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BA Termie Sang Priest


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here a guy i slapped together, had a space hulk libby force axe laying around, and right handed termie weapons are not easy to come by. smile.png




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Gorgeous! I gotta make me one of these. I mean, the terminator armor upgrade isn't usually worth it since I can always hide him behind his hammernator buddies, but... I dunno. Maybe some day I'll want to teleport hammernators rather than having them ride an a land raider or stormraven. Maybe I'll play some kind of teleport insertion Zone Mortalis game.


Anyway, I love it. Well done!

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It is an investment into the future, right now a termie sang priest can only have a power sword, but i hope in the new dex he can have any power weapon. looking forward to it. maybe i can also run my captain/chapter master with artificier armor and jump pack.



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Blood Angels FAQ version 1.4 (latest I am aware of):


'In the bestiary and army list, replace all references to “power sword” with “power weapon”.'


Second page, left hand column, fourth entry from the bottom.


I do think that covers your Sanguinary Priest with Power Axe.


EDIT: I forgot to say: Awesome model and paint job, I espcially love his siren/light.

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