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TZEENTCH : looking for ideas for kitbash

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I started GW with Rogue Trader which probably qualifies my as a Living Ancestor.

I'm back in the hobby. Mostly for converting, kitbashing and painting.

I'm looking for a generic idea to center my conversions.

It seems to me that Tzeentch as always been on the less followed gods.

I understand that it's a difficult army to play but I don't play I just built and know nothing of background.


I like the idea of kitbashing models : cultist, daemons, marines...

Right know I bought several boxes of daemons that I'm working on including some horrors


It seems that the 1000 sons are the only army build.

I like the concept of walking sarcophagis but the bee-head like doesn't really work for me.

I like the idea of a Egyptian background and the bird patrons but might take it more in Tengu Japanese style direction.


I guess my main question is where to find background on Tzeentch and is there any other CSM chapter following that God? Anyone using cultists and mutants as food canon?

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If you are keen on the Egyptian side of things, the tomb kings range may help

Also after 10,000 years in the eye of terror, I'm sure there are plenty of warbands that follow Tzeentch that aren't 1k sons, so you could pick any aspect of the lord of change and just go with it, I'd suggest trying to lay your hands on any of the old realm of chaos sourcebooks for inspiration

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Everyone is using cultists and mutants as cannon fodder, it's a basic strategem for chaos commanders. ;)


There are a few Tzeentch warbands out there, the main ones are the Thousand Sons ones I'd guess. Then we have "The Scourged" who are all insane since they hear every lie told by man throughout the universe...all the time... :D


Other than that, it's all up to your imagination...but remember to post pics of your endeavours! Praise to Tzeentch!

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HI, The realms of Chaos from the 80's ? I have one, on the other side of the planet. Going to be tricky to find in China smile.png

Yeah, I am a survivor of that era too, and the information contained in them is fun indeed and can be a great inspiration...though since you can't get a hold of them, http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Main_Page#.U2ido1fCYlU might be a nice source of information.

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If you're looking for some inspiration, maybe check out Kromlech & Puppetswar(it's puppets something anyways). They're  alternate bit manufacturers that have wide range of bits including stuff for all you Heretics. Good luck & hope to see some pics.

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@ Rift Blade

Thanks. Indeed there are some inspiring idea. I like the Tau (egyptian symbol) on the shoulder pad from Kromlech gave me the idea of making my own symbol shoulder pad and then visiting Puppetswar I saw the Japanese bushi power armour and thought that way look cool and Tzeentch wispered in my ear "Don't do just a normal chaos shoulder pad. Do a Japanese one. I... am ... the lord of Changes. I... am ... your ADD syndrom...No rules can be applied to my legions"


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  • 1 month later...

So I'm back to an Egyptian mood.

I'm not a player. Please don't hurt me :D
I don't see a lot of Tzeench armies around but the few I seen are 1K sons, really tempting,  and they are mostly influenced by the Tomb kings armies in the kitbash.

I like the living dead idea but isn't that mostly reserved for Nurgle and not Tzeench?

I like kitbashing so demons/mutants seems to be appropriate for the T god but Tzeench zombies ?

Is that allowed?


Any help would be greatly appreciate to calm the voices of T the whisperer and save my credit card from GW

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Zombies are more Nurgle-y, but Skeletons definitely have a Tzeentchian feel to them.


The reason you don't see many non-1kson Tzeentch armies is because the game rules make such armies suck. ^^; But that doesn't mean you can't throw them out there and build stuff, especially if you don't plan on gaming.

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