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So a few questions, not about the rules, but modellingwise. 


Yesterday I had my first "official" win at 40k in a local gameclub (We don't count kitchentablegames with my girlfriend as "official"). After about ten games I was pretty excited about winning. I also rolled 65 for my chaos boons for my Lord against a marine vt. sgt.


Since I've promised my wallet that I wouldn't get a Daemon Prince I didn't have a figure for it. A friend from the club loaned the Chaos Decimator for me to use as a DP and I just fell in love with that mechanical look. 


I don't really like the DP models GW has out, so I was thinking of taking a different route. Maybe the Helbrute? I also love the Decimator but it's a bit pricey. I would, of course, attach some wings to the model.


Do you guys have some suggestions about models to use or some cool conversion ideas? I'm not the best modeller in the world but I have a can-do attitude and I'd love to push my skills to the limits.


Edit. I have a huge man-crush at the C'Tan Nightbringer but it has to be made a little more chaos-y.

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How do you want it to lean in terms of theme? Khorne/Nurgle/Slaanesh/Tzeentch/Undivided/Mech? I was leaning towards the Daemon Engine till you threw in the Nightbringer curveball :p

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I'm leaning towards Nurgle, maybe Tzeentch. The Nightbringer is an unfullfilled childhood dream and I'm leaning towards the biomechanical look :D


Jeske, yeah I know that DA DP's are naked, it's just that since my lord turned into DP now I have to use him as a DP. Don't know if that makes any sense but it's my justification for getting the model :D thanks for the link, that beast looks absolutely terrifying!

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I made a daemon prince with the power armour torso from the dp kit, sentinel legs, ork dread arms, juggernaut head, and model jet engines for wings. I'm on my phone or I'd link a pic.


EDIT: time freed up





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Mechanical look is fine. Helbrute is a good starting point. For a boon prince, leave off the wings, though. Boon princes have armor, but do not have flight (or artifacts, psychic powers, or anything else other than a daemons of ability if the champion was marked).
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I'll be using the prince as a normal Prince and I'll have to create another prince for the boons whistling.gif

For the actual, real Prince my Lord has now turned in my fluff, I'm going for the wings.

-Max-, that model looks phenomenal, I have to steal a few ideas from that ;)

I do want to make my normal Prince a bit more fleshy than that though, so maybe a helbrute is a good starting point. I have the DV Helbrute, but is the new boxed helbrute model more customisable than the DV one? Just looking for experiences from people who've used the model :)

Thanks for the comments everyone!

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