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Monstrous Creature that are ICS can they join a unit?


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Was playing in a game last night and my opponent said he wanted to have Scarbrand join a unit of Blood Letters. I thought this was impossible but could not find a rule saying you could not. Can a Monstrous Creature that is a character join a unit? Could you please point me to the correct portion of the book for this? Thanks.

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Skarbrand does not have the Independent Character special rule.


He is a Character, but not an Independent Character.  Only Independent Characters can join other units unless there is another special rule that allows them to do so.  (Hive Tyrants and Tyrant Guard being one exception)


He cannot join units.


IIRC the only Monstrous Creature with the Independent Character special rule is the Farsight Enclaves Riptide Character.

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Skarbrand may not join the Blood Letters unless he some how gains the Independant Character rule. Character alone doesn't allow models to join or leave units, but it does make them eligible for challenges, amongst other things.


I recall that the pertinent passage would be the side bar dealing with Independant Characters and the portion on character in the Main Rulebook and The Monsters unit entry in the Codice with it's conspicuous absence of the work 'Independant' in the unit entry.

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Page 39 - Independent Character

Page 63 - Characters


An Independent Character is a Character but a Character is not necessarily an Independent Character.



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I can understand the confusion.  We've been conditioned to accept that MCs can't join units, but that's not really what's stopping them.  It's important to note that MCs are unit types.  Just like Infantry, Vehicle, Skimmer etc.  While we don't really think about it, Independent Character is a special rule, not a unit type, that grants them all the bonuses of being such.


I'm unfamiliar with Skabarand's rules, but I imagine he's like Fateweaver, GUO, Hive Tyrants, any Chaos Daemon prince etc.  These are Monstrous creatures who are characters (that's what allows them to challenge other characters) but lack the Independant Character USR to allow them to join/leave a unit or form units with other ICs.


Relevant Reading:


Independent Characters USR - p.39

Characters p.63

Monstrous Creatures p.48

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Thanks guys, I clearly just saw character last night and blanked on the rules from there.


Trust me, we've all done it at some point or another.


I had to do some speedy reading of the Artillery rules myself tonight as I came up against a Gretchin Crewed Kannon Battery.  Literally drew more than one blank on how they're supposed to work when both shot at and assaulted.  Still, not sure = read the BRB/Codex/etc.  The answer is usually contained therein.

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