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Arizonajirt's ETL III WIP


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Well I may do some more work on the Titan tonight. Air brush on the yellow and red on the armor panels. Then brush on the black hazard stripes. If I feel up to it, then I'll work on the brass trim as well.

If I do this or not depends on if I want to take the night off or not. Tomorrow I'll start on the last dev squad, vanguard vet squad and command squad.


Order was places today for my chapter master (asroth the grim who will be converted) and the last two storm ravens are in the mail from Scotland.

The overall plan is to get all of the troops done (with the occasional vehicle) then work on the vehicles, which are much easier to paint in my opinion. The emplacements will be some d the hardest to paint, as they have the most detail. I've painted one of the trench systems before and it took a while to do, but that was when they first came out. Now it may be a bit easier.


Also picked up something special to paint in honor of captain semper. Will be revealed when it arrives.

Yes sir I am. I figured he is the best character to use for a raven guard chapter master. He has the corax like face, I'll replace his arms with the talons from the chaos warp talon kit. But mostly he will be the same basic model.

Also I will be doing something different for the armor for him and the honor guard. I'm gonna try and mix up a metallic black for their armor. May have I do rune fang steel with a heavy wash(es) of nuln oil.

Who hates me now????

That air brush makes painting the large flat services of the Titan, and spraying the wash so much faster. So I had plently of time to get the armor panels and weapons done.




So that will be all for tonight. Tomorrow the Titan will be done and I'll finish up the units I have in front of me and start on the next batch.

I can only say one thing...


HE'S ON OUR SIDE, HE'S ON OUR SIDE, HE'S ON OUR SIDE, HE'S ON OUR SIDE, HE'S ON OUR SIDE, HE'S ON OUR SIDE...<catches breath, pant, pant>, HE'S ON OUR SIDE, HE'S ON OUR SIDE...<runs outside and jumps up and down>, HE'S ON OUR SIDE, HE'S ON OUR SIDE...


I think machines study jirt to find out how machines are supposed to operate.


Bravo brother!

I've got a dev squad, company command squad and a 5 man vanguard vet squad about finished. Started on the chapter honor guard, but ran out of wash til I could get to my supplies. They will be done today. Tomorrow is 2 tac squads and 2 scout squads and some agis defense lines.


Yes brother Heinrich. I live in Oregon. Do you do too? What parts if so? I'm in ashland.


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