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Hello everyone, I'm MisterKillam and this is my first time on the B&C forums.  I've been playing 40K for about 14 years, and doing so in a more competetive fashion for the past two years.  I started back in 3rd edition, had a break during fifth, and got back into it right after sixth edition had come out.  While my main army right now is my Golden Sentinels Space Marines, I also play Orks, and am working on a traitor 13th Great Company force in my spare spare time.  If you're in the Baltimore area and would like a game, always feel free to PM me.  I have done commissioned painting in the past, though I'm on a break from that in order to focus on my own stuff (which is rather daunting).  Anyway, I look forward to getting and sharing advice with and from you all!

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Welcome to the B+C! happy.png It's always nice to see a player with a DIY army smile.png We have a section on the forum called The Liber Astartes or simply The Liber for DIY armies. Perhaps we might see you in there.

In any case, we hope you enjoy your stay! happy.png

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