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Help me choose a head!

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So I decided to build me a "pointy finger of DOOM!" librarian inspired by this thread: http://www.bolterandchainsword.com/topic/289235-finished-rune-priest/


And I got it finished for the most part, except much to my disappointment, I could not fit a helmeted head into the psychic hood even if I applied a jar of vaseline to it. So I have to do a bare head, which I hate doing, but oh well. I have three head options, each of which has merits, and I can't choose:




The Stock Head: pros - has librarian head gubbins and a Badass Beard. Cons: looks like he's constipated and REALLY MAD ABOUT IT.


The Bald Sternguard Head: pros - has a Badass Beard and a calm "I just turned you inside out with a flick of my wrist" expression. Cons: no librarian head gubbins.


The Bionic Eye Sternguard Head: pros - has the most arrogant expression of the three, also has bionics that can pass for librarian head gubbins. Cons: does not have a Badass Beard.


So I'm torn with indecision, help me pick. Vote for your favorite head! Head for President!!


P.S. I know that there's a piece of gate on the staff. It'll get cleaned up.




Stock Head = 0

Bald Sternguard Head = 7

Bionic Eye Sternguard Head = 6


After a GRUELING battle, the bald-bearded head won! Thank you!

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Bald Sternguard! He just looks so aloof and inscrutible, even while mentally pulping foes amidst the mayhem of war, just like a good Librarian should! Besides, Librarian Ead'gubbins can be added later if you like, hell, using a little bit o'green stuff you could add a head-cowl-thingamajig like the stock head onto Baldie before you put the head on and wala! Librarian gubbins!


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