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Ghoul star crusade


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+++++++++++Transmission Log 76.75768832.889 M39++++++++++++

+++++++++++++++Mechanicum vessel exploritors will+++++++++++

Mayday..... Mayday this is magos tobin of the mechanicum vessel exploritors will

We are under attack by xenos forces...... They do not respond to any vox messages

We need help we need hel............


+++++++++++++Transmission lost cause unkown+++++++++++++++++


Chapteir 1 a message receiveda crusade declared


The luna class cruiser called iron will dropped out the warp at a regular drop off point on the edge of the ghoul star sector.


Bridge of the Iron Will


"Sir we picking up a signal from within the ghoul stars" commander hector reported to his captain on the raised dias of the command throne. Sergant icarius of the iron hands had command of the iron will for nearly half a century looked to the serf in charge of the comms "what is its nature hector" sergant icarius said rasing from his command throne and walking to the comms nest on the bridge to look at the scrolling data. After consulting the data he stood to his full height and scratched his chin "store it in the data logs and send a copy to medusa and to all other chapter bases, festilyus set coruse for galeron Vs ship yards for our repairs and we will see what the iron lords thoughts are of this" sergant icarius said in his monotone way as he returned to the command throne taking his position. Festilyus turned to icarius "navigator reports ready to take us I to the warp and courseplotted awaitingyour command my lord " festilys voice betrayed his augmentatiin the mechanicum had granted him after the last crusades climatic battle had seen the iron wills bridge hit by a enemy torpedo that had killed most of the command crew only festilys and icarius had survived. "Very well festilys take us back into the warp" icarius said the glunt of curiosity was in his eyes the message had brought many questions.


Galeron V Shipyard occuli imperator


Captin septermin of the fire hawks stood on the observation deck as he looked at the iron will it was a lesser class than the phonix the fire hawk strike cruiser was gold and orange compared to the iron wills black as night he had herd the vox message sergant icarius and pondered its contents, he looked out as he saw a ripple in the warp, "Terras fist is approaching dock thirty four" came a announcement of tbe ship yards intercom, "Terras fist thats a imperial fist vessel" stated sergant icarius he had his iron lords message that he was going to give his lords message to septermim, "You have something to ask sergant" captain septermin turned to the sergant, "My lord has declared a crusade into the ghoul stars to take war to the xenos that defiled our martian allies and he requestes warriors to help with the crusade theres a meeting at 0700 terra time in the main strategium will you be attending my lord" icarius said as he looked out at the starfield beyond the three warships, "count on my attendance sergant" septermins reply was instant and strong.


The strategium was full of commanders of the imperial guard and captains of several adeptus astartes chapters, an imposing warrior in Cobolt blue and maroon red armour stepped upto the podium And looked across the gathered officers chapter master Caul Engentre of the brazen claws took in a deep breath before speaking "Gentelmen and brothers I have been given the honour to lead this crusade by the iron lords of medusa we are awaiting for more arrivales but so far we have two million warriors from the indomitable imperial guard and as follows thousand marines the full chapter of the brazen claws my own, 5th company of the star dragons, 4th company and 9th company iron hands, 3rd company imperial fists, 8th company fire hawks, 4th company mortifactors, 2nd company ultramarines, 7th company salamanders and finaly 5th and 6th companies of the star phantoms such an arrayed force that I humbly accept command of " he chuckled breaking the ice and was joined by the laughter of the other commanders "im also told that battlefleet calixus and saturnus will also support us bringing our fleet alone up to seven hundred warships" Caul looked over the warriors realising all the guardsmen were from kreig the warriors who would die over retreat just the force he needed. The breifing went on for a day they had discussed and redisscussed targets and tatical plans they decided on a singel hammer strike into the sector the reports stated they would get support from the silver skulls and the emperors scythes once they begin incursion.


The Midnight Claws bridge


Chapter master caul looked out over the bridge and nodded to his first company captain "commence crusade clock operation thundering hammer commences now" caul declared over the vox net as his warships thrusters burned hot they debarked from the shipyards and prepared from a warp jump to the ghoul stars sectors border the tatical holith showed the vast armarda moving in union with the midnight claw as they entered the warp.


Edge of the Ghoul Stars Sector


The massive armarda ripped from the warp in brightly coloured violence the array of vessels varried from simple escort to massive battleships and battlebarge classes already there were six warships in the livery of the Emperors scythes there classes were two strike cruisers and four escorts carrying the 3rd and 7th companies upon them and four vessels of the silver skulls were three escorts and a single strike cruiser containing the 5th company. Caul looked out of the occulis across the small flottila that awaited them "master of comms send a greeting to our fellow brothers" he said with a smile."aye my lord" the comms serf replied and established a link with the silver skulls and the two scythes of the emperor strike cruisers. "Welcome to our little crusade brothers will you be joinning us on this endeavour" the smile hadnt left cauls voice as he spoke to the three new astartes captains that were waiting in the small flotilla, "we are my lord" affirmed all three captains at once with small bows of there heads. "Excellent that brings our astartes contingent to two-thousand three-hundred quite a force along with two-million imperial guard of the illustrius death korp of kreig" Cauls smile grew slightly wider he had enough warriors to take a sector like this three times over he smile faded and he gestured so the comms would be opened fleet wide, "Now is the time advance FOR THE EMPEROR!" Caul yelled the last part the battle cry was echoed by every warrior of the fleet as the ships powered forward jumping into the innamatreuim and into the ghoul stars sector.


Chapter 2 first steps to new threats old enemies


Ghoul stars system alpha seven nine


The fleet left the warp as they entered the first system of the ghoul stars sector imediatly several escort vessels were sent ahead to scout the system for life forms thecrusades objective wasnt just vengence but conquest as well to expand the imperiums borders.


The bridge of faithful light


Captain johana paced her the bridge of her firesword class escort faithful light she had been given command a decade ago and this was her first action. "We are detecting life on the third planet mama" her sensor operator reported as he collected the data "it looks to be.... oh my its human, its a human settelement from old night" the serf exclaimed. "Open a link to the fleet rellay our discovery to the crusade master" johana shouted the orders and went to her command throne.


Bridge of the midnight claw


Chapter master caul entered the bridge a frown on his brow "is this data confirmed" he ordered the sensor serf, "it is my lord a human population of about 1 million souls sits on the third planet" the serf confirmed. Caul stood for a moment considering his options "order the faithul light to establish contact with the human population, the divine and the destiny are too scout the other planets" he said and watched his orders carried out on the tatical holoith in the center of the bridge. "What do you make of this sire?" First company captain heronius asked as he steped forwards, "I do not know old friend be on the look out for traps first captain" replied caul, "by your will sire" heronius said while he bowed and went to prepare his battle brothers. Caul turned back to the holoith and stood in thought before commiting his next order "form a spear tip led by the phonix I want the fire hawks and twenty thousand guards men ready to invade should things go wrong", "aye my legie" replied the comms serf as he relayed the chapter masters order.


Bridge of the faithful light


Johana saw her coms serf hail the humans again "still no response maam" the coms officer said as he kept try to hail the planet. "Keep tr...." her voice was cut off when warning klaxons sounded across the bridge "whats happening" Johana yelled as she stood up. "Enemy vessels have entered the system bede lining for this planet" , "who are they" johana shiuted over the din, "eldar maam dark eldar" , Johanas face went pale " raise shields now" she yelled.


Gouls stars system alpha seven nine, third planet orbit


The flottila of dark eldar vessels passed the faithul light all but ignoring the inferior escort vessel that sat at high anchir over the planet intent on invasion of the planet, as a after thought one of the dark eldar vessels peeled off of the formation and fired on the faithful light causing the smaller vessels sheild to flare in protest before overloading due to the titanic attack.


Bridge of the faithful light


The deck lurched throwing johana to the ground heavily causing her to grunt in pain, "send out a distress signal to the fleet" johana shouted, "aye maam" the coms serfs shout was barely herd as anouther hit rocked the vessel, "hull breach on deck five sector two" shouted the damage control officer, "sheilds have failed" droned a tech preist from his station, "weapons?" Johana asked thriugh gritted teeth, "offline" replyed her second who was stood over the damaged consol the gunnery officer lay dead by the consol his face burbt to the bone from a power surge. Johana sighed her ship was crippled praticly the ship shuddered again "breach on aft section deck three" reported the damage control officer.


Bridge of the phonix


Captain septermin ordered swift advance for the spear tip as it flew forward with speed he watched the faithful light take another hit a mid ships but it was still hanging on by the skin of its teeth as it took a beating. He watched the phonix unleash its forward firepower on the sleak eldar vessel the soild shots from the batteries ripping the vessels shields down before the vessels bombard cannon blew the eldar vessels in half with volcanic furry of the three magma bombs. "Vessel killed my lord" reported the ships first officer."very good landour forces near the main population centre then use the spear tip to drive the enemy fleet away, send the dauntless to evacuate faithful light until a mechanicum tug can retrieve the crippled escort" captain septermin left for the drop pods in the bowls of the cruiser.


The third planets surface


It was a strange planet desert like but cold captain septermin ordered his forces to dig trences som miles from the nearest city his gold and orange flame patteren armour looked bright against the pale dusty desert sands, he watched as the silent soilders of the death korp dig the trenches from which to fight from "such a talkative bunch " stated septermins sergant of his honour guard as he looked at the death korp digging the trench line in silence, "death korp outriders have engaged the dark eldar vanguard in the low hills three clics out lord" said a commissar that was attached to the 53rd kreig light infantry brigade lead by conel 53, "thank you commisar...."captain septermins voice trailed off as he didnt know the comissar, "harkon my lord my name is harkon attached to this regiment for the last three years lord" he replied quite shocked the space marine wanted to know his name, "keep me imformed commisar harkon" septermin said as he walked back towards a small cluster of buildings near the battle lines recently abbandoned now belonged to the guards heavy weapon teams and the fire hawk devestator squads he inspected the hamlet and nodded in approval "we are ready as we will ever be" septermin whispered as he entered the small village hall now being used as a head quaters and a field hospital.


the death korp scouts returned to the front lines a bit worse for were the fact only 30% had returned showed the ferocity of the xenos that were even know on there way towards the imperial line. An hour passed before the first attack started its signal was the drone of displaced air before several black raiders appeared skimming towards the Imperial line beams of black energy slashed at the trenches throwing clumps of sand and dirt into the air with booming detonations, a lucky shot lanced into a fire point of the trench exploding against the back wall throwing several death korp through the air to land in bloody heaps before the trenches, septermin watched this unfold before nodding to a warrior with a missile launcher, the battle brother stepped forward and lined up a shot and fired, within moments the missile glanced the side of the right most raider exploding against the drivers station causing the raider to slam into the dirt and spill its cargo of warriors black smoke pouring from its ruined drive section, "you missed" septermin said mockingly, "well atleast I hit something" the brother chuckled as he reloaded his launcher , "alright men teach these xenos skum why humanity is the most perfect beings of the universe FOR THE EMPEROR AND THE GOLDEN THRONE!" Septermin yelled the last part as the heavy weapons opened up with a deafining roar, lascannon beams, rockets and auto cannon shells tore the dark eldars flimsy armoured transports apart in ground shaking explosions causing the skimmers to break apart or turn to burning husks strewn across the ground, dozens of skimmerdd were crippled and destroyed in minutes as there warrior cargo carried on the charge firing streams of splinter shards at the imperial lines two counter this the imperium began firing there heavy stubbers And heavy bolters sending a torrent of shells that ripped apart enemy warriors in sprays of blood and gore as they came closer the lasguns of the death korp began spiting incandecant death at the xenos pitching bodiesto the ground.


Comissar harkon walked along the trench line firing his bolt pistol every so often into the xeno press charging towards the trench line he ducked against the trench line to reload his bolt pistol the korps man beside him collapsed sevral splinters having periced the warriors gas mask which now blood poured from behind his mask, without checking the comissar knew the warrior was dead he herd another korpsman curse as his left arm was shredded by splinters his curse ended when a splinter transfixed the mans throat felling him, "hold fast we stand to the last man" harkon shouted as he drew his ornate powersword activating its powerfield the dark eldar were on top of them, one eldar warrior stabbed forward with his bladed weapon causing harkon to duck and roll, on the rise harkon double tapped the enemy, one shell to the groin the other in the throat felling the warrior instantly, a sharp pain in his leg caused harkon to yelp and tumble to the floor of the trench losing his weapon, he knew his leg was ruined his questing fingers told him that he looked up as a shadow fell over him the eldar warrior raised his splinter gun to finish the commisar off, harkon closed his eyes expecting death but he felt warm blood spill over his face, after a few moments he opened his eyes to see the headless xenos lying at his feet its dark crimson blood still spurting as its vile heart did not know it was dead yet, above him stood a towering warrior covered in xenos blood holding a long bladed powersword in one hand and a combibolter in his other, his orange and gold armour was spalshed with the xenos taited blood which made him more imposing, after a heart beat harkon realised who the warrior was "thank you my lord captain for saving my unworthy life" he stammered looking at the fire hawks captain.


Septermin inclined his head to the commisar in way of acknowledgement to the mortals thanks before serveing the battle, he could tell the 53rd were holding but suffering as the dark eldar were now supported by jet bikes and some heavy reaver skimmers, septermin hefted his bolter and fired a burst of bolter shells at a group of charging whyches, he grunted in satisfaction as he saw the that he only missed one of them of the others he had only wounded blowing one of there slender legs off and the other there left arm up to the elbow making them collapse screeching like banshees, the third whych jumped over him whipping at his face with a black blade that he ducked to avoid, bringing the ornate powersword to bear he sent a deadly ripose that missed the females face by scant inches before blocking the whyches blade with a clang of metal, he let the whych feel like she was winning until the heavy bang of his bolter finished the deadly dance blowing the xenos woman on her back a smoking crater were her chest was, septermin executed the other two whyches with single bolt rounds to the head as he assesed the battle raging around him. "Fall back to the secondary defence points" septermin subvocalised into the vox as he moved back to the hamlet were the heavy weapons were death korp troops falling back with him some dropping as they were hit with splinter shards, septermin watched the guard and his battle brothers make new deffences within the hamlet and knew it was being repeated along other hamlets that were near the trench lines.


The trench lines were now the dark eldars thier force reconsolidating thinking they had the imperium on the run they would pay for that mistake they hadclost most of there transports and a good 40% of there warriors taking the trenches and now they would have to assualt several small fortifacations and reinforcements already landing the 72nd death korp armoured brigade were on the surface and were rushing to the battlefield to support the embattled imperial soldiers. Septermin watched as dark eldar warriors charged up the slope supported by a squadron of jet bikes and a reaver, death korp soldiers began firing at will pitching enemy warriors from thier feet to be trampled by there comrads as they charged relentlessly, septermin fired his combie bolter at the warriors killing a warrior with every bolt, brothers of the fire hawks did likewise firing bolters and heavy weapons, a brother with a plasma cannon sent a glob of searing plasma that immolated the a dozen enemy warriors in molten fire, jet bikes screming over head were torn apart by heavy bolter fire there wreckedge crashing into the dirt and roofes of the hamlets buildings. The reaver fired a beam of black energy that destroyed a barricade in sn explosion of super heated energy, shrapnel tore apart several guardsmen near by the barricade leaving them in a ragged mess on the floor.


"Take that reaver down" septermin yelled over the coms net as he impaled a screaming warrior in the face with his powersword his combibolter kicking in his hand as he shot more xenos warriors trying to overun his possition, he saw a guardsman near by get impaled by two wicked blades attached to splinter rifels blood pouring from the mans wounds but even in death the death korpsman took his killers with him detonating a frag grenade that blew him apart and imolated the two eldar warriors the blast wave knocking several more on there backs, a battle brother named regius was hit by another lancing beam from the reaver that vaoorised the warrioras head killing the fire hawk instantly. "Apothcary julandus brother regius is dead his progenoid gland requires retreavil" septermin spoke with a heavy heart and ignored the aknowledegement from the apothcary as he switched his combibolter to its flame unit attachment and with rage imolated all the near by xenos warriors with a raging promethean inferno.


The attack faltered when the reaver was engulfed in a massive explosion that rocked the ground, xenos turned and saw a armoured regiment prowl over the hills with varients of leman russ battle tanks start charging there forces firing as they went, each shell killed a score of xenos warriors assualting the hamlet deffences and driving them back. "Charge warriors of the imperium" captain septearmin yelled vaukting the barricade he had been defending and slaming into a xenos warrior guardsmen and battke brothers followed his example charging over the barricades slaughtering the xenos as they went they killed and killed until septermin found the enemy warlord, before the warlord could react septermin was on top of him bolter firing as he dispatched the archons incubi body guard, the archon tried to raise his sword in drfence but was stopped when septermins sword ripped through his throat taking his head from his shoulders in a gout of blood. Septermin observed the battlefield slowly all the dark eldar were dead but the 53rd kreig light infantry were down to 40% strength and were ordered to policing duties until further notice there mission now was to make this worlds human population into a world of the imperium as for septermins onehundred battle brothers only four had died in battle and several had suffered minor injuries, septermin sighed his men were getting ready to head off world and rejoin the crusade fleet the warship faithful light will be left behind aswell so that the 53rd could leave once there duty was done.


Chapter 3 war in the dark


Ghoul star system beta three


The crusade fleet left the warp at the second system of the ghoul stars some weeks after alpha seven nine and the scrap with the dark eldar, the cold blue sun of the system though only one planet existed in the system the crusade fleet began to consolidate around each other to created a defensive formation as they once again sent out several escorts to scout the system.


The bridge of the phonix


Captain septermin paced the bridge as the escorts set off when the coms serf spoke out "communcation from the iron will lord" the serf stated and pressed some controls so a hololithic projection of sergant icarius was stood before captain septermin, "Greetings brother captain just received message from the iron rivet the system is dead nothing lives here however they discovered wreckedge of a vessel origins unkown I thought I would tell you before chapter master caul announced it to the crusade fleet" sergant icarius spoke as he watched the fire hawks captain, "let the silver skulls deal with this the void is more there arena" captain septermin stated, " it is also your area of experties being a fleet based chapter" the sergants reply almost sounded like a reprimand, " it is indeed my friend but it is 3rd companys arena more than my own" captain septermin stated matter of fact like causing icarius to raise his hands conceding the point, "very well lord captain" icarius replied stoticly before cutting the link. Septermin sighed as he sat on the command throne awaiting the fleet announcement, the announcement was forth coming not even a hour after icarius message, captain sorin of the silver skulls 5th company was the first to announce his volntree offer to go and check it out an was immediately granted ending the comms traffic.


Ghoul stars beta three


The four vessels of the silver skulls went ahead of the crusade fleet leaving it at the warp point, they moved with grace and speed.

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A good story (haven't reached the end just yet). 


The paragraph under Galeron V Shipyard is a little confusing in places, mainly as a result of grammar.


Just a point of fluff-nit-picking: The Iron Hands chapter in divided into clan companies. Perhaps instead of company numbers you could indicate clan titles?


Another minor point of style: While I can see the other officers laughing at a joke, perhaps it's worth mentioning that the Iron Hands delegates do not. Probably, they would consider such practices inefficient, preferring to set out the strategy in cold, clinical terms that allows for the most direct and efficient communication. 

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