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Sand Tigers: The Misfit Children of Dorn


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i thought id do a lore and eventually a codex supplement and paint scheme sample for a custom chapter. post it here for the lulz. and see what u all think about it.


here we go:


chapter name: Sand Tigers


successor chapter of: imperial fist (m39 (nearest approximate date)), gene seed (dorn)

homeworld and monastery: pilium I (pilium system), monastery is a large hollowed out mountainb called "the cave", chapter has a secondary monastery known as " the temple of dunes"




the pilium system is not a very noteable system. some would barely deem it worth colonizing from a first glance. however any imperial navy captain or navigator will tell you they would sooner die that see it fall. the system itself is a major space travel junction leading to the various system clusts near ork space and the various paths one can take to destinations in these parts of space cuts trecherous travels through the warp that would normally take weeks only a matter of days.


the system also plays host to the imperial forge world of sylphs hammer, which is a major forge planet responsible for the the production of many imperial war machines including the mighty rhino transport and is one of the only forge worlds capable of manufacturing replacement arts for space marine land raiders.


it is for these reasons that in m38 the imperial fists along with several imperial guard regiments were dispatched to defend the system from an ork waaaagh led by warboss gitsmasha. after several terran months of bloody fighting the war finally culminated in a last stand by the orks on the steppes of hellsreach on the planet of pilium I itself which resulted in the defeat of the greenskin. however the warboss managed to escape and flee back into the warp and safely to charadon. the leader of the imperial fists was brother captain issac fiercefang a man who later become a hero to the whole system.


this would become the first of many visits he would make to this system as time and time again imperial defenses in the sector were hit hard by ork incursions and other xenos. and time and time again the imperial fists would return and clean them out. issac grew bored of the trips back and forth and demanded his chapter master station fists in the system to see its defense; however his requests fell on deaf ears. so in m39 he officially led a detachment of marines from the imperial fists and broke off from his chapter to found a new one having deemed the task too important and difficult for lesser men and thus the sand tigers chapter was born.


issac then set up a system of planets and populations from which the recruit new marines from. one of which was the many nomadic tribes of pilium I. these tribes had foguth along side the imperial forces repelling xenos invaders. and he had learned much of their ways and methods. as well as their tribal systems of governance, organization, and battle tactics. these would become the cornerstone upon which he would build his chapter.


anyone who has met a sand tiger stand agape upon discovering they are from dorns stock. as their makeup and behaviour more closely resmbles that of the space wolves or the various other tribal chapters. their armors often incoporate animal fangs, teeth, and fur and their crest is a tigers face with its mouth open displaying its fangs. they are feirce and violent, often giving the illusion of being all in a state of controlled battle frenzy. they are unrelenting. those who have fled in their wake often tell stories of having been retreating for days from an engagement only to turn around and find the sand tigers mere hours behind them.




like most chapters the sand tigers have a system of rank and organization in this is the breakdown:


Tiger master - this is the equivalent to a chapter master. the difference is in name only


Great Tiger priest - leader of a subdivision of the reclusiam known as the tiger priests. in the event a suitable successor is unavailable the great tiger priest becomes the chapters leader


the 10 great clans - each clan consists of a tiger lord, his command retinue, and three 5-10 man units of space marines called "tiger tribes", the most honored of which is the first great tribe known as the tiger knights (see below)


mechanium, libriarium, apothecarion - these function as they do in other chapters with each company (or clan) having one or more representatives from each of these.


fang & tiger priests - like all chapters they have a reclusiam to oversee the chapters various spiritual needs, ceremonies, rites, and rituals. the reclusiam is broken into two group. the fang priests and the tiger priests. their are at any time up to 11 fang priests. one of each assigend to a clan to voersee each clans needs. the tiger priests are another group entirely. they are the keepers of the chapters sacred site known as the temple of dunes. it is here that the chapter keeps is most prized posession. a vast supply of large cheney tigers. these massive tigers are considered sacred to the chapter and are even worshipped by some brothers in the chapter. it is considered a great honor to be elevated from a fang priest to a tiger priest. in battle these priests are often accompanied by one such tiger to act as his aide. often seen riding one into battle or fighting at his side. they are a fierce foe indeed


the chapter then has four great houses from which to pool additional resources.


house lynx


hourse lynx is the home of those not yet ready to wear the armor of a space marine. this is the chapters initiates. often employed in reconissance or as light infantry. they also are employed often in a fire support role. distracting or delaying a foe while other brothers smash them with their superior firepower like a mailed fist


house cougar - house cougar is built on speed and maneuverability. it is from here the chapters fastest elements are called forth. land speeders, bikes, and the assault tribes are located here. they are also keepers of the chapters most specialized tool the mallins class drop pod (i will discuss this in the supplement)


house lion - house lion is mighty and proud. they are the chapters heaviest weapons. they are the keepers of the chapters mighty warmachines and heavy weapons. devestator tribes make up its ranks



house tiger - house tiger is a transitional house, initiates who prove their worth and are elevated to full tiger brother status are first sent here. it is here they first learn how to operate as a full space marine before being placed in one of the great clans.


tigerknights - this is the chapters most veteran warriors. many of them date back to before the chapter seperated from the imperial fists. these exist as a strength battle company but are only ever deployed in small numbers, often being used as honor guards or a spearhead of an assault. the knights are also keepers of all the chapters precious few suits of terminator armor.


- end of lore -




special rules:


grim resolve - any model with this special rule has the stubborn special rule


Endless fury - any model with this special rule automatically passes NORMAL leadership checks (leadership checks altered for any reason are still done as per the warhammer 40000 rulebook), also any model with this special rule has + 1 attacks in the assault phase


sons of the tiger - any model with this special rule has the zealot special rule.


warlord traits:


D6 - 1

Vicious assault - your warlord is a master of hard hitting direct assaults. your warlord and any unit within 6 inches of him has the furious charge special rule


D6 - 2

Death to the greenskin! - your warlord has served in the chapters battles with the orks. all models in your army have the preferred enemy: orks special rule


D6 - 3

Honorable commander- your warlord is a has risked as few units as he feels is necissary on this battle and has recieved much praise for it. if your warlord is alive at the end of the game you are awared an extra victory point. if he is killed you lose one victory point (on top of slay the warlord)


D6 - 4

for the great tiger, for the skyfather! - your men have all been led in prayer and hymn before battle by a tiger priest, any scoring unit withing 3" of an objective have the feel no pain special rule


D6 - 5


deepstirike veteran - your warlord has used deepstike assaults in warfare many times. he has personally seen to the calibration of the teleport and drop pod launch systems aboard your chapters warhsip - all units arriving from reserves via drop pod assault or via the deepstrike special rule scatter only 1d6 for the first 5 turns of play


D6 - 6


bound by honor - your warlord, and any other units in the HQ slot (on the foc) of your army cannot refuse a challenge. if no challenges can be issued in the assault phase your warlord all models in your HQ slot (on the foc) attack at initiative 3


 ---- under construction ---

i thought id do a lore and eventually a codex supplement and paint scheme sample for a custom chapter. post it here for the lulz. and see what u all think about it.


here we go:


chapter name: Sand Tigers


So interesting name. Tigers are not an animal often referred to by Chapters, but they are none-the-less fearsome predators so I like it. Personally I think Sand sounds weird, but this is your chapter so of course if you like it awesome!


successor chapter of: imperial fist (m39 (nearest approximate date)), gene seed (dorn)

homeworld and monastery: pilium I (pilium system), monastery is a large hollowed out mountainb called "the cave", chapter has a secondary monastery known as " the temple of dunes"


Good with the date. A rough estimate is always better than exact dates, it allows freedom to work and actually makes the chapter fit much better. 

I like the Monastery, large? check, mountainous? check, cool nickname? check. However I do not like the second. Monasteries are the home to the chapters heroes dead and alive, their heritage, their relics, their gene-legacy and more. They are also one of the most fortified locations in the Imperium. The purpose of building two seems off. The chapter would want to focus their achievements not spread them out (unless they are for example Alpha Legion esque) consider an alternative. This temple may be a place of pilgrimage for chapter members. Perhaps they go to feel closer to the Emperor or their Primarch. I think the two locations can be done, but don't dilute it.




the pilium system is not a very noteable system. some would barely deem it worth colonizing from a first glance. however any imperial navy captain or navigator will tell you they would sooner die that see it fall. the system itself is a major space travel junction leading to the various system clusts near ork space and the various paths one can take to destinations in these parts of space cuts trecherous travels through the warp that would normally take weeks only a matter of days.


So the system itself is not remarkable, but the space it occupies is? That is a neat twist.


the system also plays host to the imperial forge world of sylphs hammer, which is a major forge planet responsible for the the production of many imperial war machines including the mighty rhino transport and is one of the only forge worlds capable of manufacturing replacement arts for space marine land raiders.


So a major or notable system, but home to a rare planet producing some of the most important items in the Imperium. I like the idea of its unique space travel, but I would want to put my Forgeworld well away from it. I mean a "shortcut" like this is going to attract people. It also had the added effect of making this seemingly unimportant system VERY important.


it is for these reasons that in m38 the imperial fists along with several imperial guard regiments were dispatched to defend the system from an ork waaaagh led by warboss gitsmasha. after several terran months of bloody fighting the war finally culminated in a last stand by the orks on the steppes of hellsreach on the planet of pilium I itself which resulted in the defeat of the greenskin. however the warboss managed to escape and flee back into the warp and safely to charadon. the leader of the imperial fists was brother captain issac fiercefang a man who later become a hero to the whole system.


What happened in M38? A Forgeworld is likely ancient, possibly in some ways predating the Imperium of Man. They don't magically start making Land Raider parts do they?

Be careful with the names of Hellsreach, it is a somewhat oft used name for things. Also a little pet peeve here greenskins are never truly defeated d:

Arch Villain escapes cliche? check. Not that it is bad, but why do they always get away. Someone should have told Brother-Captain Fiercefang (and really... are you sure he isn't a Space Wolf...? Look at common Imperial Fist names to get an idea, while they vary more than most due to large recruitment worlds it is better to be safe) that he needs to kill Da Boss to win the fight. Also hero of the whole system, a true badass Captain, I like him.


this would become the first of many visits he would make to this system as time and time again imperial defenses in the sector were hit hard by ork incursions and other xenos. and time and time again the imperial fists would return and clean them out. issac grew bored of the trips back and forth and demanded his chapter master station fists in the system to see its defense; however his requests fell on deaf ears. so in m39 he officially led a detachment of marines from the imperial fists and broke off from his chapter to found a new one having deemed the task too important and difficult for lesser men and thus the sand tigers chapter was born.


Well I was right about the large amount of enemy traffic. Someone move the Forgeworld! Also what made him so special to return? Companies are often all over the galaxy fighting the Imperiums foes, it seems lucky that everytime something went wrong the dear Brother-Captain was able to drop everything and jump in to rescue them all.

He demanded? A Captain approached the Chapter Master of one of the most glorious Chapters in the Imperium and demanded? I would imagine his demand not only fell on deaf ears, but also resulted in some time in the Punishment Glove. 

Okay he was ignored, and broke off to do something only he seemed to think was important, but he did so officially? Also the High Lords aren't going to just let a Captain lead a bunch of marines to a base and say we rule here and are a new chapter. They have to be sanctioned, created and supplied by the High Lords. This man committed Heresy!

A better alternative is to find a way to have the High Lords declare such a need and ask the Imperial Fists to supply a training cadre and support staff to help this new chapter made of the loyal Dorn's seed. Upon hearing this Issac asks his Chapter Master to lead this cadre, and due to his vast knowledge and record is allowed. He then stays on with the chapter he helped forge and becomes its first Chapter Master. It might seem more cliche and boring, but it isn't a far cry from the norm. 


issac then set up a system of planets and populations from which the recruit new marines from. one of which was the many nomadic tribes of pilium I. these tribes had foguth along side the imperial forces repelling xenos invaders. and he had learned much of their ways and methods. as well as their tribal systems of governance, organization, and battle tactics. these would become the cornerstone upon which he would build his chapter.


He set up a system maybe, but he didn't set up planets. He also needs to have an idea of the stock he wants, and choose planets that will provide suitable applicants. So feral lesser men fought next to the Space Marines, and not only weren't butchered, but became a point of focus for the Captain. He must have spent a VERY long time with them outside of combat to learn all these things. He chose them because they were hardy people, perhaps they even attempted to fight the Orks themselves before being saved. Again don't overdue it.


anyone who has met a sand tiger stand agape upon discovering they are from dorns stock. as their makeup and behaviour more closely resmbles that of the space wolves or the various other tribal chapters. their armors often incoporate animal fangs, teeth, and fur and their crest is a tigers face with its mouth open displaying its fangs. they are feirce and violent, often giving the illusion of being all in a state of controlled battle frenzy. they are unrelenting. those who have fled in their wake often tell stories of having been retreating for days from an engagement only to turn around and find the sand tigers mere hours behind them.


I am starting to think Issac was somehow lost from his Chapter, painted his armour yellow and at one point or another said "err yeah go Dorn he was you know... super uh awesome" and the other Imperial Fists cheered and forgot he smelt of unwashed hair and ale. 

Chapters change over time it happens. My own chapter wears the cloaks of sea reptiles, they are Ultramarine stock though. Chapters are allowed to have their own unique aspects without being a certain chapters seed. Sometimes it just helps flesh out the story. 

The idea that they are in a controlled battle frenzy... well aren't all marines? and if not what makes their different? They have control so they aren't berserkers. And also not to get down on you, but anyone retreating from a Space Marine force isn't likely to live anyways, at least not if the marines wan't them dead.




like most chapters the sand tigers have a system of rank and organization in this is the breakdown:


Tiger master - this is the equivalent to a chapter master. the difference is in name only




Great Tiger priest - leader of a subdivision of the reclusiam known as the tiger priests. in the event a suitable successor is unavailable the great tiger priest becomes the chapters leader


Wow. Tiger is a little important here isn't it?


the 10 great clans - each clan consists of a tiger lord, his command retinue, and three 5-10 man units of space marines called "tiger tribes", the most honored of which is the first great tribe known as the tiger knights (see below)


Tiger Clans, led by Tiger Lords, who lead their Tiger Tribesmen who all want to be Tiger Knights, riding their Tigers of Tigerness into battle yelling out the battle cry "T I G E R go Tiger!" okay sorry for that, but really?...


mechanium, libriarium, apothecarion - these function as they do in other chapters with each company (or clan) having one or more representatives from each of these.




fang & tiger priests - like all chapters they have a reclusiam to oversee the chapters various spiritual needs, ceremonies, rites, and rituals. the reclusiam is broken into two group. the fang priests and the tiger priests. their are at any time up to 11 fang priests. one of each assigend to a clan to voersee each clans needs. the tiger priests are another group entirely. they are the keepers of the chapters sacred site known as the temple of dunes. it is here that the chapter keeps is most prized posession. a vast supply of large cheney tigers. these massive tigers are considered sacred to the chapter and are even worshipped by some brothers in the chapter. it is considered a great honor to be elevated from a fang priest to a tiger priest. in battle these priests are often accompanied by one such tiger to act as his aide. often seen riding one into battle or fighting at his side. they are a fierce foe indeed


More Tigers and now fangs too! 


And wait? No. No. No. Sorry, but no.


An entire chapter was declared heretics for worshiping the Emperor as an animal totem. This chapter will not get away with literally worshiping an animal. They have a secret temple, filled with some random cats that are so sacred that they are kept away from the rest of the chapter. And then they ride them into battle... (Space Wolves look what you did to these poor young chapters)


the chapter then has four great houses from which to pool additional resources.


So they have 10 Companies (Clans or whatever) that all seem sorta like a Battle Company, and now they have 4 additional companies? Why did these guys break to codex so quickly and do it so much. The scions of Dorn are proud to serve the codex, and a Captain of their heritage should honour it. Sure little diversions and changes here and there happen as a chapters homeworld is absorbed into the fold (look at the Mortifactors) but this is a newer chapter, from an established geneseed going bat:cuss (or would it be tiger:cuss...) crazy for no listed reasons. Did Captian Issac "totally not a Space Wolf in disguse" Fiercefang not respect Dorn and his chapter? 


house lynx


hourse lynx is the home of those not yet ready to wear the armor of a space marine. this is the chapters initiates. often employed in reconissance or as light infantry. they also are employed often in a fire support role. distracting or delaying a foe while other brothers smash them with their superior firepower like a mailed fist


So the Scout Company... named after another great feline.


house cougar - house cougar is built on speed and maneuverability. it is from here the chapters fastest elements are called forth. land speeders, bikes, and the assault tribes are located here. they are also keepers of the chapters most specialized tool the mallins class drop pod (i will discuss this in the supplement)


So an assault reserve company... named after another great feline.


house lion - house lion is mighty and proud. they are the chapters heaviest weapons. they are the keepers of the chapters mighty warmachines and heavy weapons. devestator tribes make up its ranks


So a devastator reserve company... named after THE great feline.


house tiger - house tiger is a transitional house, initiates who prove their worth and are elevated to full tiger brother status are first sent here. it is here they first learn how to operate as a full space marine before being placed in one of the great clans.


So a tactical reserve company... with the tiger motif in it...


tigerknights - this is the chapters most veteran warriors. many of them date back to before the chapter seperated from the imperial fists. these exist as a strength battle company but are only ever deployed in small numbers, often being used as honor guards or a spearhead of an assault. the knights are also keepers of all the chapters precious few suits of terminator armor.


Wow he brought a lot of warriors with him didn't he. Usually it is a small number of veterans, some of which don't even stay once the chapter is up and running. How did the Imperial Fists feel about the Captain stealing veterans of the company? And why did they willingly follow him away from their chapter and lives?

The rest sounds like typical Veteran Squad fair.


- end of lore -




special rules:


grim resolve - any model with this special rule has the stubborn special rule


Endless fury - any model with this special rule automatically passes NORMAL leadership checks (leadership checks altered for any reason are still done as per the warhammer 40000 rulebook), also any model with this special rule has + 1 attacks in the assault phase


sons of the tiger - any model with this special rule has the zealot special rule.


warlord traits:


D6 - 1

Vicious assault - your warlord is a master of hard hitting direct assaults. your warlord and any unit within 6 inches of him has the furious charge special rule


D6 - 2

Death to the greenskin! - your warlord has served in the chapters battles with the orks. all models in your army have the preferred enemy: orks special rule


D6 - 3

Honorable commander- your warlord is a has risked as few units as he feels is necissary on this battle and has recieved much praise for it. if your warlord is alive at the end of the game you are awared an extra victory point. if he is killed you lose one victory point (on top of slay the warlord)


D6 - 4

for the great tiger, for the skyfather! - your men have all been led in prayer and hymn before battle by a tiger priest, any scoring unit withing 3" of an objective have the feel no pain special rule


D6 - 5


deepstirike veteran - your warlord has used deepstike assaults in warfare many times. he has personally seen to the calibration of the teleport and drop pod launch systems aboard your chapters warhsip - all units arriving from reserves via drop pod assault or via the deepstrike special rule scatter only 1d6 for the first 5 turns of play


D6 - 6


bound by honor - your warlord, and any other units in the HQ slot (on the foc) of your army cannot refuse a challenge. if no challenges can be issued in the assault phase your warlord all models in your HQ slot (on the foc) attack at initiative 3


Honestly didn't even read this. I don't do homebrew rules, and this is not really part of what the Liber is for (IMO) so maybe someone else will check these out for you. Personally I think the best chapter is one that can be played with a Space Marine (or a supplement) codex, and retain its unique flavour and feel from the story you craft, not the rules you add.


All in all, it has potential. I think you really need to sit down and decide what you want for the chapter and answer some of the questions I asked. While it may seem direct of me, I mean not to offend. Any chapter and idea has the potential to be amazing, you just need to make it work. Cramming things in without reason, and that go against the standard of fluff makes your chapter less special (to me) and more difficult to actually develop. Marines are important and rare resources, they have limits and laws and logistics they must accept. Remember that and you will be stronger in the future.


As always. Please note that this is all in my [narrow] view of the 40K universe. Don't take what I say as an attack, and feel free to disregard.

I agree with brother scythe with everything except that choice of colour lol.


Although a pet peeve (no pun intended) of mine is renaming rules for the hell of it.


Is it hard to read on mobile or something? I keep my brightness super low on my Laptop and sometimes forget other people read my ramblings aha. 










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