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Of Chaos, Defilers, Dogs & Daydreams (Pics of Lords & Pets)


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I live out in the sticks. I have dogs. My dogs love going out with me into the sticks. I love my dogs.

I can only imagine how awesome it must be to be a Chaos Lord and have 'pet' Defilers or Maulerfiends follow you around, wailing, scuttling and nuking stuff. Except for the whole being mutated and having a damned soul part of it.

But hey, Chaos isn't for the faint.


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I want to be my Warpsmith character. Not even my Chaos Lord, but my Warpsmith. All that guy does is make big, stompy robots with grabby claws and big guns. Everyone leaves him alone, because he makes dead kill-y, huge, scary robots for the warband, which they appreciate. I picture my Chaos Lord going down to the Armoury and saying, "what have you got for me today?" Like when the mailman would come to Mr Rogers house, except that Mr Rogers is an insane Terminator Lord and the mailman is wearing artificer armour and has a servo-arm, and he would say, "This one walks on five legs and has a battlecannon for a head!" "Awesome, Mr. Warpsmith! Let's go down to the Land of Make Believe and wreck the place!"

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Hah, great thread concept. I was wondering just the other day, how great it would be if I was a Nurgle Decimator, my son a Dark Apostle (he's actually claiming to be Eliphas the Inheritor right now), my wife a Daemonette of course, and our dog (white husky), the Flesh Hound. Where the mind wonders...

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as the owner of a puppy, i'd dread to think of the scale of training involved with such behemoths. actually, thinking about it, it'd be interesting to see a newly created defiler/mauler/forgefiend as they start to learn new tricks. there'd probably need to be a warband on standby mind to help house train it, but it'll grow out of that stage. 

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I'd expect my Chaos Lord to ride on a heldrake and shouting random incantations to no effect, followed by raining hadesfire down on them.  When not cruising in style, he takes his Defiler out for walks, pointing at random things and shouting "Oh Yeah" when the Defiler dramatically walks through buildings.

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... and then comes the day when the Chaos Lord is visited by Abaddon and the semi-trained Maulerfiend decides to hump Abaddon's leg then pee on his feet.

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I want to see a chaos lord playing cards with the warbands dreadnoughts betting on years of service.  The chaos lord would probably disable the dread weapon system, and have some cultist handle the dreadnought cards, while everyone trying to cheat to gain the upper hand. 


Also, I don't know why, but I would prefer a bloodcrusher over a mauler. 

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So like you're at the park and a Space Wolf comes by with his Fenrisian Wolf all smug and all, and the chics dig it.



Then heralded by much wailing and grinding of metal, your Defiler comes crashing in and proceeds to excavate a 30 meter hole to bury the Landspeeder he'd been toting around as a bone.

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Fluffy, not the hand, not the HAAAND....


Well I usually would favor minor daemons as pets, a Horror or two or even a Spawn if that would be the case.


Matter of fact my Chaos Lord considers the Cultists under his banner as especially interesting pets. You know, you can dress them, make them do things, afterall they worship him... and there is never shortage of them. 

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Now with pet pics!


The Divider and Corpse Sorter



Wailing Scuttle and Caper



Rotting Embrace and Munificent



The Unsated Conflagration and Necrosius



The Untouchable Number and the Exceptional Lie



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IIRC Chaos Lords use to be able to take hounds as wargear.


I thought this thread was about modelling chaos hounds and running them as a lords retinue. Presently surprised. Nice models. Im sure those helbrutes love being called fido :P 

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