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Alt. Heldrake

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Ok.... the Heldrake is beyond ugly. 


Worse, it doesn't fit World Eaters IMO at all... 



have any of you guys figured out a nice model to stand in for that?? 

I was thinking about using some sort of fantasy beast hybrid. I gave thought to the High Elf Phoenix with a Manticore head or something. 


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I've seen some use Phoenixes in place of the Helldrake, but I know somebody who's been thinking of using a Hell Talon/Blade in place of the dragon. There's also conversions of the stock kit into a Hell Talon shape.

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Unlikely.  However, given the fact there's a private firm (person really) that sells a variant of Warlord Titan, I'm sure someone probably does something.

However, you're free at you're own leisure to convert, whatever.  I personally love the Dragon look, I want to make a rusty vulture/Dragon look with a bit of A-10 Warthot in the mix for my conversion coming up. 

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There are? Is there a place that sells them


It's actually pretty easy to do yourself. I think Krautscientist had some WIP shots of his conversion on this forum. You might want to check them out.

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He did. I've also seen ones that use a Zombie Dragon's wings and a Maulerfiend plasma head attached to the Drake's body.


 The actual body is perfectly fine IMHO, it's just the wings and the head/neck that screw it up.

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There are? Is there a place that sells them


I've seen a scratch-build constructed from plasticard and greenstuffed feathers in my local GW store, but the fantasy High Elf range has the Flamespyre Phoenix, which I'm sure can be used with some minor conversion work.



If you mean conversions using the Heldrake kit, I can't name one off the top of my head, but I'm sure you can find one here on the site easily enough, but if you mean the Hell Talon/Hell Blade, go no further than Forge World:





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  • 2 weeks later...

Take a SM Stormtalon and Drake Wings, put the Drake wings on the Stormtalon engines like they are positioned on the Hellblade, put some heavy flamers in place of the AC and use the missiles pods on the sides to count as " Vector Strikes".


Here you have it.


You can Add a skull to replace the cockpit windshield like so.



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