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Best way to run typhus and zombies?

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Hi all.


Running typhus with a big horde of zombies is something that's been a tried and trusted method and a favourite among nurgle players.

But is it viable and powerful to run typhus with three standard chaos terminators AND a big horde of zombies together?


Thoughts please peeps?


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You'd probably be better off attaching Typhus to some Nurgle Spawn.  That way the majority Toughness is 6 and, with Typhus at the front (for either a 2+ armour or a 2+ look-out-sir as appropriate) they should be a right pain to shift.


Alternatively, a unit of Plague Marines, or Nurgle Obliterators might be good.  But Terminators, not what I'd choose personally.


Seeing as this is very much a Nurgle based discussion, I'll be moving this thread to the appropriate sub-forum.

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i've personally never used Typhus in a competitive setting, but for fun I've been running him both with zombies and with terminators. While spawn or something like that might be a better choice, terminators sure look like a more suitable escort, and appearance is important too :)


The terminators can also carry ranged weaponry, so the unit will have something to do while closing in on the enemy

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take 4 units of zombis 1 tyfus , 2 helldrakes , 1 units of nurgle spawn , CS biker nurgle lord and ally cultists[which tyfus will turn to zombis , because of how his rule is worded]. you will have 120+ zombi models to move . you spread each 2" , let say it takes you 5 sec to move a single model. that is 10 min of moving zombis alone . Add  reservs shoting , moving and spreading spawn and talking and of course talking , your turn could easily be 15-20 min.

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Haha lol:)


On a less than serious note, it was fun to see a friend deathwing-deep strike a bunch of DA terminators along with their lord (Belial?) aiming to kill the great lord Typhus. He kept tossing zombies into the flamer/bolt whatever torrent of fire (look out sir), killing a few zombies and then counter-charging the bone-clad fancy elite warriors of the corpse god. The man reaper payed for itself that combat... :)

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For sure Typhus can handle himself and more in combat!!


So its been mentioned that having typhus with spawn is a solid unit. can someone please help explain the dynamics of how this works? and how many spawn should be attached to typhus?

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well, I am no expert, but I'd guess that the main benefit of spawn is that they are reasonably cheap and above all they can raise the majority toughness of the unit to 6, with mark of Nurgle. Sure, they don't have much in the way of armor, but they have a few wounds each, and can thus act as bullet catchers, ensuring that Typhus reaches his intended target. Since they can't shoot you won't have to balance shooting vs running, and can instead focus on getting closer to the enemy every turn.
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I've run alot of typhus in tournament settings and to be honest thejeske explained exactly how to play him and which list to run him with.


He's particularly good in a tournament set up where you play 4+ games and all are objective based. Also very good in team tag set ups with tau.


Use the zombies as tarpits, screens and objective sitters.

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