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POTMS and Sonson weapons

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Hi all,


I did Kinda got an answer from an earlier topic (apr 2012) but am wondering if it still counts in 6th ed.


Q: My Landraider has a MM, TLHB and TLLC side sponsons. If I move 6" can I fire the MM at WS, my TLHB as snap shots and (heres the question) one or both of my sponson TLLC with POTMS?


Are sponson weapons individual weapons or a matched pair?


The earlier topic said its 2 individual weapons, is that still correct in 6th ed?



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Unless you're willing to have a single Weapon Destroyed result take both of them out then they're individual weapons. What can be useful is to use PotMS to fire each at different targets, as it's often difficult to get both lined up on the same unit.

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