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Rogue's Sons of Medusa


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I browse around here every now and then, so I thought I should share a few bits too. So here's the few bits of armour my marines have collected over the years (but mostly the last twelve months - I'm not a quick painter).


The marines (a DIY Sons of Medusa who play as Crimson Fist successors (long story)) are a lighter green (you can see a couple in the speeders, but I figure the darker tanks break it up a bit.




2014 razorbacks


2014 vindicator Jericho


2014 dreadnoughts Seth and Cain


2014 landspeeder tornado and typhoon

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  • 1 month later...

Two months of serious brushwork (and procrastination) later, a stormtalon. Ta-dah!


I think it took longer to do the cockpit and pilot than it did to do the whole rest of the flyer.


stormtalon 1


stormtalon 2


stormtalon 3


Now it gets to slug things out with my autocannon dread for the 'shooty-armoured-thing' slot in my 750pt list...

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Thanks Jeff. I had no idea that was the original RT chapter badge - I don't suppose you have any images, do you?


(I was using it as a chapter symbol long before I decided to go with 'Sons of Medusa' as a chapter - the symbol led to the name.)

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Here's the original colour schemes for the Sons of Medusa, taken from the 2st Edition Warhammer 40,000 Compendium.




That's exactly it. If you're not copying it, it's REALLY close already. 

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  • 2 months later...

And on the topic of retro, here's a couple of very old terminator models - they go back at least 20 years, probably more, and finally got a proper paint job over the last fortnight.


cyclone (1) (800x600)


cyclone (2) (800x600)


There's a couple more to come at some point...

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  • 2 weeks later...
With an evening of Space Hulk on the horizon at the end of the month, here's another addition to the first company - Chief Librarian Isaiah. I'm pretty confident that he's been waiting 25 years for a coat of paint...


Chief Librarian Isaiah

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