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Played a buddy a game of 40k yesterday and took some pictures. Here is the battle report for my first time using AM as an ally with Crimson Slaughter. We both were trying out different things and he forgot his Bastion so added some Sniper Drones in their place. I also apologize for some of the blurry pics, I was rushed at times and did not give my phone long enough to focus :(


Mission - Relic :(

Deployment - Vanguard

My Warlord Trait (Strategic) - Choose to have it Nightfight first turn.

Sorcerer Powers - Endurance, Scrier's Gaze, Prescience

Primaris #1 - Prescience, Forwarning

Primaris #2 - Prescience, Misfortune

I won the roll to go first and deferred to him. I wanted to let Farsight come in and then I could follow up with my Tanks.


I choose to have it be Night Fight first turn as with Scrier's Gaze I kept a good portion of my army in reserve and was planning on hunkering down until a turn 2 alpha strike.



Crimson Slaughter + AM


Sorcerer w/ML3, Terminator Armor, Mannon


Cultists x10

Cultists x10


Heldrake w/Baleflamer

Heldrake w/Balefalmer


Obliterators x3 w/Mark of Nurgle


Tank Commander                                            
*Executioner w/Lascannon Hull, Plasma Cannon Sponsons, Relic Plating
*Executioner w/Lascannon Hull, Plasma Cannon Sponsons
Ministorum Priest                                            
Primaris Psycher w/ML2                                        
Primaris Psycher w/ML2                                        
Platoon Command Squad                        
Infantry Squad w/Lascannon                                        
Infantry Squad w/Lascannon                                        
Infantry Squad w/Lascannon                                    
SWS w/x3 Flamer                                                
His List
Commander Farsight 
Crisis battlesuit, 2x Fusion blaster, Target lock
Crisis battlesuit, 2x Fusion blaster, Target lock
Crisis battlesuit, 2x Fusion blaster, Target lock
Crisis battlesuit, Command and Control Node, Flamer, Multi-spectrum Sensor Suite, Neuroweb System Jammer, Puretide Engram Neurochip, Vectored retro-thrusters
5x Shield Drone
XV104 Riptide, Early warning override, Ion accelerator, Twin-linked smart missile system, Velocity tracker
12x Fire Warrior Shas'la with pulse rifle
12x Fire Warrior Shas'la with pulse rifle
12x Fire Warrior Shas'la with pulse rifle
11x Kroot, 2x Kroot Hound, 11x Kroot rifle
11x Kroot, 2x Kroot Hound, 11x Kroot rifle
6x Marker Drone
4x Pathfinder Shas'la, 4x Pulse carbine with Markerlight
Sky Ray Missile Defense Gunship
Broadside Shas'ui x3, Early warning override (5pts), Twin-linked high-yield missile pod, Twin-linked smart missile system, 3x Missile Drone, Bonding Knife Ritual
Imperial Bastion (He forgot this at home and ran a unit of Sniper Drones instead).
Comms relay, 4x Heavy Bolters



This is the table before deployment. I apologize for the unpainted terrain, it is a little bit new and I have yet to put anything on it. 



He deployed first across a line knowing I was not going to attempt to seize the initiative on him. Farsight had to come on before my Tanks or they were toast. He declared that both the Kroot Squads were going to Infiltrate which left me with a decision, do I give up the Relic early and hope I can get it back or knock him off of it, or do I let him have it and take as few casualties as possible? I choose the latter in my deployment. Scrier's Gaze pretty much guaranteed me to get everything I wanted on turn two and I could rely on that alpha strike of stuff to turn the tide.

I deployed and kept my Tank Commander and his buddy in reserve, my two Drakes, my Vendetta (with Special Weapons Team inside), and both Cultist units. That's right, I have over 1k pts sitting off the board. I had to be super defensive with my deployment and it shows. I deployed everything out of range of his Marker Lights and Broadsides. 


He then Infiltrated the Kroot to my far left and the other unit onto the Relic. Turn two could not come quick enough :P






This went as predicted. He moved up to help cover the Kroot with the Relic and fired what he could on my units. I lost a total of one Guardsman from the Platoon Command Squad and two from the Blob. His turn one down and I lost 12pts of models but he had the Relic. . . 

The Riptide fired and then retreated back behind the building during his assault move, so I could not get any pop shots off with my Obliterators at it.


PS. Sorry for the blurry pic. I did not check the quality after I took them as we got a late start and I needed to finish my game before 5pm.








Okay, so my plan at this point was to force the Kroot with the Relic to go to ground. If I could slow them down I would have a much better chance at making sure it does not move too far into his deployment zone as my troops are not renowned for their quickness nor toughness :P


I used my Powers first and cast Endurance+Prescience on the Obliterators, then my Primaris' failed both Presciences on themselves but managed to get off a Misfortune on his Kroot on the far left and a 4++ on themselves just in case some :cuss went down :P


I issued my orders from the Platoon Commander for the Platoon to first rank fire, second rank fire! at the Kroot I had Misfortuned. Without Prescience I only managed to hit with 5 shots but I wounded all five of those, he then failed all of his saves and then failed his moral check and ran a total of 3". 


My Obliterators moved forward a few inches to get one within 12" of the Kroot on the Relic (he went from shroud to stealth) and they unloaded some Prescienced Assault Cannons. I hit with everything and wounded with 11, he chose to go to ground at this point and only lost a couple of dudes. The important part for me was that he went to ground and that would buy me a turn. 




His turn 2 started with reserves and Farsight came in as I had hoped.

He knew the only real target for him were the Obliterators and since they had Endurance on them I basically had a rerollable 5+ vs all his Melta. He also knew that my entire army would more than likely come on and wipe out his Warlord if he decided to get too aggressive with them, so he opted for the better part of valor and placed them to the left of the building on my left, obviously so he could jump behind it after he was done shooting and take a few pop shots at the Oblits.


The Riptide got aggressive and came out into the open near my deployment zone on the right. A unit of Fire Warriors were right behind him to my right. Fire Warriors in the center all moved up to help cover the retreat of the Kroot on the Relic next turn, or at least provide them cover saves vs any of my shooting.


He then unloaded holy hell on my Obliterators and truth be told, I got hot with my dice at this point. 

He forced me to take about 16 armor saves this turn and 8 Invulnerable saves. I took a total of 2 wounds (one on two different Oblits). FnP was a beast this early for me. He was a bit flustered by this as he assumed he would easily be able to wipe them out, remove the threat, and get first blood, but Papa Nurgle protects his children!


Sniper Drones killed one from the Platoon Command Squad, they went to ground like the brave men they are. Again, I took very few casualties and the bulk of my army was about to come on, though he did have Broadsides and a Riptide that could intercept.







This is the turn I was waiting for, my plan had worked perfectly up to this point and everything had gone my way. All I needed was for Scrier's Gaze to go off and then boom goes the dynamite :P 


Started with the Sorcerer's Powers and everything went off without a hitch, I did have to reroll Scrier's Gaze with the Mannon, so that worried me a bit but it was cast in the end :P

Endurance/Prescience on the Obliterators


Tanks came on, Heldrakes came on, Vendetta came on, both Cultists stayed in reserve as he would easily get first blood with the Riptide on them. Wanted to kill it first. 


Prescience and Forwarning on the Tanks (in case the Riptide lives and it wanted to CC them).


I moved my Tanks on into the area terrain in the middle of my board edge (the tank trap stuff was just to show it was area terrain, kinda like trees). One Heldrake was able to reach and Vector Strike Farsight, the other Vector Striked the Kroot in the middle on the Relic, Vendetta moved 18" at an angle to get some shots off at the Riptide (was really hoping to take it down this turn), the Dice you see in front of its nose is where it actually is. The base for the flyer fell out of my car apparently and I ran it over. . . So was down a flyer base this game (bad part is that it is a buddies, so I felt super bad). 


Obliterators moved up, Blob moved out of cover as I felt this was the time I would pressure the center and force him back away from the Relic.


Resolved the Vector Strikes and killed a few Kroot (not the one with the Relic however) and forced a Leadership which he passed. The other Vector Strike killed a few Drones in Farsight's unit. He then did his intercepter and inflicted two hull points onto my unpainted Heldrake with Broadsides, the Riptide fired and did not glance or pen. Not great, but not terrible for me, I could still fire as I ignored the stunned result on the Drake.


With that I issues an order from my Platoon Commander to Shoot/Run with the blob. The Obliterators, Blob Squads Lascannons, and the Vendetta all ended up shooting at the Riptide bringing it down to one wound remaining :*( I was hoping to kill it but at least it could not shoot the following turn, though I knew it would try to assault my Tanks. Then I went with the Heldrakes and took a chance to use both Daemon Forges (chancy with two hull points on one of them) and passed them both. Placed the template on Farsight's unit and dropped it down to two men and a Drone after it was all said and done.


The Tank Commander and his road dog both fired all of their weapons on the Broadsides as I wanted to protect the Heldrakes and those were the biggest threat to them. I killed all the drones and one Broadside, put another wound on a second Broadside. He went to ground and rolled really well for his cover saves. Still, they could only snap fire their str5 weapons the next turn and could not move. 


He then passed his Leadership on the Kroot with the Relic, passed it with his Broadsides, but managed to fail it with Farsight's unit and ran 13" back toward his board edge. He was about 1" away from running off of the board. The good thing for this is that it basically took them out of the game as he could never get into position again to pose a serious threat.


I then rolled for my It Will Not Die on my Oblits and the Heldrake. The Heldrake regained a Hull Point, woohoo!






He started with rallying units. The Kroot on the left rallied and Farsight rallied. 

He had some small arms firing this turn but most of his big stuff had Intercepted and was out of the fight this turn. He did what he could but that was indeed a strong turn two I had.


The Riptide moved as close as it could to the Tank Commander's unit, the Fire Warriors on the right moved a few guys so they could fire into the butt of the Vendetta (remember the base broke so it is really off the ground and such), there is a unit of Fire Warriors behind the building on the left and they popped out to shoot some at the Blob Squad, the Skyray moved forward a bit. The Kroot in the middle moved back toward his board edge 6" and some other Fire Warriors surged forward to try and slow my advance down.


He started his shooting phase with the Skyray shooting 6 shoots at the wounded Heldrake, he really wanted to make sure he took it down. Unfortunately he did not hit with either of his Marker Lights and was unable to pump his BS up one, he then missed 3 of the shoots and only inflicted a single glance. Then he had the misfortune to watch me make my Invulnerable save for it :P

His Fire Warriors in the middle unleashed 36 shots (one was within 12" of the Ethereal and they went off) on my Obliterators and managed to kill the full strength one I had placed in front. The Fire Warriors on the far right shoot into the butt of the Vendetta and managed to inflict two Hull Points, one of the shots inflicted a Shaken result as well, so could only snap fire next turn. Broadsides snap shot their str5 weapons at the Obliterators hoping to sneak a wound through but I made my saves. Kroot on the left, Fire Warriors half poking out from the side of the left building, and the Sniper Drones all wasted a TON of my Blob. Bad idea to move out of cover *RETREAT!*.


He then went to assault phase and failed the 6" charge to the Tanks (albeit through cover and was 3D6). Not a good turn for him, nothing important of mine really was hurt and I was left largely to do what I wanted from this point on.






I started with Powers from the Sorcerer and got off all three again. 

Primaris' both cast their powers. Prescience  on themselves, and Forwarning + Prescience on the Tank Commander's Squadron (that was a mistake, I did not need it as only the Riptide could kill it and it was at one wound left).


Rolled my reserves and both Cultist units had to come on (ugh). They decided to come on to the build on the far right and rolled difficult terrain and one of them got 2" the other got 6".


Heldrakes both just Vector Striked and flew off the board. Figured there was no point in chancing losing them as I now had control of the game.

One Vectored the unit of Kroot with the Relic and killed them all, dropping it on the ground. The other Vectored Farsight and killed a Drone, he passed his Leadership this time :P


I moved my tanks up a few inches, toward the middle of the board. The Blob had gone to ground last turn so could not move (lesson learned), Command Squad tried to hide, my Vendetta went into hover mode and the SWS got out and moved up in nice flamer position to the Fire Warrior squad on my far right. The Cultists figured they would get within pistol range to help out. . .The Obliterators moved forward a bit in range to charge the Riptide in case it lived through the fire. 


I was done moving and he did his Interceptor and killed three Cultists from one unit and two from the other. One unit ran off the board giving him First Blood (:cussing Cultists :P).


Started with Orders and the Platoon Commander issued the shoot/run order to the Blob and they threw a few pop shots at the Riptide, they hit once but he made his save. The Tank Commander then issued his order to fire at a separate target as his unit and blew up the Sniper Drones on the far left, the other tank finished off the Broadside.  The Vendetta then took its turn with its snap firing shots and got a hit but he made his save. The Obliterators then used their Plasma Guns at short range and finally put the Riptide down. The SWS team flamed the Fire Warrior squad and killed 8 of them total, he failed his leadership and ran 8".


At one point my phone took about a dozen pics at once and I when I deleted them I must have deleted this turns pic and all of turn 4. Sorry homies. 




This turn started with him shuffling stuff around rallying some fleeing guys. The Fire Warriors on the far right rallied, Farsight moved up a bit, the Ethereal and his squad moved up, the Kroot on the left were still alive and kicking and moved back into the middle left side of the map, the Fire Warriors behind the building on the left moved up to help support the Relic area. His other Fire Warrior Squad in the middle now moved onto the Relic and claimed it as their own. 


He started shooting and unleashed an absolute sick amount of fire at my Obliterators and killed them both, also put a wound on the Sorcerer. The Kroot on the far left shot and did some damage to my Blob, though they were in full defense mode at this point. His str5 from the Skyray finished off my poor Platoon Command Squad. The Fire Warriors who rallied shot at my SWS Squad and killed two. 


I passed my leaderships and he jumped around a little.


Again, sorry about the lack of a picture. 




This was a simple turn. I started by buffing up with my Blob, though the Tanks were now out of range so they only buffed themselves. The Sorcerer buffed himself as he was all alone.


The two Heldrakes both came back on, one went over the Fire Warriors in my right area who were shooting at my SWS teams. The other went over the Kroot on the far left. I moved forward with the Sorcerer behind the middle left building, but I could still see two Fire Warriors so would be able to assault but only allow those two to overwatch me. The Blob hunkered down and other than their Lascannons were now effectively out of the fight. 

The Cultist squad moved forward slowly, the SWS team got back into the Vendetta.


Vector Strikes were very successful, the Kroot on the left lost a few, broke and ran. The x3 Fire Warriors that were left on the far right were all killed. 


I started with shooting as I did not have any useful orders this turn. The Heldrakes went first and killed a handful of Fire Warriors, the Tanks then took their turn and cleaned out the Fire Warrior squad and one drone (the last drone in Farsights' unit) that were in the area terrain in his deployment zone. With that, I was done shooting.


The Sorcerer assaulted the Fire Warriors holding the Relic and I made it without dying. He went first since I had a Force Axe and managed to get 5 hits on me, failed one armor save but made my FnP thank goodness, that would have been embarrassing :P The Sorcerer then countered and killed one. He made his moral check. 


I regained a wound on the injured Heldrake and on the Sorcerer. Again, I apologize for the lack of a pick this turn, I do have next turns pictures.




He started with the Kroot continue to run as they were down to two models and needed an Insane Heroism (snake eyes). They failed and continued to run. He did not have much left but he was trying to hold the Relic with everything he had, if he could hold it he would win. I may have played a bit too passively.


He moved what was left of a Fire Warrior squad up to help in the assault with the Sorcerer, and hopefully pass the Relic to the new squad. Farsight moved up and the Ethereal Joined him. He did not have much left to fight with so his turn was just about done. He then shot at my Cultists with the Skyray and killed a few, they passed their leadership check however. (Sorry for the blurry pic, I am apparently bad at taking pics and not deleting them). Farsight and the other Crisis Suit both shot at my Heldrake and missed. 


We tried to join the assault with the second unit of Fire Warriors but failed a 9" charge through cover. This would have been really bad for me.







I started with my powers and buffed my Sorcerer, also cast Prescience on the Blob.

Moved up with my Vendetta to the middle of the table, I needed it to go one more turn to be able to take the Relic with the SWS team. Cultists moved up slowly some more. Tanks moved forward as well. The Heldrakes turned sideways and both flew over the last Fire Warrior squad not in CC.


Heldrakes then fired at the Fire Warriors that were left and wiped them out. Tanks threw everything at Farsight's unit, everything died except the Etheral.


The assault cleared and the Sorcerer consolidated closer to his edge to try and give me line breaker if it went another turn. 

He rolled the dice and the game did indeed continue.





He had four models left so he took his turn to see if he could kill my Warlord. The Ethereal ended up charging out of the terrain and engaged him in 1v1 combat. Amazingly he actually inflicted a wound to my Sorcerer but then I just killed him in return with the Force Axe activation.


He called it at this point as all I would do is shoot everything at the Skyray and hop my SWS squad on the Relic and grab Linebreaker with my Sorcerer.


This is the final board with my SWS team on the Relic finally!



Thanks for reading and sorry for the messed up pics, I was playing a bit fast because we got a few hours late start and I had plans yesterday evening. If you have any feedback on the list please feel free.

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Nice battle report! How are you liking Crimson Slaughter so far? Fear come into play in any other games yet?


AM would make for a nice blobby army with number of troops when combined with CSM zombie cultists.

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Just noticed that I apparently moved the folders for my pictures (from desktop to my photo folder) so now nothing is showing up. . . I r dumb!


I really like Crimson Slaughter, but I mostly used them because I wanted Prescience on the Obliterators and a shot at Scrier's Gaze (so good). The AM are the things I was kinda surprised at, just how much output they had and how few answers he had to deal with the spectrum of stuff I was able to take (a blob, AV14 tanks, flyer). Really makes it so there are going to be multiple types of units that should be able to run around and do what they want.


I know it did not seem like it but those two Plasmacutioners really put a hurtting to him, the command where the Commander can fire at a different unit was really good as it allowed me to damage multiple units a turn (do you really need x10 plasma cannons at one unit? =x). The best part was how little he had to deal with them, even if he had a few weapons I had a 4++ most of the game turns (stopped doing it on them once I killed the Riptide whow as the only real threat to them).

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