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Warband Name Decision


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Hi, I am really struggling with trying to make a name for the new Chaos army I am starting. I had the name Geogoths for a while but I don't really think it fits. Here is some of the lore I wrote on the Warband. Created origionally as the Death Saints, the chapter's forces were stationed in an area with a powerful Warp presence. This quickly twisted their minds and corrupted them. They are the descendants of the Ultramarines. They are fanatic. The marines of the warband are highly devoted to their God(s), willingly submitting themselves to the Ruinous Powers and viewing possession as favourable. They are chaos undivided. They think to fight on the battlefield is the greatest thing in life. The best warriors are held above all others, and to fight without grandeur is pathetic. Despite being evil and cruel individuals, these Marines have a strong sense of brotherhood. Many would never even consider betraying their fellow warriors an option, and would even sacrifice themselves to save a friend's life. These Chaos Marines feel to need to announce their arrival to their foe, making it clear just who the hell they are and that they are here. The terminator Warmaster Marbas is infamous for leading  a campaign of extermination against a loyalist Astartes chapter, butchering them to the last man and stealing their gene-seed. Marbas wields a pair of Daemon Power Claws. Their home planet is the Frozen Death World Proamia. Warband makes heavy use of mortal servants as cannon fodder, sending them in waves towards the enemy. The warband is massive numbering over 4,000 chaos space marines and thousands more of chaos cultists. They have ties with Ahriman of the Thousand Sons and actively support his hunt for the Black Library. The warband have a deep hatred for the Blood Ravens due to the death of Kyras and stolen artifacts.


Any name ideas would be a big help!

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Want my honest opinion - I love the name of the Death Saints, it seems to fit their dark fanaticism perfectly! I would change their loyal Chapter name to something else and have their Chaos Warband name as the Death Saints devil.gif

.....Or alternatively you could call them the Word Bearers haha!

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Like the Crimson Slaughter? http://shrani.si/f/2Z/fP/34DrmFR8/2/crimson-slaughter-badge.png I like the idea though, how could I change it to not look like this?

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Like the Crimson Slaughter? http://shrani.si/f/2Z/fP/34DrmFR8/2/crimson-slaughter-badge.png I like the idea though, how could I change it to not look like this?

Trim off the fangs and set the halo at a jaunty angle like this?

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Yes there is.


Have a check in the tutorial section and there's also templates on here too.


You'll also need and inkjet or laser printer, waterslide transfer paper, and some other bits. And don't forget, you can't print white without a special printer.

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