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Chaos Vehicles

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So in the fluff it says that Chaos tanks etc are twisted, warped, parodies of Imperial versions. Yet even the artwork shows tanks that look pretty similar to loyalist versions. 


This made me wonder, how do other people think chaos vehicles should look? What would you do (if you had the skill and all that funky stuff to make models) to make them stand apart from their loyalist cousins???


C'mon lets kick some ideas around people :D

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In all seriousness, whatever you want them to be. Spiky? No problem. Eldrich, twisted biomechanical beasts that heed nothing save to destroy everything in their path? Certainly.

Were it not for my limited gs/modelling skills, I'd go for something that is a cross between both smile.png

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lets start small, how would you model a rhino thats been around since the heresy?? 


My prodigal sons are supposed to have been around since the big nerd rage and still our rhinos are in top notch! Thats why we have warpsmiths :D

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How about baleflamer flame tank? Hades autocannon razorback style? Huge ectoplasma artillery? Ectoplasm/baleflamer/hades predators? Crawler/rhinos with siege crawler rule? Psychic blocker fast attack tank? Endless possibilities!

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Although its more on the simple modelling level, if dedicated to a chaos god, then I would ensure that it was marked, on close to every angle. So on the front, top sides, rear.


Then if you good at free hand you can write things on your tank (If your not maybe dont bother):

>Where is you god emperor now?

>Kil kil kil (repeat as necessary)

>Death to the False Emperor

>Do you hear the voices too?

>Scream if you want to live (lol)


Trophy ranks are how your suppose to do it, but I dont like them.

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How about baleflamer flame tank? Hades autocannon razorback style? Huge ectoplasma artillery? Ectoplasm/baleflamer/hades predators? Crawler/rhinos with siege crawler rule? Psychic blocker fast attack tank? Endless possibilities!

 these are some pretty good ideas imho. i think that our predators and certainly our land raiders should have customisable options similar to these, eg take hades autocannon as a turret upgrade on a pred, or have ectoplasma sponsons/hull mounted weapons on a land raider. or have certain upgrades for the various marks. destroyer blades as mark of khorne, but also maybe AP3 HB sponsons if you take the mark of tzeentch on a vehicle. i don't know about nurgle, either +1 AV on front or sides (too OP otherwise) or allow it to regenerate HPs on a 5 or 6. Slaanesh should make the vehicle an assault vehicle by default if a transport while reducing the BS. would help tie in themed armies. 

i'd actually be up for the reintroduction of the Vehicle Design Rules from White Dwarf (back in 3rd edition) but using the weaponry we have now as an upgrade list. maybe also having a dark/adeptus mechanicus section if you play chaos/imperial to add in extra diversity to a force. in fact it might be worth trying to dig these out of their ancient tomb (wherever that may be). 

just my thoughts on the subject anywho. 

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Would really depend on the Legion and where they're based. Can see what you're getting at though.


Surely the best kept ones would belong to the Iron Warriors. Even those would likely have had heavy alterations and some warping or a more bio mech style. Death Guard are likely to be spouting black smoke and looking so rusty and rotten that it would crumble.

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If I could force GW to do so, I'd have the whole range done to the level of the helbrute. Pipes would be biomechanical hybrids, flesh would be growing in the joints, bones would be coming out, and trim, glorious Chaos trim, would be all over the place.

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Give a Rhino an option to replace its fire points for an TL-AutoCannon. Even a Reaper AutoCannon would be cool. And add extra points to give it skyfire devil.gif

Edit: I mean it should be easy right? Considering the Defiler's Reaper Autocannon already fits the razorback's turret weapon.

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Although its more on the simple modelling level, if dedicated to a chaos god, then I would ensure that it was marked, on close to every angle. So on the front, top sides, rear.


Then if you good at free hand you can write things on your tank (If your not maybe dont bother):

>Where is you god emperor now?

>Kil kil kil (repeat as necessary)

>Death to the False Emperor

>Do you hear the voices too?

>Scream if you want to live (lol)


Trophy ranks are how your suppose to do it, but I dont like them.

I hadn't thought of using graffiti before. Mind if I steal that idea? "where is your God emperor now?" would look great on a vindicator.
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I kinda wish the Rhinos had side rails, or the option to buy them.  Basically, you could have 10 guys inside them say...CSMs with 2x plasma guns, and say, up to 8 models riding on the side rails.  The ones riding on the sides cannot claim any kind of protection from the vehicle, but can assault off the vehicle so long as it hasn't moved flat-out.


Terminators count as "bulky" for numbers' sake of course.


If the vehicle fails a dangerous terrain check, roll a d6.  On a 1, the unit riding on the rails is thrown off and takes an auto hit at their base strength-saves allowed, and must take a pinning check.


15 points to upgrade it so.  Makes rhinos more expensive...but effectively gives us a way into assault.


Blood Angels' probably get it >_>

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I kinda wish the Rhinos had side rails, or the option to buy them.  Basically, you could have 10 guys inside them say...CSMs with 2x plasma guns, and say, up to 8 models riding on the side rails.  The ones riding on the sides cannot claim any kind of protection from the vehicle, but can assault off the vehicle so long as it hasn't moved flat-out.


Terminators count as "bulky" for numbers' sake of course.


If the vehicle fails a dangerous terrain check, roll a d6.  On a 1, the unit riding on the rails is thrown off and takes an auto hit at their base strength-saves allowed, and must take a pinning check.


15 points to upgrade it so.  Makes rhinos more expensive...but effectively gives us a way into assault.


Blood Angels' probably get it >_>

Yeah, I miss the running boards that they used to have on the models, I can't see terminators being able to use them though as their armour would be too cumbersome. would your proposed idea mean that the rhino itself couldn't be targeted on it's side armour, and any shots at the sides should be resolved against the unit riding the boards? This would probably need to make the unit pass a pinning test to avoid falling off if any wounds were successful.

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I kinda wish the Rhinos had side rails, or the option to buy them.  Basically, you could have 10 guys inside them say...CSMs with 2x plasma guns, and say, up to 8 models riding on the side rails.  The ones riding on the sides cannot claim any kind of protection from the vehicle, but can assault off the vehicle so long as it hasn't moved flat-out.


Terminators count as "bulky" for numbers' sake of course.


If the vehicle fails a dangerous terrain check, roll a d6.  On a 1, the unit riding on the rails is thrown off and takes an auto hit at their base strength-saves allowed, and must take a pinning check.


15 points to upgrade it so.  Makes rhinos more expensive...but effectively gives us a way into assault.


Blood Angels' probably get it >_>

Yeah, I miss the running boards that they used to have on the models, I can't see terminators being able to use them though as their armour would be too cumbersome. would your proposed idea mean that the rhino itself couldn't be targeted on it's side armour, and any shots at the sides should be resolved against the unit riding the boards? This would probably need to make the unit pass a pinning test to avoid falling off if any wounds were successful.

south park cultists :D

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Chaos Whirlwind, upgradable Havoc launcher sponsons, with the regular havoc launcher upgrade from the armory. 

Chaos Predator, Hades Autocannon, Heavy bolter Sponsons, combi-bolter, combi-melta, havoc launcher, warp gargoyles

Defiler, Hydra Auto Cannons and a big green laser pointer thing.

Rhinoback, enough said


Rhinopult:  A Astartes catapult to fling Khârn at the enemy, gains initiative 10

For real modeling: Rust, everywhere.  You know, the paintjob to the left in my picture.  I'm not particularly going heavy mutation unless I possess a vehicle, and granted I would put marks and graffiti. 

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