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So, why aren't you in the ETL?

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Kitbashing is fine. Just use the closest 'counts as' points for it.


As for level of painting (and I am saying this through gritted teeth), it's only the model that needs to be finished so you don't need to do the base if you don't wish. What you should aim for though is your usual level of painting, or even push yourself to improve or learn a new technique. Though I do know of some who are happy to go down the spray, slap a few other colours on and call them done. Which is fine if that is how you usually paint but a few doing that usually paint better (personally that and painting in advance of the ETL start date is cheating. And worse if people are looking at your stuff and praising you for lowering standards).


So, to sum up.

  • Counts as points are aloud so long as the model represents the points well (so no calling a Nurgling a Great Unclean One)
  • Basic tournament level minimum (3 colours tabletop standard)
  • Basing is not required
  • I'm a fussy git myself and don't class my models as finished until they are really finished and based
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Here is another question, that I tried looking for and didn't see answered. What is considered a finished product? I see a lot of people saying they done painting a mini, but I don't see it based. I see beautiful painted minis with no base, so are based not included?


Also, I just want to make what looks cool for me. I don't know how many points it will be. So why do I do? I have seen great conversions. So what if I want to kit bash say my Helldrake and Maulerfiend? What if it's not even a unit but I think looks cool. Will that count?

The models are done when you say they're done. It is expected that you paint to the best of your ability or even try to improve further on it... If your usual standard is to do basing then do it. If not, that's fine. I cannot (and don't want to) judge people's painting ability or turn the ETL to a Golden Daemon style event. I want people from all skill levels to feel welcome, their contribution to be respected and hopefully even improve their skill through this process...


It is worth remebering that the ETL will be over in August but your minis will stay with you long after. Is it worth painting stuff to sub-standard levels for the price of a digital badge? Personally I don't think so... It'd rather wear the Badge of the Oathbreaker than spend time (and my hard earned cash) to do a substandard job...


On the matter of conversions, count-as, etc, of course they are welcome. I will refer you to the "Important Stuff" section in the main ETL rules (can't link it as I'm typing from a mobile device).


Hope this answers your questions...

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ETL wants to encourage creativity so conversions are generally accepted. One has to keep in mind though that the conversion should be easily recognizable as the unit it is supposed to represent. Remember a level of WYSIWYG must be preserved.



Following the above line of thinking and for the sake comparability, scratch-builds are not valid entries and are not allowed. Although some might be excellent representations of the GW originals others might be completely off and, with no intention of passing judgement on modelling ability or aesthetics, it’ll introduce an element of subjectivity that would be open to dispute. Such disputes we can do without and therefore we disallow scratch-build items altogether. See “Out-of-competition entries” later on.


“Count-as” units

“Count-as” units are allowed and could be the ticket many of you need in order to paint stuff not included in your selected army list. When making a “count-as” entry, the point cost of the unit will be taken from the Codex’ army list while the model itself could be something different. However please note that this is not a window for gaining easy points… It could be OK to paint a BA Librarian Dreadnought that counts-as a DA venerable dreadnought for example (as the models require roughly the same effort and they are both dreadnoughts after all) but you will not be allowed to paint a standard Marine that counts-as a Contemptor! In fact participants must be prepared to end up worse-off in the value-to-effort ratio but never the other way around – not in a significant manner anyway...


There you go (done on a mobile Semper)

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Made my pledge. No idea what the point total is, will fix it when I can figure it out.

Just remember not to include upgrades the you cannot model (auras for example).


Otherwise, welcome to the ETL :tu:

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ETL has informed me of one thing:


Semper is Omnipresent and Omniscience.


Wait, who are you really and do you sit on a Golden Throne or are you interrred deep within a big Rock?

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I'm trying to decide if I want to give up waiting on my Plague Marines being recovered and moving on to making a few Noise Marine squads with blast masters. 

Given how cheap I've been lately, I'm opting for neither and just sitting it out for a few months while I try and cool down.

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I'm trying to decide if I want to give up waiting on my Plague Marines being recovered and moving on to making a few Noise Marine squads with blast masters.


Given how cheap I've been lately, I'm opting for neither and just sitting it out for a few months while I try and cool down.

Whichever works best for you really. I don't usually say this but, if the action brings motivation. If you start on something that a small part of you wants to do. Seeing it begin will spark the motivation to complete it.

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So, I ask you this. With all this in mind, and slightly less than 3 months to paint your vow, will you join us? Will you blaze a path across the galaxy to the Gates of Terra, or will you cower from what needs to be done?


Well, OK.

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I'm trying to decide if I want to give up waiting on my Plague Marines being recovered and moving on to making a few Noise Marine squads with blast masters.


Given how cheap I've been lately, I'm opting for neither and just sitting it out for a few months while I try and cool down.

Whichever works best for you really. I don't usually say this but, if the action brings motivation. If you start on something that a small part of you wants to do. Seeing it begin will spark the motivation to complete it.


The completion isn't the problem, it's wanting an army.  I'm opting to wait for the new rules too, but I need an army regardless and I keep passing deals of models to strip and paint every week waiting on friends to search the house for the rest of my crap.

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