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So, why aren't you in the ETL?

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Because apparently we're gonna get the snot kicked out of us in the long run by those goddamned Imperials and their easy to paint colour schemes. Oh, and the fact they have twice as many people.


Lets show these Templar whippersnappers and their more colourful friends what a real Black Crusade looks like! Put a pledge in today, remember that a 5 man squad of Chaos Marines with no upgrades is a perfectly legal vow, as is a Rhino by itself.


If you've been looking at any of your Chaos and thinking 'I really should paint that', now is the best time. Seriously, I got two Heldrakes and an autocannon squad painted during the Call of Chaos, and I hadn't touched a paintbrush for about three years before that. The morale is high, people are more than happy to offer comments and critique. Not just people like me that barely know one end of a brush from the other, people like forte who understand the arcane arts of drybrushing and highlighting! Also, thanks to the fact that the restrictions are much looser this year, pretty much anything fits. Hell, Kilofix is painting Grey Knights for us.


So, I ask you this. With all this in mind, and slightly less than 3 months to paint your vow, will you join us? Will you blaze a path across the galaxy to the Gates of Terra, or will you cower from what needs to be done?




EDIT: Because I forgot to post relevant links and an explanation of the ETL, here's forte from downthread covering for my brainfart:


As they were missed from the original post...

The E Tenebrae Lux III rules and guidelines:

And the place to make your vow:

Don't forget it's basically a way to motivate members to paint some models by setting a deadline and having a chance to defeat the other legions by completing the the highest combined points worth by August 1st.

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Come all worshipper of chaos, your gods need your service, we need everyone to break through the warp and obtain victory.  


Do not fail your gods!


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No paint, no tools, now my laptop has all of its USB ports broken and the touch pad is severed so you can imagine where my spending money is going to next.

Lost one of my jobs, while I just finished my Nursing Assistant course, which now I have to go job hunting.  I'm also saving money for a car, it's not working. 


Lastly, and here's the kicker, that army which I was building and tailoring the list was mostly in storage at a friends house when I moving around the country.  It turns out that the models are all MIA because someone misplaced all of my belongings, or threw them out.  It basically makes building an army a pain in the ass because all of my infantry and bits were in the case, and now I have to wait for someone to get off their ass after months of asking for them.  Traveling on a bus half way across the country isn't feasible to do it myself.  My models are MIA, where now I have one poorly built Rhino which I just ripped apart and use it as a paper weight, a DV brute, a OOP Chaos dread (last edition), and unrelated a very OOP Genestealer Patriarch for the genestealer cult I never built.


So... yeah, that's why I'm not entering ETL.  If someone is going to think or say that it could be worse, I have been homeless, so I'm already used to the worst case scenario. 

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ugly models . loyalist models being cool cross faction[a DA player may want to DA a BA model. no non chaos man alive wants to see chaos models anywhere] . ugly and old models . Ungodly hard to paint colors for many main chaos factions[ red , black , multi color pink] . Ugly , old models and lack of unity between different models in the army [unless you go the way of King of Dry Brush doing IW].

Helldrakes ,someone would have to do a GD lvl model , for people who hate a faction. Realy ugly models .

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Finals. Final exams, final projects (I've got one week to finish this file system for opsys, and its still crashing the virtual machine every time I mount it), just finals in general. If its not too late to pledge in too weeks time, I'll do it then, otherwise classes come first.
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Finals. Final exams, final projects (I've got one week to finish this file system for opsys, and its still crashing the virtual machine every time I mount it), just finals in general. If its not too late to pledge in too weeks time, I'll do it then, otherwise classes come first.

Your making the right choice here, real life comes before the hobby.  You have till june 1st to vow, so I hope to see your excellently painted black legion by then.  


@Jeske:  Why do you even play chaos again?  

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 ,someone would have to do a GD lvl model .


Ignoring the rest of your rant, this is utter bollocks. My stuff is nowhere near GD, it wouldn't even win a local painting comp. GD level painting is not the point of ETL.


Looking at the main part of your post, the models being ugly/disconnected from each other: each to their own. Also, there's nothing stopping someone from building a bunch of Loyalists and pledging them for Chaos, I point you once again to the fact Kilofix is painting Grey Knights using Chaos points.


@malisteen: Fair point, real life comes first. Just did a count, two weeks time should bring you in in time to make a vow. Good luck with finals!


@incinerator: That sucks dude. I assume you're in America?



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 ,someone would have to do a GD lvl model .


Ignoring the rest of your rant, this is utter bollocks. My stuff is nowhere near GD, it wouldn't even win a local painting comp. GD level painting is not the point of ETL.


Looking at the main part of your post, the models being ugly/disconnected from each other: each to their own. Also, there's nothing stopping someone from building a bunch of Loyalists and pledging them for Chaos, I point you once again to the fact Kilofix is painting Grey Knights using Chaos points.


@malisteen: Fair point, real life comes first. Just did a count, two weeks time should bring you in in time to make a vow. Good luck with finals!


@incinerator: That sucks dude. I assume you're in America?



Yes, NJ to be specific.  What makes me really sad isn't the never started Genestealer Cult or the half finished warband, but the Epic scale Imperator Titan I bought before people started jacking the price on ebay.  It was already made but the foot fell off, so I have to attach it again.  Plus I wanted to rip the cathedral off and make a dedicated Chaos Undivided Shrine while combining it with Warlord pieces much like the Imperator/Warlord hybrid you'll see around.


I might not have had that many models, but what I had covered half of my army coming up.  If they're thrown away, that's another chunk of cash I lost similar to when I got banned on Xbox live after playing for 4 years.  Most importantly, it makes me go back to the ground up and have to decide if I want to bother starting over again.  That loyalist Dread multi-melta is coming in the mail soon (it better), and I'll be able to make the oop dread fit the formation it's going to be joining.  After that is as good a guess at what I do.

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If anyone could tell me where I could get a few bits that would pass as big circular saw blades (like approx 4cm diameter disks with serrat3d edges, maybe 3mm thick? But something paintable and not actually sharp or dangerous?), that would certainly help my preparations for an eventual late in the game vow.
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If anyone could tell me where I could get a few bits that would pass as big circular saw blades (like approx 4cm diameter disks with serrat3d edges, maybe 3mm thick? But something paintable and not actually sharp or dangerous?), that would certainly help my preparations for an eventual late in the game vow.

The Ork Kan saw-blade arms? Example: http://www.bitsandkits.co.uk/ork-vehicles-ork-kanz-c-6_73_104_105.html

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Similar issue to malisteen, coming up to the critical time of the trimester here. I've got at least one assignment due or test to study for each week for the next 4 weeks (including one week that has 3 tests and one assignment!), and then my exams after that - so unfortunately I'm a teeny bit busy.

Not to mention I'm in contention for the slowest painter in the universe sweat.gif

Otherwise I'd be signing my traitorous *** up to bring glory to the Dark Gods; but I know that my brothers in the Realm of Chaos sub-forum will do us proud. And, more importantly, DESTROY THE LAP DOGS OF THE FALSE EMPEROR.

Go team!

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As they were missed from the original post...


The E Tenebrae Lux III rules and guidelines:



And the place to make your vow:




Don't forget it's basically a way to motivate members to paint some models by setting a deadline and having a chance to defeat the other legions by completing the the highest combined points worth by August 1st.


And as for responses to Jeske stating that he thinks the current offering of Chaos models are ugly, do not look good together, and it would take someone to paint a hellturkey to GD standards for him to like it. I can understand that and that is his view point so let it be. No need to turn it into something it isn't. So keep it friendly. Keep motivating and pushing each other, both to finish their models but maybe also to try something new to improve.


Good luck everyone who has vowed and use your threads here and in the WIP area to promote the ETL and bring more to our side. Chaos has the most room for converting and painting don't forget. And only those touched by Chaos can sport wings or become true gods!

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why am I not in the ETL?


my answer would be: what is the ETL and why should I be in it?

See above :tu:


yeah what they said!!!


and dont praise forte too much, if his head gets any bigger he cant get through the door to his pants



i mean paints :D

Bring it on. I have big doors!

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Finals. Final exams, final projects (I've got one week to finish this file system for opsys, and its still crashing the virtual machine every time I mount it), just finals in general. If its not too late to pledge in too weeks time, I'll do it then, otherwise classes come first.

just vow a single mini, you got till aug to do it, and that way if you make the vow you dont have to worry about the 1st of june deadline, keeps you in the comp and whatnot

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Finals. Final exams, final projects (I've got one week to finish this file system for opsys, and its still crashing the virtual machine every time I mount it), just finals in general. If its not too late to pledge in too weeks time, I'll do it then, otherwise classes come first.

just vow a single mini, you got till aug to do it, and that way if you make the vow you dont have to worry about the 1st of june deadline, keeps you in the comp and whatnot

What he said.

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+++ E Tenebrae Lux III +++



Have a look - if you guys have questions feel free to ask in the linked thread above or PM me. The more you join, the more chances the Chaos faction has to come on top. Small vows are as welcome as the big ones (more so imo)!


Also no more personal exchanges. People are allowed to dislike the models, the ruleset or the playstyle of Chaos - or even the ETL. But for those who don't have a look inside! :)

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