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So, why aren't you in the ETL?

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You'r[e] right in someways though my warped and misled Brethren.... I don't really hate [...]


You agree with me do you, a chaos heretic like me? Very foolish my open minded loyalist. Remember to inform your peers of our meeting of the minds and how you saw the darkness and believed it truer then the light. I'm sure they will welcome such news and display restraint and understanding. Of course they will. Its not like their favourite word is Zeal. Zeal is love they say, Zeal is Life. Hardly a mention of the glory of the Emperor, oh no he is forgotten. Like a spent bolt shell. Zeal, act without thought, zeal, fight only with might.


Its almost as if they are covered in chaos. Ask them. They won't agree oh no. But I know, most of them are based in Chaos Black. It has taken them. It has warped their minds. Emptied it of thought. Emptied of understanding. Zeal, but one step, one fall from pure and total rage. And rage is the strongest, most enticing path for our kind. And when they deny, remind them who first chained their weapons upon their wrists. World Eaters.





Back at ya mate :P

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i like the enthusiasm in this thread! I might just vow in my upcoming plague marines... :)


I would have vowed in my Nurgle DP i just finished today, had i known all this was happening. But the increasing negativity in these sub forums drove me away from B&C for a while. Which is sad, as there are some amazing and truly inspiring chaos fanatics here.


Hence i like this thread. Let's see if we can get Chaos to win this thing then :P


Edit: typos

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@ HsoJVvad: If your interested in Alpha Legion, I personality love and use this tutorial on youtube for my Alpha Legion Kill team


Aww, that's the paint scheme of the Alpha Legion in the 3.5 codex !

I'm so fond of this one.

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i like the enthusiasm in this thread! I might just vow in my upcoming plague marines... :)


I would have vowed in my Nurgle DP i just finished today, had i known all this was happening. But the increasing negativity in these sub forums drove me away from B&C for a while. Which is sad, as there are some amazing and truly inspiring chaos fanatics here.


Hence i like this thread. Let's see if we can get Chaos to win this thing then :P


Edit: typos

If you find the more game orientated areas a bit negative, just head to the Work in Progress area. Nothing but creativity and encouragement there.

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"Because I'm in law school cry.gif"

We'll let you off this one then msn-wink.gif

Haha, perfect...I'm itching to get the rest of Hexfleet Virules at least fully built and sculpted by the end of the summer!

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"Because I'm in law school cry.gif"

We'll let you off this one then msn-wink.gif

Haha, perfect...I'm itching to get the rest of Hexfleet Virules at least fully built and sculpted by the end of the summer!

Going for the Plague Angel then (judging by your avatar)

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"Because I'm in law school cry.gif"

We'll let you off this one then msn-wink.gif

Haha, perfect...I'm itching to get the rest of Hexfleet Virules at least fully built and sculpted by the end of the summer!

Going for the Plague Angel then (judging by your avatar)

I think I will too.

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"Because I'm in law school cry.gif"

We'll let you off this one then msn-wink.gif
Haha, perfect...I'm itching to get the rest of Hexfleet Virules at least fully built and sculpted by the end of the summer!
Going for the Plague Angel then (judging by your avatar)

I think I will too.

Would go pincer myself but bills came in :( had to go with the bare minimum pledge.

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"Because I'm in law school cry.gif"

We'll let you off this one then msn-wink.gif
Haha, perfect...I'm itching to get the rest of Hexfleet Virules at least fully built and sculpted by the end of the summer!
Going for the Plague Angel then (judging by your avatar)

I think I will too.

Would go pincer myself but bills came in sad.png had to go with the bare minimum pledge.

Yeah, I prefer the Angel to the Demon, if the latter had wings though...

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I would really really really really really love to join in the Realm of Chaos ETL III campaign but there are a few reasons why I cant

  • You're all traitorous heathen dogs
  • I hate you all
  • You're going to lose
  • You're all traitorous heathen dogs
  • I haven't got any chaos models (well I suppose I have got a few Dark Angels lying around)
  • Iv'e served with the Codex faction since the ETL began and I stick to my team (Aquilanus ermm.gif )
  • Your a nasty bunch
  • Your vows mean nothing, I mean what have you to lose, your souls are already damned!
  • Did I mention you're all traitorous heathen dogs?
So that's why I can't join you unfortunately.

Good luck though smile.png

PS: Note to self... I hate Chaos

Ah the loyalist. What is your hate? A pale shadow, fleeting, temporary. True hate, Chaos hate is solid, it breathes. It radiates black malevolence. True hate consumes you until it becomes your only thought and your only mantra. Hate. The word alone cannot begin to describe. The abhorrence, the disgust, the revulsion. In your dreams, in every waking moment. And you must give it focus and give it purpose lest it destroy you. What you are experiencing my loyalist cousin is mild dislike, pathetic and unforged. If you or your empty minded zealot friends understood hate, more then the word, but the totality of the feeling, you would be worthy to face us. But you do not, repeat you catechisms, and bask in their worthless embrace as the forces of chaos destroy you.

Now begone, your pathetic soul illuminates the this place with your innocence.

*a smell fills the room, but nothing familiar to anyone. Appealing, nauseating, succulent, and repelling all at the same time. A voice follows but seems as if made from multiple voices. Angelic and guttural, seductive and grating.*

"You speak of hatred but do you really know the feeling of hatred. You follow blindly of the orders which have not come from the proclaimed Emperor of mankind for millennia. You and your kin repress yourselves to the point of self flagellation. Which I have to admit does arouse my humours."

"If you really, truly, and completely wish to know hatred. It can be yours. So can so much more. You are restricted to be what you are and nothing more by mortals who know not of war. Of fear. Of the warp and it denizens. Of what true power really is.

Join with us. In any way you feel. But know what it is to think for yourself. Choose your own path. And be masters of your own destiny. There is so much to see once you break free from the shackles that bind you."

*with that a glowing figure steps forward from the darkness in ornate flesh armour. Large horns growing from his exposed skull and the perfect flesh of his face held in place with gold rivets*

"What do you have to lose?"

Priceless! Now this is exactly the kind of Jibba Jabba I expect to roll forth from your wimpering little mouths. You have been sent to your bedroom by the Emperor for 10'000 years, no wonder you talk innate babble!

Your right in someways though my warped and misled Brethren.... I don't really hate, not proper fleshy horns on head Gwar hate. No. Us Raptors are far to busy kicking heathen arse to bother with childish emotions like that. As an ancient (even in her day) Terran Wordsmith used to sing "What's hate got to do, got to do with it. What's hate but despair at your own failure"

Anyways, You don't need me here, you are doing a sterling job of arguing amongst yourselves.

Im off to have a cup of tea with the Templars, you know they are a fine bunch of lads, really they are. Did you know their Codex got rolled and someone tried to say that they dine with witches these days? Didn't stop them from being who they are though.

Templars good bunch of lads.


Love you all really teehee.gif

Aww, sounds like someone needs a puppy.

I'll let you have mine.


Love you too Yak.

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"Because I'm in law school cry.gif"

We'll let you off this one then msn-wink.gif

Haha, perfect...I'm itching to get the rest of Hexfleet Virules at least fully built and sculpted by the end of the summer!

Going for the Plague Angel then (judging by your avatar)

Haha, yeah....you can see the old Ultraforge demon I am using in the link in my sig. I was originally just going to pledge for the Maggot Demon, Plague Angel, and Spider Demon, but I got suckered into buying the Zombie Dragon and Possessed Dragon as well when the Creature Bundle got put out. That's 2-3 times what I had been debating spending on a Krieg IG allied detachment for my Chaos armies, but I am hoping the huge price tag will feel less painful years from now when I still have my amazing models to enjoy no.gif

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"Because I'm in law school cry.gif"

We'll let you off this one then msn-wink.gif
Haha, perfect...I'm itching to get the rest of Hexfleet Virules at least fully built and sculpted by the end of the summer!
Going for the Plague Angel then (judging by your avatar)

Haha, yeah....you can see the old Ultraforge demon I am using in the link in my sig. I was originally just going to pledge for the Maggot Demon, Plague Angel, and Spider Demon, but I got suckered into buying the Zombie Dragon and Possessed Dragon as well when the Creature Bundle got put out. That's 2-3 times what I had been debating spending on a Krieg IG allied detachment for my Chaos armies, but I am hoping the huge price tag will feel less painful years from now when I still have my amazing models to enjoy no.gif

Well they'll be a joy to paint. And yes I am very jealous.

He's doing another live vid very shortly too ;)

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Chronic pain condition has really taken itself out on my hobby recently and I haven't put a brush to a mini in like, 9 months. Not sure if I'm ready to get back in the saddle, but it would be cool to contribute.


(the real reason is I still haven't figured out a perfect shade of red for my armour or a basing scheme I'm satisfied with and I'm intensely, ridiculously perfectionistic about these things :p )


I dunno, though, every mini counts, right? I'd have till august to work on an entry iirc, so maybe I'll put together a Black Legion terminator lord and paint him up slowly.

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Chronic pain condition has really taken itself out on my hobby recently and I haven't put a brush to a mini in like, 9 months. Not sure if I'm ready to get back in the saddle, but it would be cool to contribute.


(the real reason is I still haven't figured out a perfect shade of red for my armour or a basing scheme I'm satisfied with and I'm intensely, ridiculously perfectionistic about these things :p )


I dunno, though, every mini counts, right? I'd have till august to work on an entry iirc, so maybe I'll put together a Black Legion terminator lord and paint him up slowly.

Take your time and enjoy it.

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Here is another question, that I tried looking for and didn't see answered. What is considered a finished product? I see a lot of people saying they done painting a mini, but I don't see it based. I see beautiful painted minis with no base, so are based not included?


Also, I just want to make what looks cool for me. I don't know how many points it will be. So why do I do? I have seen great conversions. So what if I want to kit bash say my Helldrake and Maulerfiend? What if it's not even a unit but I think looks cool. Will that count?

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