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Hi, I'm Joan/Seathal from Spain and just got back to this hobby with some Raptors Space Mehreens after leaving the hobby for lack of funds back in 3rd Edition. I've been lurking TB&C for a long time but now I hope I'll be very active within the community too.

Thanks the admins who helped me through some registering issues I had. It's all fine thanks to you now.

May the Emperor guide you.

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Hail and welcome to B&C, brother! Please take your time to go over the rules for the website and don't hesitate to ask a Mod for help if you have any issues. ;)

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Hail and welcome to B&C, brother! Please take your time to go over the rules for the website and don't hesitate to ask a Mod for help if you have any issues. msn-wink.gif

Will do, you already helped me twice with a buggy registration process :)

Welcome. Glad to have another Raptor on board. Be sure to Check out the Raven Guard forum for some great articles on Raptors


May Corax watch over you

Will do! When I started collecting/modelling/painting the Raptors army I was quite indecise between Raven Guard and Raptors themselves, but figured out there were less of them and Forgeworld updated their rules, so I finally decided towards them. Victorus Aut Mortis, brother.

WELCOME! Its nice to see another spaniard in the B&C forum.

I'm also in a couple of Spanish communities, but since I keep on lurking B&C I thought I might as well join a wider community :) Thanks for the welcome everyone.

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