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Fanthology submissions by the end of the month.


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Don't forget to submit your first draft before the end of May, people. Email your draft to me at submissions@TibbsForge.com. If you're knee-deep in an ETL pledge, don't forget that a spot of writing is great for keeping your creative juices flowing. 


I've gotten some submissions already, but nowhere near enough. If you think your idea isn't good enough, or your draft is too rough, think again. I'm hoping for as much variety as possible.


Submit 'em all and let the B&C sort 'em out. :D

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Can we submit more than once?


Sure, man. Depending on how many we get and what the topics are, of course don't be surprised if they don't both get used. It might be best to refine one idea that you like better, but I'm not going to say you can't submit another. Go for it! 



Am I part of those few who sent something?


Haha! Yeah, I got yours. 

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Synopsis e-mailed to you, Jeff. Let me know if it's a stinker. :P


(The rough draft can be done in the near future, if that's what's really needed. ;) )

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Has this still got a 3,000 word limit?


I'm going to try and stick to it, but submit your draft anyway even if it's longer. When they go through the workshopping process, we'll be able to find things that can maybe be trimmed or maybe we'll find that it'd be best to focus on one part of a longer story. 

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I am getting there, just in the process of moving house as well so, you know, things are a little chaotic in the Schemeatorium at the moment...


I'm right there with you, man. Everything I have that's hobby related is boxed up right now and sitting in the new house. It's tough to justify breaking it out when there's so much else to do. :D 

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I am getting there, just in the process of moving house as well so, you know, things are a little chaotic in the Schemeatorium at the moment...

I'm right there with you, man. Everything I have that's hobby related is boxed up right now and sitting in the new house. It's tough to justify breaking it out when there's so much else to do. biggrin.png

Justify? One does not justify ones service to Him on Terra! I sense the disturbing influence of that dreaded organism.. The Other Half.*

*Ok, totally see why no one has ever wanted to marry me.

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I am getting there, just in the process of moving house as well so, you know, things are a little chaotic in the Schemeatorium at the moment...

I'm right there with you, man. Everything I have that's hobby related is boxed up right now and sitting in the new house. It's tough to justify breaking it out when there's so much else to do. biggrin.png

Justify? One does not justify ones service to Him on Terra! I sense the disturbing influence of that dreaded organism.. The Other Half.*

*Ok, totally see why no one has ever wanted to marry me.

Haha. Yes. My allegiance is divided. What can I say? I actually like this girl and find her practical desires roughly coincide with my own perception of reality. :D

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I'm coming to this party a bit late, but before I commit, what exactly is required by the end of the month?


A rough draft? A solid outline? A rough synopsis? I'll be honest, I just haven't had time to go through every post in the much larger threads about this.

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I'm coming to this party a bit late, but before I commit, what exactly is required by the end of the month?


A rough draft? A solid outline? A rough synopsis? I'll be honest, I just haven't had time to go through every post in the much larger threads about this.


Yeah, man. All of the above. I'll take anything from an outline or paragraph of your Cool Idea® to a fleshed out 3-4K of final draft. The idea here is this is the first step in a longer process, and I'm really just looking to see what kind of stories we'll be using before we worry too much about what shape they're in. The final product goal we're shooting for is around 3K words per story. Shorter and slightly longer are fine, but don't worry about that yet. Workshopping will help us get the length down or add to what's interesting down the line. 

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Alrighty then!  Thanks for the backbrief and I'll be sure to submit my idea or two here in the next few with follow-ups as I make progress.

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