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Building a Flesh Tearers Battle Company


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So I took up what is likely a bit of large project: I'm building a Flesh Tearers Battle Company based on the Apoc Formation (Honor Guard subbing in for the Command Squad of course). And since they are a smaller chapter I'm toying with going full chapter sized with them but I'm stuck on a couple of small details and I'm hoping people could help straighten me out.


I understand they have only 4 companies, but I'm not 100% if that's 4 Battle Companies, or 4 Companies total (which would make the first company a Vet Company). I know they were listed as 4 Battle Companies in the past, but I think the 5th Edition codex just says "4 companies" and points out that they'd have more if the chapter wasn't actively shrinking, which implies a traditional 1st Company to me being a part of the mix.


If they have no Vet Company should I make an unofficial one by building a Vet Company but color coding them to each of the 4 Battle Companies? Any suggestions?


I get that they have no Reserve Company, but if I were to do a full Chapter should I just combine the Scouts into an unofficial 10th Company and give them the same color coded treatment I was referring to for the vets?


Lastly, anyone have an ideas on the vehicle side of things? I know there was some old lore about a single Baal Predator, some transports and a couple of Whirlwinds but is that set in stone? I mostly want to know if I can get a little crazy on that front and give them more than that.


And just so I'm not leaving this completely filled with text, here's a not-100%-in-focus-picture I snapped this morning of a Gabriel Seth model I did a head swap on (because I find helmets to be superior to bald and screaming, sorry):


His arms and backpack will go on after his body is painted.



At a friend's recommendation I added a crest to Seth's helmet (made of the blade of a Chainsword, pitching forward as the blades should always do on their icon):


Better images to come in the future when I actually start getting things painted. I don't have my light box set up right now to take better quality images right now.

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I think he and I ended up making a fair trade on that idea. He was thinking of an Ork Buzzsaw or a Chainaxe, I decided on using the chainsword I had extra on the Tactical Marine sprue so he got an idea out of it if he ever wants to do the same.


Seth starts to look the part as I push towards my "table top" level with him at 14 different pots of paint and counting. Someday I'll do something "simple" for a paint scheme, Flesh Tearers won't be it though.




Better pictures en route when he's complete. But for now, bed.

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So, first of all, I really like where you're going with your painting, and I'm looking forward to seeing more of your work.


Second, I don't think that your question is answered anywhere in the official fluff, but if I were Gabriel Seth, and I were in such dire straights, what I wold probably do is disband the First Company and divide them up among the rest of the surviving battle companies. I'd do the same thing with all the reserve companies and the scouts. It's probably the most efficient way to make sure that the surviving companies have the support they need to die with honor while still making sure that everyone's got vehicles, and elite formations, and the scouts get trained. So, my interpretation is four battle companies, no 1st company, no reserve companies, and no scouts.

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As far as I understand it, the Fleshtearers are now made up of four (ish) identical companies in which every marine can fulfill the role of Tact, Dev, Assault, Tank crew, and Biker. I believe that each company maintains a cadre of veterans.


However, Seth is mentioned to be undertaking a massive recruitment programme, so it isn't out of the question for the first company to be resurrected and kept alone, while a new fifth company is formed for the new intakes to the chapter.


As it is also mentioned that Seth is going crazy building tanks too (it's mentioned that Cretacia is now mostly used for recruiting new Fleshtearers and is a Demi-forgeworld in its own right) then you can field more than a single Baal Predator in your army :) I certainly am :)


May I steal your chainsword idea? It's superb :)

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Thanks for the feedback on the background stuff guys, I appreciate it! So I think I'm going to go with a proper 1st company, and a proper 10th company in the long run (and a "proper" Death Company based on the formation from Apoc which may end up going as high as 10 squads as well) just because it makes sense to me. It's not like the companies aren't all scattered to the winds and mixed with each other anyways so the only place they'll ever be formed up into companies correctly will be on paper.


And steal away! I'm probably only going to only use it again when I do Captain models just because I don't have that many chainswords and the thought of shaving hundreds of them down like that is a bit daunting.

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I like the idea, toyed with it a bit in third prior to going straight BA, but Index Astartes said they were super light on vehicles. I can try and find my copy of the article, but the gist is limited tank and transport support. But that is third edition and the last codex completely ignores all previous fluff, so from that standpoint I say do what you like. Ohh, as to a tenth company, that would always be there. Scouts are not Marines, so when they say a chapter has a thousand Marines, that is not counting scouts. Each of the first nine companies each have about 110 Marines once you take into account captain, chaplain, honor guard, etc. The remaining guys man the tanks and such.
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I always assumed they counted the 10th company but didn't count all of the "support" positions (Captains, Command Squads, Chaplians, act) but I think the number work out the same either way.


And good to know the current codex basically unshackled the army in terms of options. That makes me feel better about running out into left field like I was planning.

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For some reason, I always imagined the Flesh Tearers are being into waves of assault marines on foot, rather than jump pack assault marines or tanks. Since jump pack assault marines and tanks are what I'm really into (note, I don't win a lot :-/), I ended up going with a different successor.


I do own a Gabriel Seth model with the Flesh Tearers stuff filed off, though, because his model is awesome.

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So progress report for the day:
I didn't finish Seth just yet, but instead opted to get some airbrushing out of the way and base coat a whole bunch of stuff (save for an arm I overlooked and will need to do still, but either way this gets a lot covered and shortens a fair amount of painting time):

Of course this still leaves quite a bit to do (highlights, washes, metal bits, icons, gems, helmet lenses, the details on the Librarian Dread) but I feel this still cut off quite a lot of time in getting these guys "done".

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Man the more I see what air brushing can do, the more I wonder if I should get one...

They are handy. In two hours (counting time to switch the paints over as well as setup and clean up) I did 10 models, 20 of both kinds of shoulder pads, the heads, the weapons and a Dreadnought. I'd need a week to base coat all that by hand and it wouldn't look half as good (as the paint is thinner, so detail is far less obscured and no brush marks on the basecoat is always a good thing)


I need to pad the trigger on the airbrush through, after two hours my finger is killing me.

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Man the more I see what air brushing can do, the more I wonder if I should get one...

They are handy. In two hours (counting time to switch the paints over as well as setup and clean up) I did 10 models, 20 of both kinds of shoulder pads, the heads, the weapons and a Dreadnought. I'd need a week to base coat all that by hand and it wouldn't look half as good (as the paint is thinner, so detail is far less obscured and no brush marks on the basecoat is always a good thing)

I need to pad the trigger on the airbrush through, after two hours my finger is killing me.

Tell me about it, I am doing all that by hand teehee.gif

But did some good time tonight, about 14 undercoats done on assault marines.

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Well Seth is finished but I really feel it's time to get a proper camera. This one on my phone is just driving me crazy since they "updated" it and took all the manual setting options away. Well at least these are in focus, if a little brighter than they should be:


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I'm assuming that's a good "wow"...I hope. I feel I still have quite a ways to go in places (like edge highlighting, something I don't have a tremendous amount of experience with, or painting gems, which still need some gloss but will have to wait until I can pick up a bottle from my FLGS because I've apparently lost mine) but overall I like who he turned out.

I just have to remember that if I handle him wrong his backpack likes to come off. whistlingW.gif

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Very nice. I'm still contemplating if my own version should wear a helmet or not. It definitely looks good.

Thanks! I think the quality of the pictures honestly makes the colors look off in the last three images, so I plan on retaking pictures with a better camera at a later date but I am happy with how he came out.


And I seriously recommend the helmet, only because I prefer Marines to wear helmets. The only chapter to me that "looks right" without helmets are the Space Wolves because of the amount of hair they have.

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And I seriously recommend the helmet, only because I prefer Marines to wear helmets. The only chapter to me that "looks right" without helmets are the Space Wolves because of the amount of hair they have.


My exact thoughts. Helmets are cool. Space marine helmets are even cooler. 

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And I seriously recommend the helmet, only because I prefer Marines to wear helmets. The only chapter to me that "looks right" without helmets are the Space Wolves because of the amount of hair they have.


My exact thoughts. Helmets are cool. Space marine helmets are even cooler. 

I agree with you 2.  Marines need helmets, but Wolves can get by without.

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