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Coteaz, IBEY, and Drop pods

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Just a small clarification I need.  Long story short, I was thinking about attaching Coteaz to a backfield unit because my buddy likes to pod Sternguard.  Now here's the small detail I wanted to know first.


With IBEY you can shoot when a unit arrives via Deepstrike within 12" and in LoS.  Does a drop pod unit arrive when the pod hits the table, or does it arrive when the unit inside disembarks and gets ready to turn my thunderfire cannons into salsa?  Do I have to shoot at the pod before he gets out, or can I shoot at the units when they come running out?

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As it reads right now the pod arrives and immediately disembarks the occupants. At that point you resolve the shooting which would be against both pod and unit inside. There is no point at which the pod is down and the guys are not disembarked. I've been putting Coteaz in a unit of grav centurions, absolutely guarantees nobody is podding anywhere near me.


It's way too overpowered and I reckon it'll be changed so that him and his unit get the interceptor rule.

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As it reads right now the pod arrives and immediately disembarks the occupants. At that point you resolve the shooting which would be against both pod and unit inside. There is no point at which the pod is down and the guys are not disembarked. I've been putting Coteaz in a unit of grav centurions, absolutely guarantees nobody is podding anywhere near me.


It's way too overpowered and I reckon it'll be changed so that him and his unit get the interceptor rule.

Not quite. The unit cannot disembark before the Vehicle's movement is finished, I.e. after it arrives. The timing difference is very small, but it does exist.


There are a couple Vehicles that have ways to simulate otherwise, but the Drop Pod is not one of them.

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The BRB stipulates that the models disembark in the movement phase which is why I asked in the first place:


"In the Movement phase during which they arrive, deep striking units may not move any further, other than to disembark from a deep striking Transport vehicle if they are in one."

-BRB p.36


However, the counter argument could be made that the drop pod doors open on landing, so I still can shoot at the models inside, and that this would be more effective since the models are all bunched up, albeit in 5+ cover.  Looks like a table-ruled situation in the case of a drop pod.

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Except you cannot target a unit embarked within a transport.
They can only be targeted once they've disembarked.
So that idea is a non-starter I'm afraid.
Note that IBEY doesn't specify "Deep Strike" it's "Arriving from reserve"
The unit that disembarks from the Drop Pod has arrived from reserves - so is a valid target.


I’ve Been Expecting You: If an enemy unit arrives from reserves within 12" of Coteaz and within his line of sight, Coteaz and his unit can immediately make an out-ofsequence shooting attack against it. There is no limit on how many times the ability can be used in a turn.
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The GK FAQ also clarifies that you can shoot at a Pod, and the unit.


The only case you wouldn't be able to do so would be a Lucious Drop Pod, if the Dread decided not to disembark.


That then opens up another can of worms with the question of whether Coteaz could IBEY the Dread when it disembarked the turn after...

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That then opens up another can of worms with the question of whether Coteaz could IBEY the Dread when it disembarked the turn after...


I wouldn't have thought there would be any can of worms.  The Dread isn't arriving from reserves at that point.  It is, in fact, just like any unit that arrived from reserves on turn X and disembarked turn X+1 - they arrived in their transport the preceding turn.  So the transport may have been a valid target on turn X, but the unit isn't on turn X+1.

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The GK FAQ also clarifies that you can shoot at a Pod, and the unit.


The only case you wouldn't be able to do so would be a Lucious Drop Pod, if the Dread decided not to disembark.


That then opens up another can of worms with the question of whether Coteaz could IBEY the Dread when it disembarked the turn after...

I would say no because the next turn the dread will no longer be considered to be arriving from reserves.


Otherwise. IBEY can be used against any unit that arrives from reserves every turn thereafter.

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I run into this problem when playing Tau all the time.  They just shoot my tac squads after they come out of the drop pod.  Its such a pain in the ass.  Then I'm left with 3 guys and a drop pod sitting there.  

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