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Bm's Death Guards blog


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After over ten years away from miniature games I finally felt it was time to pick up the brush again. I have always loved chaos with all the possibilities of conversions and paint schemes and Nurgle seemed like the obvious choice for this newfound interest.


I'm planning on showing progress of my work here and gladly receive critique and tips. For now, let's start with some help on fluff: which unit should a dg army consist of and which should definitely not be included?

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I wanted to paint all metal areas totally rusted, but then my gf told me she liked the silver metal better.. What do you guys think?


Nevermind the rest of the models, it's not finished.



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Thanks for the input. Rust it is then.


I'm going to continue the painting/modelling aspect of this thread in the WIP section instead

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I painted my own Death Guard with all the green and stuff, then their weapons became black, with grey highlights, and an orange wash. This opposed to their banding and embellishments, that got a brown coat, followed by partial orange covering and some metal highlights. This makes the two uses of orange different enough to the eye, but I also didn't paint all the metal areas completely rusted.

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