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=][= E Tenebrae Lux III =][=

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Heh.  It doesn't distract me at all.  Bunch of prima donnas.  "He tripped me, didn't you see it?  My knee, it hurts!"  And then ten seconds later they're back on their feet sprinting down field.


I've been slowed down by the fact that despite starting my summer classes and telling them to limit me to 20 hours a week, the HR manager at my work keeps giving me 30 thirty hours a week.  It's rough.

  On 6/19/2014 at 12:22 PM, Captain Semper said:

  On 6/19/2014 at 8:24 AM, Augustus b said:

The zero-completions for the ultramarines is because for them, completing anything is Theoretical. msn-wink.gif

BTW Semper - the ETL is limited to five vows this year (something I didn't read and discovered just in time). The rules are the rules, and you are a strict but fair master .thumbsup.gif But, as a totally open question and to satisfy my endless curiosity: is this rule implemented to make things even more tense - restricting people from making endless small vows, thereby reducing the risk of them not completing their last vows while still being able to vow en enormous amount of points? Or is there another - more sinister drool.gif reason?

Edit: added the question.

Well the 5 vow limit was there last year too... The only ETL that had no vow restriction was the first one. The experience was exactly the one you describe: in the closing moments of the ETL (I'm talking literally minutes before the deadline) some people were vowing and completing tons of single mini vows. This was perfectly witinin the rules and the spirit of the ETL at the time so I'm not being judgemental at all. It was what it was. But I thought we could improve on that...

By limiting the amount of vows to five in ETL II I achieved two targets: firstly it reduced the last minute anarchy and made my life considerably easier - especially as the amount of participants sky-rocketed. An uncontrolled amount of last minute vows would have delayed the final report for a couple of days more (to say the least). As it were the results came out at day after the end of the event... Secondly, it added another layer of "tactical" thinking, so people organised their stash beforehand, decided what they wanted to paint (or indeed buy) and when they'd do so etc. The game is more tense and the vows take a much more serious dimension. It was a succesful change and was carried over in ETL III.

I think the 5 vow limit is fine as on average the ETL participants vow less than two times (I think it's 1.7x). Also by keeping the amount of points per vow open (for now msn-wink.gif) it is no real constraint to those who want to make super-huge-mega-vows. As a point of reference, the term "mega-vow" has evolved from meaning a vow of 1k pts or more in ETL I to Emperor-knows-how-much in ETL III laugh.png

I'm hoping the ETL IV will still be the same format. I may not be storming through painting models this year but next year I want to have a bash at a mega-vow for the HH team. :D

  On 6/19/2014 at 8:49 PM, forte said:

Yup. I've already thrown my stuff in the air twice. :censored: England

Ah, and all the while the top three of my countries (Germany, Netherlands and Germany) are wrecking absolute face. But I agree, it is distracting. biggrin.png

  On 6/20/2014 at 3:45 AM, Deus Ex Ferrum said:

Heh. It doesn't distract me at all. Bunch of prima donnas. "He tripped me, didn't you see it? My knee, it hurts!" And then ten seconds later they're back on their feet sprinting down field.

Well, we don't all have Bionics that confer Feel no Pain. happy.png

  On 6/21/2014 at 12:28 AM, Andhil said:

  On 6/19/2014 at 8:49 PM, forte said:

Yup. I've already thrown my stuff in the air twice. :censored: England

Ah, and all the while the top three of my countries (Germany, Netherlands and Germany) are wrecking absolute face. But I agree, it is distracting. biggrin.png

Interesting side note, but "Germany, Netherlands, and Germany" is only two countries since like, 1989.



So, going full speed to the last month of the event, the situation is heating up! The AoDs are still leading but the DAs have made a strong comeback and are now marginally second with Chaos marginally third! The Templars are in fourth position but it’s all relatively close…

The leading group (factions of 20k+ completions) now comprises of the four abovementioned factions with HH being alone as the second group (completions 10k+). Forces of the Imperium lead the third group (completions below 10k) with BAs and SWs following suit. However it takes only a “good” week to catch up – so the big question is: can you fight procrastination and deliver on you vow? If you do the situation may be decisively different next week!

So grab the brush and finish up your projects! Believe in victory and victory will come! All you have to do is deliver on your vow!

Here are the usual metrics:
Total participants 421
Total vows: 573
Total points pledged: 469,293pts
Average vow: 819pts/vow
Total points completed: 140,698pts

So now let’s see what happened in week 8:



So let’s see this one by one:

BLACK TEMPLARS [Participants: 67 / Vows: 98]
Well the BTs are an ETL super-power, no question about that. Their current position in fourth place is not by any means a given – the ability to jump a few thousand points in a week is totally within their reach and this could be just a timing issue. They have the drive and the pledges to make it to the top and they know it. On the other hand, this is the crucial period. If you miss the pace then it might be difficult to cover the distance. The above average completion rate is all good but frankly, with an average vow (677pts) that is below the ETL average you have little choice there…

So be pure, be vigilant, behave! (an internet cookie for those who recognize the quote).

ANGELS OF DEATH [Participants: 60 / Vows: 82]
An astronomical completion rate of 47% - the highest in the ETL - in conjunction with high average vow (890pts) delivers the expected result. And although in previous weeks it was Arizona’s completions that did the trick, in this last week we’ve seen a lot of support from others making it a very rounded performance overall. The IHs have a completion rate of 57%(!) the Imperial Fists are at 32% (still above the ETL average) and the IA are at 20% - not huge but still very much a worthy contributor. What concerns me though is where are the UMs, the WSs and the Salamanders? We have yet to see a single completion from them… Which is a pity considering they have 7.5k pts of first vows pledged between them…. So good performance there but it still has potential to grow substantially!

BLOOD ANGELS [Participants: 37 / Vows: 48]
The BAs are keeping their pace following a really productive previous week and new completions came through. The completion rate of 22% though leaves room for improvement and given that the average vow (643pts) is among the lowest in the ETL there is great need to pick up pace. It will also help if completions are followed by subsequent vows – preferably at higher points. But the pace here is the most important factor. There is no substitute for high completion rate among the first vows!

DARK ANGELS [Participants: 59 / Vows: 79]
After a weak week, the DAs made a significant comeback, beating procrastination and jumping to second position. DO NOT LET THIS MOMENTUM WITHER! The average vow slightly above the average (837pts) of the ETL and a completion rate of 38% you (we) are now in a position to make the final push! Building up a distance from our rivals in the next couple of weeks will allow us to focus on getting to the top position in the last leg of the event! Now get those units done – the Inner Circle demands it!

SPACE WOLVES [Participants: 31 / Vows: 39]
There was progress this week and in fact the completion rate doubled! That is significant progress and the SWs should greatly capitalize on that! You are still less than half the average completion rate of the competition and the average vow of 698pts (again much lower than the ETL average) means that rapid completions in the only way forward. Completing the first vows is the key here. High completion rate among the first vows will give you tremendous momentum and will definitely result in jumping several positions – even in the span of one week! But as we’re looking at the last third of the ETL your timeto do so is rapidly diminishing. Make next week the turn-around week – it’s all in the mind!

REALM OF CHAOS [Participants: 61 / Vows: 91]
Chaos is very… Chaotic! In a perverse sense the Eye is the place to be these days! The sheer amount of creativity and… colours is just too much fun to watch. Oh and although they are technically third right now they are so with some 400pts – hardly a material difference… The highest average vow in the ETL (1,170pts) means they can afford to be behind in the completion rate, but we need to keep in mind that adjusting for the two super vows (that have yet to report in, the completion rate is slightly above the ETL average. That means that the entire faction is mobilizing and is ready to be reinforced by the hordes of Fasha and Steve when they arrive. So all it takes is to keep true to the task at hand and hope the fear of Abaddon will keep them in line to complete this Black Crusade successfully.

FORCES OF THE IMPERIUM [Participants: 46 / Vows: 59]
The Forces of the Imperium continued their good performance albeit at somewhat slower pace compared to last week. But the morale is good and the momentum is there. What is not there is the SoBs and the GKs. Guys now is the time to contribute! The IG is doing their best and are holding their own but the faction has more than one forum for a reason! A thing that baffles me is the low average vow of 588pts (the lowest in the ETL). All factions involved have a mix of high and low point value units but it appears that the choice of the participants is heavily biased towards the lower end. Be this as it may the key here is to work towards completions – 23% completion rate needs to come up!

HORUS HERESY [Participants: 60 / Vows: 77]
Well here we have a lot of production with a relatively high level of completions. However the completion rate is below the ETL average. All that needs to be done (given an average vow of 840pts) is to approach the average completion rate of the ETL and everything will fall into place! Time is running out so there is little room to maneuver! Deliver on your vows – every week counts!

So until next week, keep your completions coming!!! biggrin.png


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