chaotica: Possessed, it is possible for the daemon to leave their body through one means or another, ranging from exorcism to the daemon got tired of its meat toy. Typically, he does suffer from severe mutations since the average daemon is not like Burias-Draakshal or the Gal Vorbak where they have human form, but are more like Erebus' guard, the Unburdened, where they are just permanently mutated.
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Before first heretic they couldn't . There were also very unstable [as in died fast] and there was special BL and WB fluff telling us how they were able to make superior possessed that could live longer/for an indifinite span of time , and that this could also happen very rarely , if the demon and the possessed somehow went in tune [Caducea in Demon World was such an example]. Right now , possessed seem to be able to go from human to demonic dude and back , something possessed were never able to do before.

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Betrayer states that there are two kinds of possession, the true, strong possession of the Gal Vorbak that endured the time in the warp, and lesser possession developed by the WB that invites daemons into a host.


Whether they mutate or not is up to the daemon. The Captain of the ship in AD-B's Night Lords series was possessed, but didnt show any outward signs of mutation, if I remember correctly.

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Talos' captain was heavily mutated. Sharktooth mouth, arms long enough to drag his clawed hands across the floor, we never saw him in a human form after he became possessed. And IIRC, the daemon was largely in control. With the exception of the original Gal Vorbak(which only number forty) and Burias, Possessed who can revert to a human form haven't been seen. Even the girl from Daemonworld was stuck in a mutated form, she just happened to have formed a symbiosis.


Here is the passage from Index Chaotica: Possessed I was referring to.



It is not unknown for a Daemon to be banished from the mutated form of the Chaos Space Marine. The reasons for this are always unclear, but it is seldom long that such a prized vehicle for carnage stands empty.


When a Daemon is banished, other creatures from the Warp jostle to occupy the former Possessed. The strongest Daemon burrows into the Chaos Space Marine’s physical form and reshapes his flesh in hideous new ways. There is nothing that the Chaos Space Marine can do to influence this. All the while, his mind howls with the pain of the new possession. His skin shudders as a new Daemon’s grip closes once again on his form. But these are pains to be relished rather than just endured, for the Possessed knows his form is becoming faster and stronger, gaining sharper senses still.


On rare occasions, a Possessed Space Marine may be void of a Daemon for a sustained period of time. Whether this is because they have not caused enough mayhem to satisfy their patron gods, or for some other reason, remains a mystery. Once empty of a Daemon, though, a Possessed Space Marine becomes a husk of his former self, weaker in battle and craving to be a vector for the power of the Chaos gods once again. Some have been known to re-attempt their original rituals and continue to stray throughout the galaxy in search of ways to bring back their former powers.”


Excerpt From: Workshop, Games. “Index Chaotica: Possessed.” Games Workshop Ltd, 2013-10-04. iBooks.

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I still remember possessed being in the character section and having to generate what type of daemon was in them. And there was no coming back from it.
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It used to be part of Black Legion fluff that their sorcerers had developed a means of banishing possessing daemons from their hosts before permanent damage could be done to their bodies or psyche, a technique born of necessity due to a rash of voluntary possessions that even Abaddon's command had been unable to stop, which was taking a heavy toll on the Legion's already tiny fighting strength in the first few centuries after Abaddon first came to power.

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I don't think there are any clear cut rules for possession one way or the other.

Just get creative and do what you like best.


My warband, for example, uses possession as a kind of squad-binding technique. Each squad has certain daemonic patron, who in turn possesses each member of the squad. Whoever happens to be in possession (haha, get it?) of the daemon when the warband goes into battle acts as the squad leader. He will undoubtedly not only be the strongest but also the most experienced as the daemon absorbs some of the memories, characteristics and talents of those he possesses. In turn, the daemon shares certain memories and beliefs with each of the squad members. Although they lose some of their individuality through this technique they also become very loyal to each other and reach an unusual level of understanding. If a squad member happens to die and a replacement is introduced into the squad special rites of possession are observed to facilitate a faster integration into the brotherhood.

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