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Painting help

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so as many of you know, I am restarting my hobby from scratch after my disaster! as I have no more paints(or anything, really), I am ready to jump ship.......paint wise.


don't get me wrong, I like Citadel's color palette. the actual paint quality, not so much!


my prefer paint brand, Vallejo, is unavailable in  AK. no one sells or is willing to sell it. they call it a "Niche Product" so that's a no go.(god I wish I was still living in Washington!)


the next brand P3, while they make great paint, there is a serious lack of color options. again, no go! though, I will be using some of the paints, I really like their metallics!(Pig Iron rules!)


so the last option is Tamiya. I like Tamiya, for $.80 more, I get 3X the paint per pot! that math adds up in my book. 


now my question is this. with Imperial fists, what yellows are good for them. (I am shooting for a darker, more golden yellow)


any help will be awesome.

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I'm getting ready to do some shopping and in doing so I've done some research. I'm really excited about army painter warpaints. 50% more paint for less than GW and still performs well from my very inexperienced understanding.

I copied a link to a review below.


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You could order your paints online perhaps?


I can recommend Coat D'Arms paints, Revell Aqua Colour aren't bad either and Army Painter are pretty damn good. Also Humbrol are doing some decent acrylics, just got their Antique Bronze as well as a couple of others and have to say they are pretty good.


I agree about Pig Iron though, best silver paint I've used bar classic Mithril Silver :)

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I'm getting ready to do some shopping and in doing so I've done some research. I'm really excited about army painter warpaints. 50% more paint for less than GW and still performs well from my very inexperienced understanding.

I copied a link to a review below.


I like armypainters primers, but I will have to see what the warpaints are about before I commit to them. I am very interested in their metalics though!

You could order your paints online perhaps?

I can recommend Coat D'Arms paints, Revell Aqua Colour aren't bad either and Army Painter are pretty damn good. Also Humbrol are doing some decent acrylics, just got their Antique Bronze as well as a couple of others and have to say they are pretty good.

I agree about Pig Iron though, best silver paint I've used bar classic Mithril Silver smile.png

Hmm, hadn't considered the other three! gonna have to try them.

I fear I may not be of help as I myself prefer Vellajo as well. I order all my hobby stuff from thewarstore.

Also have you seen this http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/289905-imperial-fist-test-model-metallic-colour-scheme/?hl= imperial fist test

I will probably steal this scheme for special guys in my force!

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