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Kilofix's ETL III Complete


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Damn Kilofix. Not even the first month down!


Its been years in the Warp since I started.


Which hasn't been too bad. Ten years of being held hostage by Slaanesh was quite pleasant. It then took another two years of growing a second pair of painting arms. Then a year of actual painting. Then the last five years looking for the exit was bumpy but bearable. Only problem is people look at me funny now but they don't know what they are missing.




Vow 3 started.


Kilofix answers the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and makes a 3rd Vow to complete the following:


From Codex: Chaos Space Marines (1453 pts):

30 Chaos Chosen (no upgrades)

20 Chaos Terminators (no upgrades)

1 Chaos Spartan (no upgrades) - fom IA:Apoc 2nd Ed


From IA:Renegades & Heretics List (420 pts):

2 Leman Russ Vanquishers (+Plasma Sponsons)

1 Hydra (no upgrades)


....for a total value of 1873 on or before August 1st. Success will bring eternal glory to Chaos Undivided and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the








Guns, guns, guns.




Decals are both a joy and a pain.




About done.

(Contemptor was done previously, I just threw it into the pic for the sake of coolness. Termis on the right, I decided last min to replace their Power Axes with Fists so rebuilding)



Vow 4 assembly started.


Gal Vorbak Possessed w/Dark Apostle, Vakrah Jal Chosen w/Coryphaus, Bloodletters w/Herald & Daemon:




Bastion Shrine, Helbrute, Cultist w/Davinite Priest:




Closeup of Dark Apostle, Chosen Champion, Chosen Marine, Helbrute:




Painting shoulder pads, backpacks, icons and weapons separately. Soul Grinder and Land Raider still awaiting assembly:




Edit - Soul Grinder and Land Raider:





Fully magnetized Helbrute:




Wide shot:






Kilofix answers the call of E TENEBRAE LUX and makes a 4th Vow to complete the following:


Word Bearers Marines from Codex: Chaos Space Marines (1546 points):


1 Coryphaus Abbadon
10 Vakrah Jal Chosen (+4PlasmaGun, +1AC, +1CombiPlasma, +1PowerMaul, +1Icon)
1 Dark Apostle
10 Gal Vorbak Possessed (+1Icon)
1 Helbrute (+1PlasmaCannon, +1PowerScourge)
20 Cultist (+10Autogun) & 1 Davinite Priest Cultist (+1Flamer)
1 Land Raider (+1CombiFlamer, +1HavocLauncher, +1DirgeCaster)
1 Bastion Shrine (+1QuadGun)


Word Bearer Daemons from Codex: Chaos Daemons (665 points):

1 Belakor
1 Herald of Khorne
10 Bloodletters (+1IconBlood, +1Bloodreaper)
1 SoulGrinder


....for a total value of 2211 on or before August 1st. Success will bring eternal glory to Chaos Undivided and failure will doom me to bear the Badge of Shame until the year-end.


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