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It states "a model striking a hated foe in close combat re-rolls all misses during the first round of each combat -- he does not get to make re-rolls for Hatred in subsequent rounds." (p. 37)


So does "the first round of each combat" mean the turn you charge (or are charged), and the "subsequent rounds" mean all turns/rounds after the initial charge (whether by you or your opponent)?

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Take for example, you have a tac squad of dark angles fighting chaos marines.  On the chaos player's turn he charges.  You both get hatred re-rolls on that first round of combat.


Then on your turn you, you charge in with another unit of dark angels.  The two units that were locked in combat no longer benifit from hatred since it is a subsequent turn.  The squad that just joined in is fighting their first round however so they do get hatred re-rolls for that round.


It's really not as complicated as it sounds once you see it in action.

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