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Iron warriors, a worthy distraction?

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Hi everybody!


For a while I've been trying to clear up a backlog of models in the cupboard (bought so many, painted so few). Now for the most part they are blood ravens. But I found some chaos bits and bobs - and I saw a grotsmasha challenge... Build a... Techy guy (depending on your force) so I got distracted, I looked at the challenge, then at the bits; then back at the challenge - and I found a box of centurions... I may build a techmarine for my Ravens, but not yet. So, warpsmith




Started painting him. Well his legs at least




I will do a; well I call them a darkwatch squad of chosen, as his minions - think chaos deathwatch. Always played with the idea of this squad, made one member (Hur Hur, he's from the emperors children) and have a couple others on the go.


Found some raptors I'd put together also, with D.eldar scourge heads (I like the original raptor look, prefer the hawk feet, but could never get them looking right. But here's the aspiring champ



Excuse the poor lighting. It was late last night when I took this, but progress on the raptors; and an improvement on hazard stripes in the background. Will post up brighter pics as soon as possible




Thinking about bases for them... One of my friends suggested moon, (grey with craters) might be worth a go. Any thoughts?

@ tanith ghost - thanks dude, I keep thinking about doing an imperial techmarine in the same way, but I might get bored... Haha


Anyways, was off work yesterday 'cough, cough' so got a bit more done, worked out how I was gonna do the jump packs, which is a relief; dunno why I was stressing. Just keeping it simple though. Anyway, pics...


Aspiring champ













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