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So, why aren't you in the ETL?

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After reading the rules I realize I can actually join, since I got three units I am definitely planning on painting this summer. I thought you had to have pics of them totally unpainted, but I have primed them all and applied some paint on some of the models.


However, I'm a bit confused about the codex=/=faction rules. Allies are not allowed, but I want to paint some daemons too. It seems like CSM and CD are one faction, but the rules also state that you must follow a single codex? Can I enter some some daemons with my CSM too?

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For Chaos you have two Codices to choose from, both perfectly legal! So you can choose units from either or both. Also early stages of painting still qualify. Show us the pics and unless they are in an advanced stage of painting they'll be fine! :)
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I'm not really feeling that inspired with my CSMs at the moment.  Perhaps if the "Unbound Armies" thing turns out to allow me fun options to mitigate the turd that is my collection...like say Raptor Lords.  1000 points of just Chaos Lords.



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@ Iron Skull Mask: Sorry to hear it... The ETL will rum until August 1st. Are you sure you won't be able to do a single model? (Peer pressure rising :P)


@ Treval Dal: well, I guess you could wait to see what's gonna happen but you can always vow one Lord as a placeholder... If things work out you can add more later. If they don't you may drop out or paint that Lord for the hell of it...

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You don't have to vow a legal list so long as it could legally be part of a list. So 1000points of HQ can be done.


Or at least that's my understanding of it.

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edit: It turns out that a few of my models turned up. Naturally it's the most expensive one, but it's not the one that helps my Warband or could be used for ETL.

You sure?

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Very, the (Epic scale) Titan is already painted.  I have to strip the paint and start tearing off the Cathedral, and chances are I'm too scared to damage an old, expensive model.


Last I checked, the Armageddon Epic rules lacked the Imperator Titan, and to begin with their is no inclusion of Epic in the ETL competition.  As for the rest of my models, aka the plague marines, lords, and vehicles, I haven't a clue.

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That makes sense. Well I know that your comments are likely to keep people going and everyone has those times when painting has to wait.
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Very, the (Epic scale) Titan is already painted.  I have to strip the paint and start tearing off the Cathedral, and chances are I'm too scared to damage an old, expensive model.


Last I checked, the Armageddon Epic rules lacked the Imperator Titan, and to begin with their is no inclusion of Epic in the ETL competition.  As for the rest of my models, aka the plague marines, lords, and vehicles, I haven't a clue.

its not epic, its travel 40k :D

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Remember guys, if you beat the Dark Angels' forum then Captain Semper is honour-bound to paint Cypher! That alone is a worthy cause.

Didn't know about that one. Looks like someone held that info back.

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I have 11 thousand points painted for chaos already and currently my traitor guard is taking all of my freetime (so much that I've not painted anything for two days now because I needed a break to do something else for a while, like maybe even play something... still, need to continue tonight *sigh*) I have a couple of single models that I'm building up to reinforce some squads and such but nothing big enough for the ETL. But do not despair, I will not shame chaos by committing my Vaxhallian 7th into the ETL either as I do not want to help the imperials. msn-wink.gif

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Remember guys, if you beat the Dark Angels' forum then Captain Semper is honour-bound to paint Cypher! That alone is a worthy cause.

Didn't know about that one. Looks like someone held that info back.

Proof smile.png
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I have 11 thousand points painted for chaos already and currently my traitor guard is taking all of my freetime (so much that I've not painted anything for two days now because I needed a break to do something else for a while, like maybe even play something... still, need to continue tonight *sigh*) I have a couple of single models that I'm building up to reinforce some squads and such but nothing big enough for the ETL. But do not despair, I will not shame chaos by committing my Vaxhallian 7th into the ETL either as I do not want to help the imperials. msn-wink.gif

Or...you could use the Renegade list in Vraks to vow your guard to Chaos.

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Remember guys, if you beat the Dark Angels' forum then Captain Semper is honour-bound to paint Cypher! That alone is a worthy cause.

Didn't know about that one. Looks like someone held that info back.

Proof smile.png

Not sure as it was used as an example.

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