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Fighting Void Shielded Nids


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So I can't figure out a fething way to break void shields and still have an effective fighting army against void shielded nids. Blasts only count as 1 hit on shields in my community and trying to debate otherwise is :cussing taboo, so Im stuck with this tactic.


I think I have enough anti-tank in my raptor list, but nothing that can't break the shields without devoting my entire army to it. My knight paladin can at most strip 2 shields and my storm talons would come in too late do any help at all. 


I have two tactical squads with melta/combi-melta (which would get to close to the shields) my paladin (which can't do a lot) my kelyk executioner (which I want to shoot at the nids running at me) the storm talons and possibly a thunderfire cannon (that would help If I didnt role like :cuss)


Issoman's infiltrate destroy rule can't hurt buildings as far as I know.



What should I do? I am at a complete loss. 

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Can you drop or otherwise land inside the bubble and shoot the bugs without benefit of save?  Maybe some heavy flamers?


Multiple void shield generators are really just too over the top.  If people want to abuse them, there's not a lot to do about it.

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Indeed, and while there could be up to 3 of them in place at once.... thats one devastator squads worth of lascannon shots on average.

So, you need more long range shooting, and thats about all there is to it. You might need to drop that Knight.....


And take a Whirlwind, a devastator squad with four lascannons, and a squad of scouts with sniper rifles instead. In fact, that still leaves you with another 90 points, so why not take a landspeeder typhoon aswell.

What is a Kelyk Executioner though? At best guess thats a typo for 'relic predator with executioner turret'? In which case the whirlwind might be better invested in another typhoon to make a squadron of two... lots of long ranged dakka.

Void shields arent a problem... your list would have had huge issues with anti-armor in 5th edition too. You really do need more anti-tank, particularly with the new guard codex having come out recently, and eldar prowling about.

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Don't expect to take down the void shields AND have the same damaging power you could have if there was no void shields in Turn 1.


If all it takes to bring them down is a glance or a penetrating at AV12, just bring lascannons on your Tacticals as well as a twin-linked lascannon somewhere. That means you'll take them down on a 44% chance per hit. Half a chance per lascannon shot is decent imho.


Just a stupid questions, do void shields regenerate ? If they do I'd avoid them all together and run Land Raiders and Drop Pods as a battering ram to get in their lines ! Heroically charging the Tyranids and showing them who's boss !

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Plus, using the relay or whatever it's called, a player can create a region of something like 9 shields. Yuck.

True but they are spending more than a decked out land raider to do that.


It doesn't seem that different from opening up three overpriced Chimeras.

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Plus, using the relay or whatever it's called, a player can create a region of something like 9 shields. Yuck.

True but they are spending more than a decked out land raider to do that.


It doesn't seem that different from opening up three overpriced Chimeras.

Its almost two standard land raiders even....


But it is a great thing if you face ranged d-weapons... shuts them right down.

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Plus, using the relay or whatever it's called, a player can create a region of something like 9 shields. Yuck.

True but they are spending more than a decked out land raider to do that.


It doesn't seem that different from opening up three overpriced Chimeras.

Its almost two standard land raiders even....


But it is a great thing if you face ranged d-weapons... shuts them right down.

Exactly, it's to stop titan killer shots, not get drowned by standard anti tank shots.


Also, could you deepstrike in and focus on the generator itself?

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The predator executioner is a legacy of glory vehicle that ignores cover. So Maybe I could trade it for a scorpius? i dunno.


I have thought about dropping half a tactical squad so I can take a small dev squad, and that may be able to take shields down. I don't really want to get rid of my knight, as It's probably one of the better units I have against nids. I do have a sternguard squad, but again those are really good against MC spam... I really don't know. 


maybe rapier defense platforms?

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Also I have to apologize with how angry/depressed I was. Stuff is happening with my life and I was kinda projecting through this silly thing. Anyways, I guess I can bring some devastators at the cost of half a tactical squad and a whirlwind While still having most of what I like running around taking names. besides, It's good to have some long range heavy support too, and the cost isn't really that much as I thought it was.

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I have found 6th edition's combos and excesses incredibly frustrating.  (Not that previous editons were paragons of balance.)  I've given up on trying to match and defeat any and all strange things I might face.  I try to play friendly games and let the rest roll off me.

Anyway, it might be amusing to take your own fortress of 9 void shields.  Then the two of you can stare across no man's land at each other. 

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