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Fallen inquisitors

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I've had an idea for a while now for a corrupted inquisitor. I play the servants of decay army from siege of vraks and at vraks there was at least one inquisitor from the ordo sepulturum. This is the the ordo that hunts the zombie plague. I reckon some awesome conversions could be done for an ordo sepulturum inquisitor and his warband that in trying to escape gave themselves to the grandfather. Also I bet there could be some really cool rules to represent the various corrupted henchman, and the gifts and artifacts of nurgle that the inquisitor might have access to.


My idea is to convert the warband of an inquisitor that's corrupted and then if my opponent is willing use home-grown rules for him and if they're not I could just use them as regular old zombies


I'd be interested to hear if anyone else has come up with similar ideas or written similar rules.


The same thing would work for the other gods, making the warband regular cultists if the opponent did not agree


Once I've started writing some rules I'll post them here to see if you guys think they are fluffy and balance.

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It's always ticked me off that we can't include a 'Quisitor or two. I mean, the background is full of =i= WHO'VE FALLEN FOR THE TRUTH....


This sounds most promising though, I'm interested in this.......

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I have a squad of 1k Sons I've modeled as a DeathWatch team. The Aspiring Sorcerer is an Inquisitor. When they get paint the chapters are going to be from the most brutal, questionable, and unlucky chapters the loyalists have, with a couple of Blackshields thrown in.
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you could ally in inquisitors....


oh wait sorry, I forgot GW's motto on allies is good guys only


either way id use the inquisitor codex as a base for rules


Uh? Good guys only? You know there is no good guys in 40K. I almost even think some Chaos are more Good than SM. SM and the Imperium have no problems sending billions to their death when they destroy a planet. 

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