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So 7th seems to be around the corner:




Summoning daemons? Daemonic psychic powers? Whaaaaaat? Depending on what the rules actually are, this might be our time to shine my friends!!! :D

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I think the more important part is the all riptide esque army...

Comeon, that's the unbound thing. How many do you think will be allowed to play with that in clubs/tournaments?

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I think the more important part is the all riptide esque army...

Comeon, that's the unbound thing. How many do you think will be allowed to play with that in clubs/tournaments?



Depends on the build, could be great for fluffy armies

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I think the more important part is the all riptide esque army...

Comeon, that's the unbound thing. How many do you think will be allowed to play with that in clubs/tournaments?



Depends on the build, could be great for fluffy armies

Yeah, but the ability to supercheese will trump that for tournaments and local dens I'd imagine. Also, we don't know anything about what they loose by going supercheese yet!

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I agree, we don't know the ramifications of being 'unbound' yet. Or the bonuses of playing 'battle-forged' against 'unbound'.


Anyway, Thousand Sons might be getting our 15 mins! Ahriman plus lieutenant sorcerer plus 3-4 aspiring sorcerers equals a lot of psychic dice! :D Then all the daemon summoning fun to be had.


Not forgetting the objective where we can sit around chanting to score points ;)

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There's only going to be so many psychic dice to go around, though. At some point in taking too many psykers you're going to have a couple who run out before getting to do much worthwhile.

I haven't played WHFB since the 90s, could you explain a bit more about what to think about there? Could be useful if they bring the same system to 40k!

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As I understand it, 7th is really supposed to be a 6.5... so are they revamping anything specifically army wise besides adding a Fantasy phase into 40k? 

Quick reminder though, WH40k used to have a psychic phase back in 2nd ed...it's nothing new to some of us... ;)

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With this new tidbit of librarians sacrificing their souls at the last breath in order to summon a daemon and win the day I'm really looking forward to re-creating the scenes on Prospero as Thousand Sons sorcerers lose control of their growing powers and become greater daemons, immolate themselves or just generally overload and go nuclear. We should all have suitable daemon models on hand ready to rock!

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Though that text was about a playtesting scenario and maybe not something we'll actually see in the rulebook...

Yeah quite probably. Though as the "evil" faction our daemonlore has gotta be good surely :D

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.... I'll wait and see, I must admit I'm dubious about 7th just due to 6th being less then three years old, so I may wait a while before switching.
I also am worried by warp charge being shared across the whole army, anyone else looking forward to none of our sorcerers being even able to attempt to cast due to one bad roll?

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.... I'll wait and see, I must admit I'm dubious about 7th just due to 6th being less then three years old, so I may wait a while before switching.

I also am worried by warp charge being shared across the whole army, anyone else looking forward to none of our sorcerers being even able to attempt to cast due to one bad roll?



From the article, it seems that the roll is made then added to the collective mastery levels of all psykers in the army, which means that psykers will always have the ability to cast their spells, but may also choose not to in order to dispel or nullify enemy psychic powers or whatever other options they happen to include. This will actually mean that Thousand Sons forces will be particularly dominant in the psychic phase, as not only will you have large pools of dice from your mastery level 3 sorcerers, daemon princes etc, you'll also be generating dice from your aspiring sorcerers, meaning that you could choose not to use their psychic powers in order to provide a certain degree of psychic defence in the enemy's psychic phase. Also, consider how this might be utilised in an unbound army list in which you have any number of mastery level three tzeentch marked psykers accompanying your Thousand Sons squads. Assuming that things play out as the article seems to imply, Thousand Sons forces may have suddenly become somewhat more viable.

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.... I'll wait and see, I must admit I'm dubious about 7th just due to 6th being less then three years old, so I may wait a while before switching.

I also am worried by warp charge being shared across the whole army, anyone else looking forward to none of our sorcerers being even able to attempt to cast due to one bad roll?

Also good luck against Space Wolves with their seemingly unlimited amount of cheap Rune Priests possibly nullifying any of your dice rolls and rolling buckets of dice themselves.

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.... I'll wait and see, I must admit I'm dubious about 7th just due to 6th being less then three years old, so I may wait a while before switching.

I also am worried by warp charge being shared across the whole army, anyone else looking forward to none of our sorcerers being even able to attempt to cast due to one bad roll?

Also good luck against Space Wolves with their seemingly unlimited amount of cheap Rune Priests possibly nullifying any of your dice rolls and rolling buckets of dice themselves.

A battle not only in realspace but in the great ocean as well, sounds fluffy! :)

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This is definitely going to be our edition now!

- A dedicated psychic phase for our psykers!

- D weapons allowing for invulnerable saves to still be taken on 2-5 results.

- Daemons being able to be summoned by psykers relatively easily.

- Rubrics being troops and getting the uncontestable rule if in a battle-forged list.

- FMC daemon princes will be harder to shoot down


And the fact that a lot of powerful armies are being toned down while we are only getting buffs! Tau will be suffering from a lack of psychic power, bike armies and Eldar won't be able to jink with impunity etc.


Loving this!

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So with the psychic phase, you can use witchfire powers at different targets to each other and then you can shoot at a different target in the shooting phase...


...will I perhaps use Ahriman's ap3 pistol for the first time ever???

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I'm excited. Between the psychic phase, targeting different units with witchfire, and daemonology. I'm thimkimg Ahriman, BL Last Memory Sorcerer and a bunch of 1k Sons, Fateweaver, and Horrors.


Not sure how it will play out, but CS Prophet Sorcerer with Possessed and the +1 Save power. The deep striking daemons, Oblits, Mutilators, or Warp Talons would be fun.

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