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So, why aren't you in the ETL?

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I would really really really really really love to join in the Realm of Chaos ETL III campaign but there are a few reasons why I cant

  • You're all traitorous heathen dogs
  • I hate you all
  • You're going to lose
  • You're all traitorous heathen dogs
  • I haven't got any chaos models (well I suppose I have got a few Dark Angels lying around)
  • Iv'e served with the Codex faction since the ETL began and I stick to my team (Aquilanus ermm.gif )
  • Your a nasty bunch
  • Your vows mean nothing, I mean what have you to lose, your souls are already damned!
  • Did I mention you're all traitorous heathen dogs?

So that's why I can't join you unfortunately.

Good luck though smile.png

PS: Note to self... I hate Chaos

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Remember guys, if you beat the Dark Angels' forum then Captain Semper is honour-bound to paint Cypher! That alone is a worthy cause.

Didn't know about that one. Looks like someone held that info back.

Proof smile.png

Not sure as it was used as an example.

It's true.

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Remember guys, if you beat the Dark Angels' forum then Captain Semper is honour-bound to paint Cypher! That alone is a worthy cause.

Didn't know about that one. Looks like someone held that info back.

Proof smile.png

Not sure as it was used as an example.

Did you read his reply below it?
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I would really really really really really love to join in the Realm of Chaos ETL III campaign but there are a few reasons why I cant

  • You're all traitorous heathen dogs
  • I hate you all
  • You're going to lose
  • You're all traitorous heathen dogs
  • I haven't got any chaos models (well I suppose I have got a few Dark Angels lying around)
  • Iv'e served with the Codex faction since the ETL began and I stick to my team (Aquilanus ermm.gif )
  • Your a nasty bunch
  • Your vows mean nothing, I mean what have you to lose, your souls are already damned!
  • Did I mention you're all traitorous heathen dogs?
So that's why I can't join you unfortunately.

Good luck though smile.png

PS: Note to self... I hate Chaos

With such hate and loathing you would grow in power quickly.

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For me it's the internet. GW sucks this, Chaos Space Marines suck that. Under powered codex, under powered units, Chaos sucks Chaos sucks Chaos suck.


I was going to start them, but after reading a lot of threads on this site, I hate to say it, you guys sucked the Chaos out of me. (while I don't mean everyone has, I meant "you" as the Chaos Internet fans) Quite depressing and hard to get excited for the few hundreds of dollars I spent and they are still in their box and wrapping. 


There is no love on here for the CSM, so it's hard to enjoy something that so many people complain/whine about. 


*edit* While I know the majority love CSM, but it's the small minority that cry the loudest that ruined it for me. I am trying to ignore what everyone says now. This looks good to start my CSM force now, but I have so much to do, I don't know what to do anymore. Tyranids, Dark Angles, Chaos Space Marines. 


I come to the forums for inspiration, but all I read is a lot of negativity. Not just here, but almost everywhere, especially now with the coming of a new edition/update, I wonder why, why are we all here if all we do is ever complain. 

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For me it's the internet. GW sucks this, Chaos Space Marines suck that. Under powered codex, under powered units, Chaos sucks Chaos sucks Chaos suck.


I was going to start them, but after reading a lot of threads on this site, I hate to say it, you guys sucked the Chaos out of me. (while I don't mean everyone has, I meant "you" as the Chaos Internet fans) Quite depressing and hard to get excited for the few hundreds of dollars I spent and they are still in their box and wrapping.


There is no love on here for the CSM, so it's hard to enjoy something that so many people complain/whine about.

No love for them? That's why there are so many Chaos WIP threads and so many Chaos vows in the ETL3.


As for underpowered, blah, blah. Who cares. I've seen a gretchin mob take down terminators. And the models are what you make of them.

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I'm with forte. Screw 'conventional Internet wisdom', build and paint what you like. If you ever want an enthusiastic chat about Chaos, PM me, I'll be more than happy to oblige.



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Well, underpowered is debatable.  Chaos Demons with CSM allies made the top lists in Adepticon this year, I can't remember who won though.

Anyway, if I get my hands on some modelling supplies and paint, I can pledge my Mayhem Pack for the cause.

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Oh I don't care about power level. I started CSM to have fun, not to win. Hell I played Tyranids and 4th edition DA, so that should show you I don't play to win. :P


Thing is, a person can only take so much negativity before being turned off the hobby. Question is, if I am going to start, how the hell to I paint Alpha Legion? 

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 HsojVvad, have you checked out the respective god forums? Those tend to be a lot better from an avoiding the whiners perspective. Slaanesh, for instance, has a Noise Marine tactica as its most popular thread, followed by Forte's wonderful miniatures. The WIP forum, and such modelers as Guiltaramus, Forte, KrautScientist (among many others) explore the many variations possible in chaos and all its glories. Lurking there definitely rekindled my love for chaos after a couple of dead years. 


Edit: I's look at Tenebris's stuff for some Alpha Legion painting recommendations. 

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I would really really really really really love to join in the Realm of Chaos ETL III campaign but there are a few reasons why I cant

  • You're all traitorous heathen dogs
  • I hate you all
  • You're going to lose
  • You're all traitorous heathen dogs
  • I haven't got any chaos models (well I suppose I have got a few Dark Angels lying around)
  • Iv'e served with the Codex faction since the ETL began and I stick to my team (Aquilanus ermm.gif )
  • Your a nasty bunch
  • Your vows mean nothing, I mean what have you to lose, your souls are already damned!
  • Did I mention you're all traitorous heathen dogs?

So that's why I can't join you unfortunately.

Good luck though smile.png

PS: Note to self... I hate Chaos

Ah the loyalist. What is your hate? A pale shadow, fleeting, temporary. True hate, Chaos hate is solid, it breathes. It radiates black malevolence. True hate consumes you until it becomes your only thought and your only mantra. Hate. The word alone cannot begin to describe. The abhorrence, the disgust, the revulsion. In your dreams, in every waking moment. And you must give it focus and give it purpose lest it destroy you. What you are experiencing my loyalist cousin is mild dislike, pathetic and unforged. If you or your empty minded zealot friends understood hate, more then the word, but the totality of the feeling, you would be worthy to face us. But you do not, repeat you catechisms, and bask in their worthless embrace as the forces of chaos destroy you.

Now begone, your pathetic soul illuminates the this place with your innocence.

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Thanks TJWyrm, didn't know that. I came here since Alpha Legion is non of the gods specific. Will check out the forums you suggested.


Thank you.

There's plenty of ways to do Alpha Legion. It all depends on how you want them to look really as they are likely to be a splinter rather than a company or legion.


And the suggestion has been made to look around. I personally find the Work in Progress area to be the most positive and motivational and I've often said I'm going to keep away from the more game related areas for the same reasons you mention. I don't want a multiturkeyoblitcultist army. I want a Slaanesh army. Yes I'll likely lose but the whole time my opponent will have to wear sunglasses and will be wondering why they have never faced these units before.


End of the day though. It's a game. You sound like you go for an army because you like it. So don't let others put you off. You don't have to read everything on the net ;)

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I was going to start them, but after reading a lot of threads on this site, I hate to say it, you guys sucked the Chaos out of me. (while I don't mean everyone has, I meant "you" as the Chaos Internet fans) Quite depressing and hard to get excited for the few hundreds of dollars I spent and they are still in their box and wrapping.


There is no love on here for the CSM, so it's hard to enjoy something that so many people complain/whine about.


As for underpowered, blah, blah. Who cares. I've seen a gretchin mob take down terminators. And the models are what you make of them.


I came up with my own little phrase years ago after watching my entire 2000pt Blood Angels army die under the withering fire of over 300 tyranid gaunts: You roll enough dice, you'll kill anything(provided there's even a chance of wounding it).


Ignore the mathhammering and build what you damn well feel like building.

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I would really really really really really love to join in the Realm of Chaos ETL III campaign but there are a few reasons why I cant

  • You're all traitorous heathen dogs
  • I hate you all
  • You're going to lose
  • You're all traitorous heathen dogs
  • I haven't got any chaos models (well I suppose I have got a few Dark Angels lying around)
  • Iv'e served with the Codex faction since the ETL began and I stick to my team (Aquilanus ermm.gif )
  • Your a nasty bunch
  • Your vows mean nothing, I mean what have you to lose, your souls are already damned!
  • Did I mention you're all traitorous heathen dogs?
So that's why I can't join you unfortunately.

Good luck though smile.png

PS: Note to self... I hate Chaos

Ah the loyalist. What is your hate? A pale shadow, fleeting, temporary. True hate, Chaos hate is solid, it breathes. It radiates black malevolence. True hate consumes you until it becomes your only thought and your only mantra. Hate. The word alone cannot begin to describe. The abhorrence, the disgust, the revulsion. In your dreams, in every waking moment. And you must give it focus and give it purpose lest it destroy you. What you are experiencing my loyalist cousin is mild dislike, pathetic and unforged. If you or your empty minded zealot friends understood hate, more then the word, but the totality of the feeling, you would be worthy to face us. But you do not, repeat you catechisms, and bask in their worthless embrace as the forces of chaos destroy you.

Now begone, your pathetic soul illuminates the this place with your innocence.

*a smell fills the room, but nothing familiar to anyone. Appealing, nauseating, succulent, and repelling all at the same time. A voice follows but seems as if made from multiple voices. Angelic and guttural, seductive and grating.*

"You speak of hatred but do you really know the feeling of hatred. You follow blindly of the orders which have not come from the proclaimed Emperor of mankind for millennia. You and your kin repress yourselves to the point of self flagellation. Which I have to admit does arouse my humours."

"If you really, truly, and completely wish to know hatred. It can be yours. So can so much more. You are restricted to be what you are and nothing more by mortals who know not of war. Of fear. Of the warp and it denizens. Of what true power really is.

Join with us. In any way you feel. But know what it is to think for yourself. Choose your own path. And be masters of your own destiny. There is so much to see once you break free from the shackles that bind you."

*with that a glowing figure steps forward from the darkness in ornate flesh armour. Large horns growing from his exposed skull and the perfect flesh of his face held in place with gold rivets*

"What do you have to lose?"

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@ HsoJVvad: If your interested in Alpha Legion, I personality love and use this tutorial on youtube for my Alpha Legion Kill team


Also Welcome to the Chaos forum, here have some cultist to start with.

On a more serious note, if you love a faction, it doesn't matter what others say. The one thing about all chaos, it gives you complete freedom of modeling and fluff. You make the choices, you say I am this and I am proud of that choice. Chaos forum has some vets that are so dedicated to their armies, you see the love in every miniature. Chaos is not just a fraction, its family. Well a dysfunctional family to the extreme, but still a family. Would you join us, DV could supply more model for both your new chaos army and your dark angels(traitor already).


Hydra Domination


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Ok, thank you guys. I will make a new thread so we don't derail this thread any longer. I will post what I  have and work from there. I have no idea how CSM works so you can help me out. 


Hopefully you guys will keep me motivated in the new thread I make. 

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You are getting turned off by a few that complain and not inspired by 40odd (and counting) who have vowed 60k+ points? :o


C'mon embrace the dark Gods and fight in this Black Crusade - this time it looks like Terra will fall!

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You are getting turned off by a few that complain and not inspired by 40odd (and counting) who have vowed 60k+ points? :o


C'mon embrace the dark Gods and fight in this great Crusade - thus time it looks like Terra will fall!

With how the Chaos threads can go..I fully understand. I nearly threw the towel in too a while back.

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I would really really really really really love to join in the Realm of Chaos ETL III campaign but there are a few reasons why I cant

  • You're all traitorous heathen dogs
  • I hate you all
  • You're going to lose
  • You're all traitorous heathen dogs
  • I haven't got any chaos models (well I suppose I have got a few Dark Angels lying around)
  • Iv'e served with the Codex faction since the ETL began and I stick to my team (Aquilanus ermm.gif )
  • Your a nasty bunch
  • Your vows mean nothing, I mean what have you to lose, your souls are already damned!
  • Did I mention you're all traitorous heathen dogs?
So that's why I can't join you unfortunately.

Good luck though smile.png

PS: Note to self... I hate Chaos

Ah the loyalist. What is your hate? A pale shadow, fleeting, temporary. True hate, Chaos hate is solid, it breathes. It radiates black malevolence. True hate consumes you until it becomes your only thought and your only mantra. Hate. The word alone cannot begin to describe. The abhorrence, the disgust, the revulsion. In your dreams, in every waking moment. And you must give it focus and give it purpose lest it destroy you. What you are experiencing my loyalist cousin is mild dislike, pathetic and unforged. If you or your empty minded zealot friends understood hate, more then the word, but the totality of the feeling, you would be worthy to face us. But you do not, repeat you catechisms, and bask in their worthless embrace as the forces of chaos destroy you.

Now begone, your pathetic soul illuminates the this place with your innocence.

*a smell fills the room, but nothing familiar to anyone. Appealing, nauseating, succulent, and repelling all at the same time. A voice follows but seems as if made from multiple voices. Angelic and guttural, seductive and grating.*

"You speak of hatred but do you really know the feeling of hatred. You follow blindly of the orders which have not come from the proclaimed Emperor of mankind for millennia. You and your kin repress yourselves to the point of self flagellation. Which I have to admit does arouse my humours."

"If you really, truly, and completely wish to know hatred. It can be yours. So can so much more. You are restricted to be what you are and nothing more by mortals who know not of war. Of fear. Of the warp and it denizens. Of what true power really is.

Join with us. In any way you feel. But know what it is to think for yourself. Choose your own path. And be masters of your own destiny. There is so much to see once you break free from the shackles that bind you."

*with that a glowing figure steps forward from the darkness in ornate flesh armour. Large horns growing from his exposed skull and the perfect flesh of his face held in place with gold rivets*

"What do you have to lose?"

Priceless! Now this is exactly the kind of Jibba Jabba I expect to roll forth from your wimpering little mouths. You have been sent to your bedroom by the Emperor for 10'000 years, no wonder you talk innate babble!

Your right in someways though my warped and misled Brethren.... I don't really hate, not proper fleshy horns on head Gwar hate. No. Us Raptors are far to busy kicking heathen arse to bother with childish emotions like that. As an ancient (even in her day) Terran Wordsmith used to sing "What's hate got to do, got to do with it. What's hate but despair at your own failure"

Anyways, You don't need me here, you are doing a sterling job of arguing amongst yourselves.

Im off to have a cup of tea with the Templars, you know they are a fine bunch of lads, really they are. Did you know their Codex got rolled and someone tried to say that they dine with witches these days? Didn't stop them from being who they are though.

Templars good bunch of lads.


Love you all really teehee.gif

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