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So, I got the deal of the century 2 days ago when I bought an old friends Space Marine army(about 10% painted).

It incuded:


5 Land Speeders

6 Rhinos

1 Vindicator

1 Predator

1 Land Raider Crusader

15 Bikes

15 Scouts

3 Dreads

60 Terminators

10 Assault Marines

100 Tactical Marines

1 Storm Talon

~15 Characters


And this I paid $250 for...


Now my problem is this, I hadn't planned on buying it so I have no idea what chapter to paint. It includes 10 wolf guard termies, a couple of SW hq's so that's exclusive for SW I guess (hard to use them for another chapter with their looks) and I have the dark vengeance Dark Angels models lying around to add if I were to paint it DA.. And I got the Calgar command squad for Ultra Marines...Or just skip those models and paint something where I can use the Storm Talon? And since it's a pile of models I really need a chapter thats fairly quick to paint..


So please, what would you do in my situation?


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I may be a little biased, but, paint them Dark Angels and/or Successors and pledge them for the ETL..... smile.png

To be a little more helpful, if you game a lot, choose a Chapter or Successor from a Codex you already have. There's plenty of quick colour scheme's out there. What's your favourite colour? Do you already have a Chapter you like the fluff for? Perhaps dividing your haul into two smaller armies and choosing two schemes will help alleviate boredom and prevent burnout.



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Well, I don't game really, I mostly in it for the painting.


As it is now, I'm leaning towards the Dark Angels (I like the thematic feel with robes and details making the units feel more unique) but I think I'm going to make them a successor chapter, probably Guardians of the Covenant.


So what's that ETL?

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The ETL is short for E Tenebrae Lux, which a point based painting challenge from the Dark Angel sub-forum to the rest of the forums. The rules thread is here in the PC&A, with each sub-forum having their own Chapter sign-up and completion thread. Essentially you vow to paint X unit from Codex Y for Z points. The challenge runs from May 1st until August 1st, and you need to sign-up before June 1st. Vows can be made up of any Codex legal units, so anything from an Independent Character right up to the entire Deathwing if you desire.

This is the third ETL, with the Templars winning the first, and the Dark Angels claiming the second, with the Templars rolled into Codex:SM, the Dark Angels have a big fight on their hands to keep the title.

As for painting the GotC, great choice thumbsup.gif or all the DA's successors, they're my favourite, I'm even painting a Contemptor in their colours for this year's ETL.

Here's the Dark Angels ETL Sign-up thread



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So, I got the deal of the century 2 days ago when I bought an old friends Space Marine army(about 10% painted).

It incuded:


5 Land Speeders

6 Rhinos

1 Vindicator

1 Predator

1 Land Raider Crusader

15 Bikes

15 Scouts

3 Dreads

60 Terminators

10 Assault Marines

100 Tactical Marines

1 Storm Talon

~15 Characters


And this I paid $250 for...


Now my problem is this, I hadn't planned on buying it so I have no idea what chapter to paint. It includes 10 wolf guard termies, a couple of SW hq's so that's exclusive for SW I guess (hard to use them for another chapter with their looks) and I have the dark vengeance Dark Angels models lying around to add if I were to paint it DA.. And I got the Calgar command squad for Ultra Marines...Or just skip those models and paint something where I can use the Storm Talon? And since it's a pile of models I really need a chapter thats fairly quick to paint..


So please, what would you do in my situation?


   To my understanding here, You would like to have a chapter that is easy to paint, uses a good codex and can make use of most of the models you got.


  Pick a succesor chapter , or better yet invent one.


  The easiest and quickest way to get a lot of marines done quickly is to have a color set based on metal colours.  A simple dry brush in 3-4 steps across black undercoat ,followed by some washing / shading .  It looks not only good, but is easy to master and will bring you to finishing your army in a short while.


   Guardians of the Covenant are an option


  The chapter name,in case of codex SM instead of DA, could well be Silver wings, Steel hand ,Iron fist ... 

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