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Dimensional Key, waste or potential worth?

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Pfft, had a CS lord on a bike with 2+ armour in a tournament recently, didn't help him much against Tau and he got shot out by the 2nd turn together with his biker friends...


As for DSing oblits, I'd rather have them shoot from the 1st turn onwards and give a bit of target saturation. I don't think I've DSed a single thing the last 1½ year or so...now if we had drop pods...that's a whole different thing!

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Field it not in the middle of opponent army and it can works.

How do you hide from double D templates that have a huge range and move almost like flyers ?


Deep striking in 6th is good , when it is either fully controled or is first turn alfa strike . Plus are deep striking units are nothing awesome to begin with, but that is another story.


Not all opponents are equals. And fully controlled deep strike does not exists for chaos; but you can predict average behaviour..


What HQ can you use to protect from double D template? So what to do?

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Pfft, had a CS lord on a bike with 2+ armour in a tournament recently, didn't help him much against Tau and he got shot out by the 2nd turn together with his biker friends...


As for DSing oblits, I'd rather have them shoot from the 1st turn onwards and give a bit of target saturation. I don't think I've DSed a single thing the last 1½ year or so...now if we had drop pods...that's a whole different thing!

You can decide at deploy time if DSing oblits or deploy them from first turn.. You can decide depending by opponent you're facing, his list and his deploy.

Effectivness of oblits raise where they can use short range weapons so that's a game decision I can take during my deploy.

Eg. it's easyer destroy a land raider with 3 twinlinked meltagun rather then with lascannons from long distance...

I'm risking to raise effectiveness. And when you risk you can fail or maybe you can succed in facing opponent you coudn't.. but I can decide to risk or not to!

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For a LR you can start to chew away at it for two turns with Lascannon,s and MMs as you get closer together. Obviously Oblits get more effective the closer they get, but they also have effectivness from far away. I don't see against what opponent it would be a benefit to risk a DS with half the points in your army, it's like volontarily facing a twice as large army for two turns. I used to DS all the time in 5th, with icons to stop scatter, it could be very effective at times, but with scatter the risk is just too large for it. Against much more vicious armies like the ones I mentioned earlier, having that extra firepower on the board is much much more crucial imho.


...but, obviously, you can play however you want...

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What HQ can you use to protect from double D template? So what to do?

A flying one . But I know it was a trick question . Thing is even the toughest HQs [ES/Iron Hands chapter masters , CS biker nurgle lords etc] die , and it is not a hypothetical "if I roll something that has ua1/36 chance to happen 4 times he dies" kind of a thing. D weapons are just an extrem example . But that doesn't change the fact that building a whole army tactic around late game deep strike [that may fail] is highly random

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For a LR you can start to chew away at it for two turns with Lascannon,s and MMs as you get closer together. Obviously Oblits get more effective the closer they get, but they also have effectivness from far away. I don't see against what opponent it would be a benefit to risk a DS with half the points in your army, it's like volontarily facing a twice as large army for two turns. I used to DS all the time in 5th, with icons to stop scatter, it could be very effective at times, but with scatter the risk is just too large for it. Against much more vicious armies like the ones I mentioned earlier, having that extra firepower on the board is much much more crucial imho.


...but, obviously, you can play however you want...




What HQ can you use to protect from double D template? So what to do?

A flying one . But I know it was a trick question . Thing is even the toughest HQs [ES/Iron Hands chapter masters , CS biker nurgle lords etc] die , and it is not a hypothetical "if I roll something that has ua1/36 chance to happen 4 times he dies" kind of a thing. D weapons are just an extrem example . But that doesn't change the fact that building a whole army tactic around late game deep strike [that may fail] is highly random


there are pro and cons, I'm not saying what you are saying is to not true (sure I know it is).

I agree with Excessus when he said that is crucial have firepower on the board. I've lost some match because reserves did not enter.

I agree that's it's difficult face opponent with few forces on the field

I agree with the jeske that deep strike for chaos is not reliable and so yes, is riskly build an army around it.


But my consideration were to demonstrate that randomless can be decreased, using key, incrementing number deep strike units, using communication relay.

You can try to control it.. the advantage is that if you succeed, if you opponent let you do it, you can do very very well. Else it will be more difficult (but even possible).


No, randomless cannot be avoided at all.. but - as Excessus said - you can play however you want.


Last thing.. I'm speaking about it only because I tryed it. I'm playing these list idea from when this codex was released and I did two small turneys (20 and 10 participans) with previous - and very less effective - build of the list. I always was in the middle of the table.

Now formations are out, and supplements too.. Let's see.

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