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How do to beat Eldar Wraithlords, Wraith Knights and Avatar?

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It's the combination of the three that give my chaos the most problems.  The avatar will punk most things in our books, but luckily can die to mass bolter fire (*sigh* unless you've taken Khorne Beserkers as troops or some such :cussing nonsense)

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As PURE Chaos Space Marines?


The answer to all of them is going to involve either Termicide, Oblits, Daemon Princes, or Daemon Weapons in an any of the above and/or all type configuration.


I played a tournament a few months back and essentially.


1. Riptide, I ignored. It was FAR too hard to get wounds on it when supported/covered appropriately.

2. Wraith Knights, I just focused on. If you bring Plasma, it goes there, if you bring Melta or Las, it goes there, if you bring Terminators, they go there with Fists.

3. Wraithlords, I would bring a Nurgle Lord with Weapon (CS or Black Legion) on a Bike to face, or my Khorne Lord with Axe on a Jugger. Otherwise, its a Daemon Prince or see options 1 or 2.


Frankly though, I bring Daemons.

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Frankly though, I bring Daemons.

QFT. A Nurgle DP with a Balesword will make short work of most Monstrous Creatures. If your desperate for extra Instant Death attacks, some Plague Drones with Venom Sting can fill in, they are durable enough so that they should survive with enough attacks to bring down a big gribbly.

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Avatars I don't really have much trouble with, though WK and WL can be a pain, the high T is difficult to get past. If he only has one you could take a Murdersword, I don't think it's the best option (but it's an option).


A DP with a Mace will usually make short work of them. A Maulerfiend with Invisibility stuck on it will do as well. Spawn with MoN make an excellent Tarpit and have a good chance of taking it down if they get the Poisoned attacks. 

Plasma Guns aren't very reliable in taking them down for the 5+ to wound (I am starting to look unfavourably on my plasma guns, they end to do more damage to my army than my opponent, bu that's by the by).


Riptides WK and other big units, Belakor is funny to turn the tables with puppet master.

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I find a squad of spawn is pretty great at tarpitting big gribblies and can even take high toughness monsters down if you roll poisoned attacks for random mutation. Other than that a black mace dp or a bloodthirster have worked pretty well.


If none of this work you can always try to ignore them. The enemy can't win most games if you've killed all his troops.

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Avatars I don't really have much trouble with, though WK and WL can be a pain, the high T is difficult to get past. If he only has one you could take a Murdersword, I don't think it's the best option (but it's an option).


A DP with a Mace will usually make short work of them. A Maulerfiend with Invisibility stuck on it will do as well. Spawn with MoN make an excellent Tarpit and have a good chance of taking it down if they get the Poisoned attacks. 

Plasma Guns aren't very reliable in taking them down for the 5+ to wound (I am starting to look unfavourably on my plasma guns, they end to do more damage to my army than my opponent, bu that's by the by).


Riptides WK and other big units, Belakor is funny to turn the tables with puppet master.


Man the plasma issue has been happening to me a lot with my CSMs.  And I wasn't aware that a 'gets hot' roll with the Oblits' plasma cannons nullifies the shot-which is total crap anyways.  A few wasted turns trying to shoot with their plasma cannons and now I'm pretty much writing the plasma cannons off.


I've had great experiences with MoN spawn (taken because they can't smash/instant kill a spawn that way-they have to go through their limited amount of attacks to try and remove them)  It's just a pity they now take up a FOC slot, because I'd have 4-5 packs of Spawn to mob the nasties down (GeeDub saving me money all the time, LOL)

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Heldrake by vectorstriking tend to do wounds.
Plague Marines and Spawn can wear them down in CC, sorta.
Mace Prince, providing you do not get instakilled by the Lord his S10 guns before getting there lol.
Crimson Slaughter Nurgle Lord with powerfist on bike is pretty okay. (6 S9 powerfist attacks on the charge, shouldn't get killed before swining as you gave him a Sigil, give the dude re-rolls from a prescience sorcerer)
Be'lakor: Eternal Warrior, telepathy, 4++ and Fleshbane all work well.

Those are about all the units we play competively with anyways.

But frankly, Daemons do the job way better:
Daemonettes straight up kill Wraithknights.
Plaguebearers do the same thing, although a little bit less well.
Lord of Change/Bloodthirster are excellent.
Daemon Prince can work, if you are sure you kill him before getting hit back, S10 kill you straight up.

To be honest, Avatar and Wraithlords shouldn't be an issue. Wraithlord only has 3 wounds and no S10 guns, Avatar is just a normal MC, although with good stats.

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With the advent of the Helcult formation, which is now almost mandatory for me, I simply throw my Fearless cultists at anything even remotely dangerous or too big to tackle with and I use the rest of my army for killing what remains. 

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I find a squad of spawn is pretty great at tarpitting big gribblies and can even take high toughness monsters down if you roll poisoned attacks for random mutation. 


Sounds like a very easy and solid counter. 

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